Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (2024)


The following links are password protected due to the sensitive nature of the evidence involving an ARY child in various states of undress, vaping, smoking illegal drugs, tattooing children, and aping all of this for the camera on her ssocial media accounts. It is furnished here pursuant to Washington State’s ER 904 intended for submission at trial and provided to the parties and/or their attorneys to the case along w/Nancy Tarbell, esq., an assigned investigative GAL in this cause. Because it involves minors, only authorized persons may view it, but may in no event distribute, share, or copy it to their personal devices. It is for Court/Litigation purposes only and to protect the child(ren)’s privacy. Any violation of these guidelines is at your peril. You have been warned. These files are offered here at Nancy Tarbell’s request as the investigatory GAL assigned to this case and only this case as well as to satisfy the ER 904 requirements and to alleviate bottlenecks at trial:

(This Data Base/evidence not intended for cell phones)

VIDEOS per ER 904 Supporting Heather Wood in this Cause:

Inasmuch as Heather Wood, mother, was granted the right to serve other parties Notic by e-mail, and inasmuch as this format most easily accomodates all the parties and is a standard online password protected format due to the sensitive nature of SOME of the evidence, the following matrix satisfies as follows:

ER 904 (Washington State)

(a) Certain Documents Admissible. In a civil case, any of the following documents
proposed as exhibits in accordance with section (b) of this rule shall be deemed admissible unless objection is made under section (c) of this rule:
(1) A bill, report made for the purpose of treatment, chart, record of a hospital, doctor,
dentist, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, physical therapist, psychologist or other healthcare provider, on a letterhead or billhead;
(2) A bill for drugs, medical appliances or other related expenses on a letterhead or
(3) A bill for, or an estimate of, property damage on a letterhead or billhead. In the case of
an estimate, the party intending to offer the estimate shall forward a copy to the adverse party
with a statement indicating whether or not the property was repaired, and if it was, whether the estimated repairs were made in full or in part and attach a copy of the receipted bill showing the items of repair and amounts paid;
(4) A weather or traffic signal report, or standard United States government table;
(5) A photograph, x-ray, drawing, map, blueprint or similar documentary evidence;
(6) A document not specifically covered by any of the foregoing provisions but relating to a
material fact and having equivalent circ*mstantial guaranties of trustworthiness, the admission of which would serve the interests of justice.
(b) Notice. Any party intending to offer a document under this rule must serve on all
parties a notice, no less than 30 days before trial, stating that the documents are being offered
under Evidence Rule 904 and shall be deemed authentic and admissible without testimony or
further identification, unless objection is served within 14 days of the date of notice, pursuant to ER 904(c). The notice shall be accompanied by (1) numbered copies of the documents and (2) an index, which shall be organized by document number and which shall contain a brief
description of the document along with the name, address and telephone number of the
document’s author or maker. The notice shall be filed with the Court. Copies of documents that accompany the notice shall not be filed with the court.
(c) Objection to Authenticity or Admissibility. Within 14 days of notice, any other party
may serve on all parties a written objection to any document offered under section (b),
identifying each document to which objection is made by number and brief description.
(1) If an objection is made to a document on the basis of authentication, and if the court
finds that the objection was made without reasonable basis, the offering party shall be entitled to an award of expenses and reasonable attorney fees incurred as a result of the required proof of authentication as to each such document determined to be authentic and offered as an exhibit at the time of trial.
(2) If an objection is made to a document on the basis of admissibility, the grounds for the
objection shall be specifically set forth, except objection on the grounds of relevancy need not be made until trial. If the court finds that the objection was made without reasonable basis and the document is admitted as an exhibit at trial, the court may award the offering party any expenses incurred and reasonable attorney fees.
(d) Effect of Rule. This rule does not restrict argument or proof relating to the weight to
be accorded the evidence submitted, nor does it restrict the trier of fact’s authority to determine the weight of the evidence after hearing all of the evidence and the arguments of opposing parties.

Xhbt: 1 Adeline Feulner, a 16yo Minor, Swimming Nude in Long Lake 10-31-23 @ 7:30pm

Src: 14yo Keira’s mother, Mrs. Robb–demonstrating Adeline’s mendacity to GAL claiming she was partially clothed–kying to a Court official. The Court sought to suppress this evidence of Adeline’s willingness to lie in order to hide her delinquency in drug use, drinking, tattooing minors. caping, and perjury. The Court vacuously argued this pattern of perjury in Court proceedings and its coverup of the fact were not of “legitiment public interest’ and was ‘child p*rnography”–a thinly veiled threat and attempt to intimidate the press. This video clip came after reaching the hands of Adeline’s mother AFTER being posted on social media by Adeline/Adeline’s underage friend.

Xhbt: 2 Feulner, a 16yo Minor, Swimming Nude in Long Lake 10-31-23 @ 7:30pm

Src: 14yo Keira’s mother, Mrs. Robb

Xhbt: 3 Dylan Castellani (child) tattooing Adeline Feulner ~1-11-24

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 4 Adeline Receiving obscene tattoos from a child (Dylan)

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 5 Dylan Castellani Tattoos Adeline w/Obscene Tattoos

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 6 Adeline gets Tattooed

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 7 Adeline Tattooing 14yo Child ~3-5-24 (Note scars on child’s leg from cutting)

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 8 Out of Control Adeline drinking and smoking MJ w/girlfriend

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 9 Adeline and Child friend Hospitalized due to Drinking

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 10 Adeline w/foot injury and no helmet w/dirt bike wearing sandals (2023)

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 11 Adeline Vaping in Motorhome Outside 94yo Grandmother’s home, no supervision

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 12 Adeline driving Mom’s sportscar w/o permission, alone.(2023)

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 13 Adeline vaping beneath remote Rochester Train trestle (2023)

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 14 Adeline Sneaks MJ vaping in Bus (2023)

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 15 Unsupervised Adeline Vaping in Motorhome adjacent to 94yo Grandmother’s home

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 16 Unsupervised Adeline vaping in MH next to 94yo Grandma’s home

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 16A Bored Addy w/o Supervision/Structure

Src: Adeline Social Media@ 94yo Grandmother’s home

Xhbt: 17 Adeline rapping obscenities

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 18 Adeline vaping in provocative dress on Tik Tok

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 19 Adeline vaping

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 20 Adeline vaping 2

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 21 Adeline vaping 3

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 22 Adeline vaping 4

Src: Adeline social media

Xhbt: 23 Adeline’s Popsicle

Src: Adeline social media


Xhbit: 61 Keira Campbell Deposition on 4-22-24 in re Adeline’s truthfulness reputation

Src: Heather Wood, Deposing; John Smith, Notary Public, custodian of the record, recorder & recording equipment owner. i.e. It has been secured from the outset and is a true document

Xhbt: 62 Michelle Robb Deposition on 4-22-24 in re Adeline’s Reputation for Truth & Crime

Src: Heather Wood, Deposing; John Smith, Notary Public, custodian of the record, recorder & recording equipment owner. i.e. It has been secured from the outset and is a true document

Xhbt: 63 Paxton White Deposition on 4-25-24 in re Adeline’s bad/criminal acts targeting kids.

Src: Heather Wood, Deposing; John Smith, Notary Public, custodian of the record, recorder & recording equipment owner. i.e. It has been secured from the outset and is a true document


Xhbt: 24 Keira’s Sword Tattoo after Adeline

Src: Adeline

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (1)

Xhbt: 25 Adeline’s Wrist Tattoo she denied

Src: Adeline

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (2)

Xhbt: 26 Adeline Vaping

Src: Adeline

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (3)

Xhbt: 27 Adeline Smoking MJ

Src: Adeline social media

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (4)

Xhbt: 28 Dylan Castellani tattooing Adeline Feulner

Src: Adeline

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (5)

Xhbt: 29 Adeline’s Fresh Tattoos

Src: Adeline Social media

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (6)

Xhbt: 30 Adeline in provocative dress vaping under remote train. trestle near Rochester

Src: Adeline

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (7)

Xhbt: 31 Adeline motorhome vaping next to grandma’s home sans dad

Src: Adeline

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (8)

Xhbt: 32 Adelines MJ sneak smoking in Bus

Src: Adeline

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (9)

Xhbt: 33 Adeline bares it for social media

Src: Adeline social media

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (10)

Xhbt: 34 Adeline’s Receipt for dad’s ski trip

Src: Adeline

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (11)

Xhbt: 35 More Adeline’s Receipt for dad’s ski trip

Src: Adeline

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (12)

Xhbt: 36 Adeline’s 27.5/wk work schedule (Taco Bell)

Src: Adeline

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (13)

Xhbt: 37 Adeline in Spandex costume

Src: Adeline Social Media

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (14)

Xhbt: 38

Src: Adeline forensics

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (15)

Xhbt: 39 Laura E Yelish, esq. (Extrajudicial communication w/Clucas)

Src: Laura Yellish social media

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (16)

Xhbt: 40 Amanda Williamson, esq. (Extrajcial communication w/Clucas)

Arc: Amanda Williamson Social Media

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (17)

Xhbt: 41 Commissioner Matthew Clucas

Src: Matthew Clucas Social Media

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (18)

Xhbt: 42 Commissioner Matthew Clucas bench

Src: Matthew Clucas Social Media

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (19)

Xhbt: 43 Lenard Feulner w/11yo Adeline

Src: Heather Wood photo

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (20)

Xhbt: 44 Adeline nude at Long Lake 10-31-23 @ 7:30pm

Src: 14yo Social Media & Adeline Feulner

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (21)


Xhbt: 45 Adeline 5yo

Src: Heather Wood, mother

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (22)

Xhbt: 46 Adeline w/compost bike

Src: Heather Wood, mother

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (23)

Xhbt: 47 Adeline and Dog

Src: Heather Wood, mother

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (24)

Xhbt: 48 Adeline in garden

Src: Heather Wood, mother

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (25)

Xhbt: 49 Adeline w/flowers in hair

Src: Heather Wood, mother

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (26)

Xhbt: 50 Adeline Heather Shannon

Src: Heather Wood, mother

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (27)

Xhbt: 51 Adeline w/honeycomb

Src: Heather Wood, mother

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (28)

Xhbt: 52 Adeline hugs mom

Src: Heather Wood, mother

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (29)

Xhbt: 53 Mom carries Adeline on back

Src: Heather Wood, mother

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (30)

Xhbt: 54 Adeline and Mom w/bike

Src: Heather Wood, mother

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (31)

Xhbt: 55 Adeline and mom w/bluebells

Src: Heather Wood, mother

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (32)

Xhbt: 56 Adeline w/top bar comb

Src: Heather Wood, mother

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (33)

Xhbt: 57 Adeline playing violin

Src: Heather Wood, mother

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (34)

Xhbt: 58 Adeline’s wasp costume

Src: Heather Wood, mother

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (35)

Xhbt: 59 Heather Wood singing

Src: Heather Wood, mother

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (36)

Xhbt: 60 Heather Wood, mom

Src: Heather Wood, mother

Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (37)


Kitsap 07-3-01713-1 Heather Wood v Lenard Feulner (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.