Getting Started with Options (Week 12 of 12) (2024)

well hello everyone welcome to getting

started with options my name is Barbara

Armstrong I'm a coach with Schwab

delighted to have you all here with me

today um today we are going to talk

about one of my favorite topics the

seven things I wish I had known about

trading options and trading in general

when I got started and introduced to

this whole world of investing and

trading back in

so as many of you know I'm a

product of this education and over the

years I there are several things I

realized that I wish somebody had just

laid out for me right in the beginning

and that's what we're going to go over

today this is the th week and a we

series and our getting started with

options webcast series I debated on

making this the very first one in the

series so um whether you're brand new or

going through this series for the fifth

or sixth or seventh time um I welcome

you and um I'm hoping that you'll walk

away with either a good reminder or

something new that you perhaps hadn't

thought about um hello to Susie Q and

priia and Greg and Tom and Elizabeth and

NES and Frank and and Doug and Jeff and

Tom and the rest of the gang thank you

all for being here with me live today we

also have Mike Fairborn with us in the

chat he's a friend and a fellow coach he

understands all of these Concepts um

that we're going to talk about today so

if you have any questions please don't

hesitate to ask if you're watching this

in the archives you to have a voice you

can type your comments in down below and

uh let me know that if you learn

something new today um and if there are

other topics you'd like us to cover in

this series I do read and respond to

each and every one of those comments um

another way for Mike and I to

communicate with you and you to be able

to communicate with us is through the

land of X formerly known as Twitter Mike

has already put our handles into the

live chat it's Barb Armstrong CS for

Charles Schwab and Mike Fairbourn CS I

hope you will join us there consider

this your um a formal invitation to

follow us there if you haven't done so

already so let's get through our

important information and um then we can

really get into the nitty-gritty of


topic so first know that options carry a

high level of risk and are not suitable

for all investors if you want to trade

options with Schwab you have to apply

for option trading Privileges and not

all will necessarily qualify we have to

take transaction fees into account when

we trade options and we have to

understand the risk that we're taking

when we place a trade and with some you

know the risk is that we could lose um

how we could lose % of what we paid

to get into the trade um and we use the

paper money software application in this

class um based on on The Thinker swim

desktop platform it is a brilliant place

to learn and to hone your skills and to

make sure that you understand what

you're doing before you consider trading

in a live account um it it's also a

great way to become familiar with the

the trading platform because it looks

like smells like feels like a real

account um so it's a safe place to

practice there are some nuances and

differences um and we'll go over those

as a apprpriate in in the weeks to come

we uh look at we'll look at charts which

we call technical analysis but know that

that shouldn't be your only means of

making an investment decision that

understanding what's happening around

earnings understanding what the company

does for a living understanding the

industry it participates and all of

those things help you make a more

informed decision um yeah so we don't

recommend that technical analysis is

your sole means of investment research

and know that everything that we do in

this class is for example purposes only

so Susie is asking me how much time I

spent studying trades and when I found

this education I was so excited my car

about drove itself home uh just to be

honest with you it was July of

and um I made a commitment to

investing at least one hour a day five

days a week and I I think for me that's

more impactful it's like you can't just

go to the gym once a week for hours

and think you're going to get fit you

know you're going it's going to be much

more impactful if you spend an hour a

day you know over five days and so there

were some days I absolutely spent more

time than that but my goal was to spend

at least an hour a day go through a

section of a course so I started with

the courses and then there was a bunch

of short videos I did all of those and

then I started coming to

like this and in all honesty there

wasn't a webcast like this getting

started with options series when I

joined as a coach five years after I

started this journey in the world of

trading um I created this class because

it was the class I would have wanted to


yeah um I still and somebody's asking

you know how long did it take before I

knew what I was doing um

there were some things that were

intuitive to me that I got a handle on

pretty quickly there were other things

that I really didn't get to mastering uh

for years and I'm just going to be dead

nuts honest with you about that and as

we go through this you'll see why I I'm

saying years because I didn't start

mastering some of these trading

strategies that we're teaching until you

know I was a year or so in yeah and so

if you feel like you're drinking out of

a fire my friends please know that you

are not alone like I too felt ex I felt

exactly like that when I started but I

just kept drinking and it's like okay

figure out this little thing and do that

and and um create a a a trading plan so

as we go through I'll I'll walk you

through kind of my thought process as I

approach this okay so you know when you

come to this series overview um it it

goes over weeks and we discuss

different strategies and the goal is not

at the end of weeks for you to have

mastered all these strategies the goal

is you know at the end of weeks if

you understand what you're you're

aspiring to do with trading and with

trading options that it you know

depending on your goals and your account

size and how much time you want to spend

um looking at your Investments and all

that stuff you might say well you know

I'm starting out I'm years old and I

have a small account size like so to do

a BuyRight covered call that probably

won't apply to me right now because I

don't have enough money in my account to

buy a shares of something and the

same thing with short puts and covered

calls so right now these are less

appealing but I really like the idea of

these um credit spreads and these debit

spreads because even with a small

account I can take a defined amount of

risk and you know these can work in a

small account even if I want to trade a

more expensive stock these might work

better for me or these long puts and

short puts now somebody who's maybe

already built their giant Heap and

they're looking to do something that is

somewhat conservative they might say hey

this might not be appropriate for you

but I love the idea of these covered

calls and so that's going to be the

strategy that that I look to Master

first or these by right covered calls I

think that looks incredible so you know

just depends on where you are and

there's no one right or wrong or best

strategy per se to start

with okay so but the goal is at the end

of this weeks that you can say here's

the one strategy that I'd like to Master



yeah okay

so yeah and there's a a lot of comments

in in the chat you know about it it can

feel a little o overwhelming and all I

can say is keep coming back and give

yourself Grace and start trading in

paper money because when you start um

trying to put this into practice then

you figure out fairly quickly what you

really do not

understand you know and know that I'm a

resource all the other coaches are a

resource also if you're having trouble

doing something on the platform you can

call the trade desk that's a resource um

so there are a lot of people you know

and our job is to help you develop

confidence and competence you know and

at the end of this you may say you know

what these strategies really aren't for

me you know like this options thing

isn't for me but at least then you'd be

making an informed

decision you know and I think that is

really really important to make an

informed decision and and what was

exciting to me you know because I came

to this in remember

that wasn't pretty and and so a

lot of people by the time the dust

settled their portfolios were down by

% and so what I really liked is that

there were strategies that were designed

to work well when I looked at options

you know and I knew that there were

people making money as the market fell

but there are strategies that are

designed to work well when the market is

going up and so a long call works well

if the market is going up now if you're

wrong about that stock going up and it

goes down instead you could lose %

but it's designed to work well when a

stock is going up with a put it's

designed to work well when the Market's

going down a covered call can work

really well when the market is going

sideways you know a BuyRight covered

call can work well if a stock goes

sideways or if it goes up you know a

short put that's really that can work

well if it goes up or sideways you know

and this is kind of bullish to neutral

you know and this

is so up or

sideways this is kind of more down


sideways and so what you can see here is

that you know these can you have

strategies that can work well when the

market is going up when the Market's

going down and when the market is going

sideways and that was really appealing

to me because I had just gone through a

big downturn and so I wanted to to know

how to take advantage of the market or a

stock moving in any direction and then

long call verticals these are are

bullish long put verticals you know

benefit when a stock Falls you know so

you know it gives us tools we can use no

matter what is happening you know and

but you just have to understand the risk

because there are going to be times that

you are wrong and so there you you have

to learn how to manage things if things

go wrong and and at some point that is

likely to happen and and if somebody

tells you they've never had had a losing

trade they're either being dishonest

with themselves or dishonest with you or

they haven't traded they haven't traded

much maybe they've placed two trades and

lucky for them they both worked out but

if you if if you place enough trades

there are going to be some that do not

work out the probability is

exceptionally High even the best traders

in the world have trades that are not

profitable so today we're going to kind

of look at some of the the pitfalls and

and you know set our expect expectations

and then look at where to go next so

what is goal number one or you know or

or you know things I wish I'd known

number one and and the the first thing

is what's your goal like why are you

even here and and you know for me it's

like one I already had a bit of a a

giant heap if you will and so I wanted

to learn how to protect my giant Heap so

I call this you know you do you want to

are you looking to protect your giant

Heap however you want to Define Giant

and I say that like a little you know

tongue-in cheep te

uh oh man I'm having trouble talking

today a little tongue and cheek yeah do

you want to protect what you already

have you know and and and that is a

valuable goal right and then or do you

want to generate income and in our

trading a smaller account class we

started with , and you know we said

you know what if you wanted to generate

a $ a week and somebody said trying

to generate income with a small account

is stupid but you know what like we have

shown over the last four years that it

is possible to do that you know and I

met somebody at a at an in-person event

and by the way I love the in-person

events and when I asked that person what

his goal was it was to generate income

it's like well how much well his number

was you know okay now if you had a

small account that wouldn't be a

realistic goal and then we broke that

into well how much is that a

month you know and then so then you know

how much is that a

week and then you know your question is

you know how might one use options to

try and Achieve that

goal and so we said well if you could do

you know , a month that's on average

, a week that would get you to it

would be pretty close close to your goal

maybe you aim for knowing some

weeks you may not make anything you may

end up losing money but you know is that

a goal and then put a dollar sign on it

and then break it down into a manageable

chunk and then say how many would I have

to do to achieve that now some people

you may be young and you know at the

time I I started my goal wasn't

necessarily to generate income but it

was to grow my account so do am I

looking for growth

you know so am I looking to grow my

account and does that mean I'm going to

trade differently not necessarily but

you know how do you define success and

why do you want to do that because this

requires discipline my friends so you

know are we looking to protect to

generate income or growth and and and

you know you may want to do a bit of all

three and that's okay but figure out

what it is that you want and then figure

out why you want to do it because like

to me money has no value until it's

spent and what I mean by that is you

know I want to take some of the money

that I am making and making from my

investing and put it aside for my future

self because I know that that gives me

choices you know money you know can give

me choices or maybe is that you want to

have extra money to be able to take your

kids or your grandkids on a trip to

Disneyland maybe you're working in a job

you don't like and if you got enough of

a buffer you could leave that job and

write the book you've always wanted to

write or I I have no idea what your

goals are but if you in your in your

head know why you're doing this then I

think it's easier to be more disciplined

about it because there nobody is going

to care whether you came to this class

or not nobody's going to know whether

you place a practice trade or not so you

have to be

self-motivated you know okay I'm going

to get off my pedestal now but these are

important things my

friends you know these are important

things okay so there's the first one

have a goal and you know you may say you

know a common goal with investing is is

to beat The Benchmark okay so you want

to do that but you know I kind of take

it a step further why what are you going

to do with this money and what's it

going to do for you um and two you want

to one of them is this is a mistake that

I made so I went through the options

course and they covered or

different strategies right and I thought

well I'm a reasonably intelligent person

at least I kind of sort of think I am so

I should be able then to trade these


and you know what happened it didn't

work out so well because I didn't really

understand what I was doing and I didn't

you know and I can remember so clearly

thinking I had bought a protective put

on something and it's like well after

earnings now what do I do like it's so

you know I'd say don't think that

because you've gone through this and

you've had an intro to different

trading strategies and you know in this

course we covered different

strategies don't try and and and Master

them all at once just pick

one or you might say I want to master

credit spread so that's two you know

that would be short putut verticals is

the bar uh bullish version of that and

short call verticals or you might say I

really like these long verticals and

then once you get through this class

there is a class dedicated just to short

verticals on Wednesday taught by Ken

Rose there's another class dedicated to

Long verticals taught by Ben Watson on

Thursdays you know so it go to those

classes for Mastery and start placing

trades you know place a different trade

in your paper money account every day if

you can find a setup and then track your

results treat it like it's real

money and then make sure that you

understand the strategy both when it

goes for you and when it goes against

you so

this is what I did I tried to master

them all at the same time yeah that

didn't work out very well and and I

implore you not to do that pick one

strategy or two master that create a

trading plan trade your plan make sure

you understand it and then you can add

another plan and add another plan I am

still by most of the coaches standards

I'm a very simplistic

Trader you know it's because if you keep

it simple you know it's um you're way

more likely to be successful the

confused mind does nothing and so you

know when you're ready to add more

complex trades you know it will be there

okay so that's that

one so that's that's

number that's number two let's go to oh

sorry I've got a yeah somebody's saying

I'm I'm starting to sound like Scott

Thompson well I was taught by Scott

Thompson who is now a manager he was a

coach and and I loved his trading

strategies I love the way he thought I

love the way he thinks to this day um

yeah so

that's that's why I sound like

Scott because uh he was one of my

mentors next thing is have a trading

plan and I'm starting to create a series

of trading plans it's going a little

slower than I thought because I could

you know and this is showing up in the

trade management Min session sections

and so we have just I've just put the

first one in there but there is a whole

team of people behind the scenes that

you don't see um that review these to

make sure that I'm not saying anything

in error and that I'm clear about both

the upside and the downside and

everything and they are slammed right

now so we have to give them a little bit

of breathing room but what you will see

and let me just bring this up I mean

this is the segue into you want to

subscribe to this channel because what

you'll want to do and here's just a you

know a clean sheet I if you haven't hit

subscribe yet but there is a bunch of

trade management mini sessions

sorry um and so if you come to

YouTube and then just type in Trader

talks once you've subscribed it's faster

to get

there and you want the trader talks

you'll see this circle the Schwab

coaching webcast and so here is you know

what we're doing live now and this is

how when I'm you know watching a webcast

this is how I find them and then when

you come to playlists if you're new to

this um you know you can come down here

and here's the it's close to the bottom

of the

list here is the getting started with

options and you can view the full

playlist so if you've missed the rest

you know it starts with one and now

we're on week and next week we'll go

back to the top of the rotation again so

you can do some binge learning but these

mini sessions are in I think the second

row so here are the mini sessions and

and we're going to sort these so that

it'll be a little more intuitive oh look

at that they've done it so here's our

trading plan and all of the trading

plans will have this kind of royal blue

these are the trade management mini

sessions but if you're also newer to

thinker swim there's a bunch of mini

sessions they're also they're all in

this kind of turquoise color on how to

customize a chart or a watch list or the

monitor Tab and they're all about you

know minutes long um but these

trading plans as they get approved

they'll all be in here and and I will

create example trading plans that you

can use to kind of get you started okay

so and that's where they will be and and

I'll make sure that this this link is

posted at at the end of the class but

you know going back to you know have a

set of rules have an ex a trading plan

and and a trading plan you know it

should include what to trade or what to

buy when to buy it how much or position

sizing and then when to

exit and you know it it it's this helps

us manage our emotions because if a

trade starts to go against us um you

know I always say before you place any

trade even if it's buying a stock that

you think you want to hold for a long

time you know when are you going to

exit and if you say well if it stops

going up well how do you define stops

going up do you have a definitive rule

because it's very easy to start letting

emotions get in the way okay so have a

have a plan you know and I say it's kind

of like a recipe if you've never baked a

cake maybe you're in a rush and you say

like well you know what like this baking

soda and baking powder it's like a

teaspoon half a teaspoon like I'm in a

bit of a hurry I've got % of the

ingredients in here good enough and then

you want why the cake doesn't rise well

if if you have a rule follow it your

rule is there for a reason if the rule

doesn't matter then you probably don't

need it in there but there's a reason

that we have these four categories and

then a number of things within it and

then know when it's okay to break your

rule and what do I mean by that well

what I mean by that is that let's say

when you um trade a long call vertical

your goal is is a % profit on on what

you're risking to place the trade well

let's say you're at % and it looks

like the stock is going to start coming

back down in in in price and that will

eat away at the profit you've already

made and so in an effort to not snatch

defeat from the jaws of Victory you may

say for this one given what is happening

with the price of the stock I'm okay


% and you know that that's when I say

no when it's okay to break your rules so

your your your rule or your target may

have been and you may say I I I'm

okay with okay so have a have a plan

have a plan okay so this next one um I I

am just kind of free forming this one

here but this one I think is is pretty

critical and it is and somebody's

already typed this into the chat so you

guys are you guys are on top of things

let me just change we'll change the

color here so it is be

consistent you know treat this like a

job you know and and have

routines you know like I I if a lot of

your portfolio is in stock that you want

to continue to own unless it breaks a

certain you know goes down a certain

percentage or goes below the -day

moving average by more than x% or

whatever it is whatever your trading

plan says like you may not feel that you

need to look at those every day but

maybe part of your your routine is that

the first Monday of every month you look

at all those positions or it might be a

weekly rule for you that every Monday

you look at that position um some of the

types of Trades we place in this class

it requires daily management and you may

say well I have a full-time job Barb

like I don't have time to look at this

when the Market's opened well I didn't

say you had to look at it when the

Market's opened some of these trades you

know you you don't make your decision

until after the market closes for the

day and so you know do you have a

routine because Hobbies tend to cost

money you know so if you want this to

pay you like a business you need to to

treat it like a business and you need to

be consistent and and have routines and

and I can't emphasize that enough

because if you have a routine like and

my analogy is a Starbucks franchise or a

McDonald's franchise do you think that

they go in and go you know I think today

I'm going to just put a little twist on

the Big Mac I'm going to make it a

little different I'm not going to do

that you know two all beef patty Special

Sauce lettuce cheese to pickles onions

on a sesame seed bun like how do you

think that would fly yeah it

wouldn't they have a specific routine of

how they make each item and one of the

things that has helped them be

successful is that it doesn't matter

whether you're in Toronto or La when you

order a Big Mac you get the same product

it's consistent and they they get that

consistency by you know having a recipe

and and using consistent ingredients and

all of that okay and the other thing

we're going to well we'll get to that in

in a sec okay so that's number four

okay yeah Wy is saying say that twice I

know I tend to repeat myself but you

know it it's I can't

overestimate the importance of

consistency in almost anything in life

like if you exercise consistently and

you eat well consistently you know you

may not see a huge difference tomorrow

but over time that difference is going

to be phenomenal you know so consistency

is U you know I I don't know if it's one

of the Seven Wonders of the World but

it's a pretty important component to

success in almost any


um here's another one position sizing

and planning for loss now this chart

kind of gives me the heie jeebies these

are just examples these are in no way

recommendations in fact I would

recommend that these are not uh

appropriate but position sizing is

critical and so like we have an account

you know this is say you know we have a

$, account and this is saying you

know if your max loss was

% then you'd be you're saying that

your acceptable Max loss would be a

th per trade and and obviously that

is you would not want to risk a th

per trade our trading a smaller account

account we had

, and our Max risk was % when we

started and and that was an acceptable

Max loss of

now in the account that I have

started with I have two example accounts

in paper money the other one started

with half a

million and our acceptable loss on that

one is

per trade which

is half of

% sorry

. so it's half of % so you may say why

is this one % and this one half of %

well when you have a bigger bucket you

know you can take a lot of different

trades and be risking this small amount

now yeah and and these are I'm I'm

trying to get this um this slide updated

but um you know we had in our trading a

smaller account man we were Off to the

Races in November we reset the account

in November um and by the end of

December we were up by like

% in that account we took the account

from to , and we could have

thrown our shoulders out for patting

ourselves on the back and so you know

everybody's really euphoric right and

this is when a lot of times people will

say position sizing is for mere mortals

I'm obviously brilliant and these rules

should no longer apply to me

well then the first week of January came

and we had I think we had trades we

had a lot of trades on we had at least

eight so let's say we had eight trades

on and they all plummeted because the

market pulled back that first week of

January and we were down in one week


$ now we had grown the account by

% but $ like that's a

wound now just imagine an our Max risk


% if it had been % we would have

blown up our

account and so you might say well if I'm

willing to risk

% then could I make this now

you could or what you might say is

until I I get the account grown to the

point where it's over , I'm going

to leave it at that actually we now

have it per trade so it's it's not

still % it's a little lower than that

because our account is now you know over

it's , and change but you know

you could quarterly say I'm going to

make this my Max risk per trade and then

I'm going to look at the account and if

the account is

down then I'm going to lower this to you


, because the account is worth less

you know or if the account has gone up

I'm going to raise it but have a

position sizing Rule and stick to it

okay yeah somebody's saying this is the

secret sauce and and and someone else is

saying yes position sizing has kept me

in the game without you know blowing up

my account yeah and and so it is um yeah

and somebody else said had I

consistently applied position sizing

risk management and trade management I

would have preserved

% uh of my preco crash gains rather

than just

yeah so sometimes we learn from the

School of Hard Knock so when I am um

telling you these things often I know

people who have broken these rules and I

know two people in particular who have

admitted that they've broken this rule

from a stage and said you know I was

just doing so well I thought these rules

didn't apply anymore the market tanks

and all of a sudden I'm laying on my bed

in the fetal position sucking my thumb

because the pain is enormous or I'm

dealing with it by just turning off my

laptop and not looking at it for four or

five days by which point my losses have

doubled that the head in the sand

approach seldom works well um I know I

have tried that also so so that's five

planning for losses and and even very

experienced Traders will have trade

trades that go against them yeah you

know I'm always optimistic I'm never

going to place a trade that I think is

going to lose but I know that in spite

of my best analysis that sometimes news

comes out in the market something

happens you know or there's some kind of

global event like think Co that you know

things just aren't going according to

plan six this is you know another

favorite um you know keep your emotions

in check and and the easiest way to do

that I think is to have a plan and to be

disciplined because then you know we

don't start trading on Hope like where

you see something that starts to fall in

value and you start hoping it will go

back up and you don't sell the stock or

get out of the option position or or

fear you you know you're afraid that if

you don't take this trade you're going

to miss out or you're afraid that if you

sell it now you're going to take a a

loss well I think a a small loss beats

the stuffing out of a large loss but it

it's it's you know if you're following

your plan you can be more disciplined

and then not let these guys rule the

roost you know and and it this this

emotion it hampers our judgment so if I

think I'm I'm treating this like a

business I know when I'm getting out

before I get in if it goes down and that

my my plan says I should get out then I

get out and then having patience and

sometimes we want to jump the gun it's

like oo this looks like it's about to go

up hasn't gone up yet you know I

remember talking to a friend who wasn't

part of this education about a stock

that I knew she own and I said you know

it's this is before I was a coach it's

like o that stock is that you're you

know it's falling it like this is how it

was going and she said yeah I'm buying

more I'm telling everybody to buy more

because it's on sale you know and that

stock went from

$ you know when I talked to her it was

maybe around $ it went down to $

a share it's like I said but there's

nothing to say that it stopped falling

it's like I know isn't this great it's

like no it wasn't great but she wasn't

part of this education so she didn't

understand and you may say well you know

if I just stick with something longer

term it'll come back up

really you know like let's just pop over

and may I introduce you


pelaton now pelaton in the last year has

gone from $ down to$

but let's look at it years ago cuz

when the pandemic hit it went up to $

a share and then it started to fall so

if you had a rule if you own the stock

and said like hey if it goes more than

% or % below the -day moving average

I'm going to exit you know you may have

still exited with a loss or if you had

bought it here and you know maybe you

got out here you gave you know

dollars back but you still made out like


bandit you know but it's you cannot

trade based on aemotion it's gone from

down to two so this is when

discipline will save you okay okay so

what number was I

on six okay only one to go and sometimes

you know patient says I'm I'm not going

to place that trade how many times have

we looked at a stock where entry isn't

there entry isn't there entry isn't

there or we'll place a conditional order

and we may never end up getting in and

that saved us from placing a trade that

would not have been profitable and the

last one and I you know I'm free forming

here again and um uh coming shortly

spoiler alert and and I had nothing to

do with this one but I'm really excited

that um it's going to be back because I

love these things and that is a an

example trade


so track your

results information is

power and you know if you don't have a

trading journal you may want to consider

keeping a trading journal and if you're

going to trade options if you decide

that that is yeah what you'd like to do

um you know you may want to organize it

by type of trade and then at the end of

the year you know you could look at it

and say wow % of my my credit spreads

or my short put verticals and short call

verticals were profitable but I ended up

barely breaking even because the ones

that went against me wiped out you know

four or five profitable trades how do I

manage the trades that are going against

Me Maybe I need to look at that you know

and I'm not saying that that could

happen but it could but if you if you

don't understand what your numbers are

then it's hard to look at how to maybe

it change how you're managing

something so this gives us information

and again like here I use like the

Starbucks example and Starbucks you know

they sell hot coffee products cold

coffee products they sell some you know

hard Goods like mugs and stuff like that

over the holidays and then they have

stuff that you know a limited amount of

food items do you not think that they

track how much money they make from

their coffee from their cold C cold cold

beverages and you know if if an area

turns out that it's not being profitable

do you not think that they would look at

that and try and fix that absolutely so

they're tracking their results and

they're I'm I can almost guarantee you

they're tracking it by product and by

store and and you know so stay tuned um

hopefully we'll we will have a journal

an example trading journal coming to you

um sometime soon but you know it's there

are other trading journals out there so

you know you can you can go and find

those so again what were our seven rules

so just to recap

and and I don't have a recap page so you

know I should

um create one of those but first you

know so number one was have a goal

number two was pick one strategy at a

time to

master uh don't do what I did which

turned out not to be such a great plan

have a trading plan or a recipe for

every type of strategy that you

trade you know and even within long

calls you know which we'll get to start

to with next week you might have three

or four different trading plans for

three or four different you know types

of long call or buying a call trades um


consistent treat it like a

business um plan for loss and you know

one of the things that Scott Thompson

said you know um was what's your sleep

number you know the Sleep Number beds

and and if you say well I'm willing to

risk $, on a trade it's like okay

well if you had five or six or eight

trades in a row go wrong are you still

sleeping well and if you're not um then

you know you need to make that number uh

a little smaller um you know manage your

emotions um fear hope greed these are

all kind of four-letter words and I

think the easiest way to manage your

emotions is one by having a a plan for

each strategy and and being consistent

you know being

disciplined you know it's that's

important um and then last but not least

track your

results and and whether you're investing

in stock just stocks or options or a

combination of both which many do you

know both because their goals are all

free to protect their giant Heap to grow

their account and maybe you know to

create some income as well so those are

the seven things we are out of time I

appreciate and none of these are you

know need to be tattooed anywhere on

your body but there are things that have

helped me I hope they will help you

going forward Mike thank you so much for

your help in the chat um this is where I

ask you to please hit the like button it

helps move this up in the a GM so more

people can find this content hit

subscribe and then follow um Mike

fairborne and I in the land of Twitter

or now X Barbara Armstrong Cs and Mike

Fairbourn CS thanks and have a great day

everyone we'll see you in a webcast

coming up soon up next Ben Watson with

trading flag patterns

Getting Started with Options (Week 12 of 12) (2024)


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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.