Masterplots : 2010 plot stories & essay reviews from the world's fine literature | (2024)

V. 1. A-BOS

v. 2 BOU-CRI

v. 3. CRO-ESS

v. 4 ESS-GUZ

v. 5. HAD-JOU

v. 6. JOU-MAN

v. 7. MAN-OFM

v. 8. OFP-POE

v. 9. POE-REP

v. 10. REQ-SON

v. 11 SON-TUR

v. 12. TWE-Z, Index. Volume 1. The Abbé Constantin / Ludovic Halevy

Abe Lincoln in Illinois / Robert Sherwood

Abraham and Isaac / Unknown

Abraham Lincoln / Carl Sandburg

Absalom, Absalom! / William Faulkner

Absalom and Achitophel / John Dryden

The Absentee / Maria Edgeworth

The Acharnians / Aristophanes

Adam Bede / George Eliot

Addresses / Abraham Lincoln

The Admirable Crichton / James M. Barrie

Adolphe / Benjamin Constant

The Adventures of Augie March / Saul Bellow

The Aeneid / Vergil (Publius Vergilius Maro)

Aesop's Fables / Aesop

Aesthetic / Benedetto Croce

The Affair / C.P. Snow

After Strange Gods / T.S. Eliot

Against the Grain / Joris-Karl Huysmans

The Age of Innocence / Edith Wharton

The Age of Reason / Thomas Paine

Agnes Grey / Anne Brontë

Ajax / Sophocles

Al Filo Del Agua / Augustin Yáñez

Alcestis / Euripides

The Alchemist / Ben Jonson

Aleck Maury, Sportsman / Caroline Gordon

The Alexandria Quartet / Lawrence Durrell

Alice Adams / Booth Tarkington

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Lewis Carroll

All Fall Down / James Leo Herlihy

All Fools / George Chapman

All for Love / John Dryden

All Hallows' Eve / Charles Williams

All Men Are Brothers / Shih Nai-an

All Quiet on the Western Front / Erich Maria Remarque

All the King's Men / Robert Penn Warren

The Allegory of Love / C.S Lewis

All's Well That Ends Well / William Shakespeare

An Almanac for Moderns / Donald Culross Peattie

Almayer's Folly / Joseph Conrad

Amadís of Gaul / Vasco de Lobeira

The Ambassadors / Henry James

Amelia / Henry Fielding

The American / Henry James

The American Commonwealth / James Bryce

The American Notebooks / Nathaniel Hawthorne

An American Tragedy / Theodore Dreiser

America's Coming-of-Age / Van Wyck Brooks

Amores / Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso)

Amphitryon / Plautus (Titus Maccius Plautus)

Amphitryon 38 / Jean Giraudoux

Anabasis / Saint-John Perse

The Anabasis / Xenophon

The Anatomy of Melancholy / Robert Burton

And Quiet Flows the Don / Mikhail Sholokhov

Andersen's Fairy Tales (Selections) / Hans Christian Andersen

Andria / Terence (Publius Terentius Afer)

Andromache / Euripides

Andromache / Jean Baptiste Racine

Angel Guerra / Benito Pérez Galdós

Anna Christie / Eugene O'Neill

Anna Karenina

Count Leo Tolstoy

Anna of the Five Towns / Arnold Bennett

The Annals of Tacitus / Tacitus (Cornelius Tacitus)

Annals of the Parish / John Galt

Annals of the Roman People / Livy (Titus Livius)

Anthony Adverse / Hervey Allen

Antigone / Sophocles

The Antiquary / Sir Walter Scott

Antony and Cleopatra / William Shakespeare

Apologia Pro Vita Sua / John Henry Newman

An Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber, Comedian / Colley Cibber

The Apostle / Sholem Asch

The Apple of the Eye / Glenway Wescott

Appointment in Samarra / John O'Hara

The Arabian Nights' Entertainments (Selections) / Unknown

The Arbitration / Menander

Arcadia / Sir Philip Sidney

Areopagitica / John Milton

Argenis / John Barclay

Der Arme Heinrich / Hartmann von Aue

Arne / Björnsterne Björnson

Arrowsmith / Sinclair Lewis

Ars amatoria / Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso)

Ars Poetica / Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)

Artamène / Madeleine de Scudéry

The Artamonov Business / Maxim Gorky

As I Lay Dying / William Faulkner

As You Like It / William Shakespeare

Ash Wednesday / T.S. Eliot

Ashes / Stefan Yeromski

At the Sign of the Reine Pédauque / Anatole France

Atala / François-René de Chateaubriand

Atalanta in Calydon / Algernon Charles Swinburne

Aucassin and Nicolette / Unknown

An Autobiography / Anthony Trollope

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin / Benjamin Franklin

The Autobiography of Benjamin Robert Haydon / Benjamin Robert Haydon

The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini / Benvenuto Cellini

The Autobiography of Leigh Hunt / Leigh Hunt

The Autobiography of William Butler Yeats / William Butler Yeats

The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table / Oliver Wendell Holmes

The Awakening of Spring / Frank Wedekind

The Awkward Age / Henry James

The Axe / Sigrid Undset

Axel's Castle / Edmund Wilson

Baal / Bertolt Brecht

Babbitt / Sinclair Lewis

The Bacchae / Euripides

The Bachelors / Muriel Spark

Back to Methuselah / George Bernard Shaw

Bambi / Felix Salten

Barabbas / Pär Lagerkvist

The Barber of Seville / Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Barchester Towers / Anthony Trollope

Barnaby Rudge / Charles Dickens

Baron Münchausen's Narrative / Rudolf Erich Raspe

Barren Ground / Ellen Glasgow

Barry Lyndon / William Makepeace Thackeray

Bartholomew Fair / Ben Jonson

Batouala / René Maran

The Bay of Silence / Eduardo Mallea

The Beach of Falesá / Robert Louis Stevenson

Beauchamp's Career / George Meredith

The Beaux' Stratagem / George Farquhar

The Beaver Coat / Gerhart Hauptmann

The Beggars' Bush / John Fletcher and Philip Massinger

The Beggar's Opera / John Gay

Bel-Ami / Guy de Maupassant

The Bell / Iris Murdoch

A Bell for Adano / John Hersey

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ / Lewis (Lew) Wallace

Benito Cereno / Herman Melville

Beowulf / Unknown

Bérénice / Jean Racine

The Betrothed / Alessandro Manzoni

Between the Acts / Virginia Woolf

Bevis of Hampton / Unknown

Beyond Good and Evil / Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Beyond Human Power, II / Björnsterne Björnson

The Bible in Spain / George Henry Borrow

The Big Sky / A.B. Guthrie, Jr

The Biglow Papers / James Russell Lowell

Billy Budd, Foretopman / Herman Melville

Biographia Literaria / Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The Birds / Aristophanes

The Black Arrow / Robert Louis Stevenson

Black Lamb and Grey Falcon / Rebecca West

The Black Swan / Thomas Mann

Black Valley / Hugo Wast

Bleak House / Charles Dickens

The Blithedale Romance / Nathaniel Hawthorne

Blood Wedding / Federico Garcia Lorca

Blot in the 'Scutcheon / Robert Browning

The Bohemians of the Latin Quarter / Henri Murger

The Bondman / Philip Massinger

The Bonds of Interest / Jacinto Benavente

Book of Songs / Heinrich Heine

The Book of the Courtier / Baldassare Castiglione

Boris Godunov / Alexander Pushkin

The Borough: A Poem in Twenty-Four Letters / George Crabbe

The Bostonians / Henry James

Boswell's London Journal: 1762-1763 / James Boswell. Volume 2. The Bourgeois Gentleman / Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin)

Bouvard and Pécuchet / Gustave Flaubert

The Bracknels / Forrest Reid

The Braggart Soldier / Plautus (Titus Maccius Plautus)

Brand / Henrik Ibsen

Brave New World / Aldous Huxley

Bread and Wine / Ignazio Silone

The Bride of Lammermoor / Sir Walter Scott

Brideshead Revisited / Evelyn Waugh

The Bridge / Hart Crane

The Bridge of San Luis Rey / Thornton Wilder

The Bridge on the Drina / Ivo Andrić

Brief Lives / John Aubrey

Britannicus / Jean Racine

Broad and Alien Is the World / Ciro Alegría

The Broken Jug / Heinrich von Kleist

The Bronze Horseman : a Petersburg Tale / Alexander Pushkin

Brother Ass / Eduardo Barrios

The Brothers / Terence Publius Terentius Afer)

The Brothers Ashkenazi / Israel Joshua Singer

The Brothers Karamazov / Fyodor Dostoevski

The Brown Decades / Lewis Mumford

The Brushwood Boy / Rudyard Kipling

The Brut / Layamon

Buddenbrooks / Thomas Mann

The Bulwark / Theodore Dreiser

A Burnt-Out Case / Graham Greene

Bussy D'Ambois / George Chapman

The Cabala / Thornton Wilder

The Cabin / Vicente Blasco Ibáñez

Cadmus / Unknown

Caesar and Cleopatra / Bernard Shaw

Caesar of Nothing / Pio Baroja

Cain / George Gordon, Lord Byron

Cakes and Ale / W. Somerset Maugham

Caleb Williams / William Godwin

Call It Sleep / Henry Roth

The Call of the Wild / Jack London

Camille / Alexandre Duma, père

Campaspe / John Lyly

Candida / Bernard Shaw

Candide / Voltaire

The Cannibal / John Hawkes

The Canterbury Tales (Selections) / Geoffrey Chaucer

Cantos / Ezra Pound

Captain Horatio Hornblower / C.S. Forester

Captain Singleton / Daniel Defoe

Captains Courageous / Rudyard Kipling

The Captain's Daughter / Alexander Pushkin

The Captives / Plautus (Titus Maccius Plautus)

The Caretaker / Harold Pinter

Carmen / Prosper Mérimée

Carmina / Catullus (Gaius Valerius Catullus)

The Case of Sergeant Grischa / Arnold Zweig

Cass Timberlane / Sinclair Lewis

Caste / Thomas William Robertson

The Castle / Franz Kafka

The Castle of Fratta / Ippolito Nievo

The Castle of Otranto / Horace Walpole

Castle Rackrent / Maria Edgeworth

Casuals of the Sea / William McFee

Cat and Mouse / Günter Grass

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof / Tennessee Williams

Catch-22 / Joseph Heller

Catiline / Ben Jonson

Cavalleria Rusticana / Giovanni Verga

Cawdor / Robinson Jeffers

Cecilia / Fanny Burney

Celestina / Fernando de Rojas

The Cenci / Percy Bysshe Shelley

Ceremony in Lone Tree / Wright Morris

César Birotteau / Honoré de Balzac

The Chainbearer / James Fenimore Cooper

The Changeling / Thomas Middleton and William Rowley

Charles Demailly / Edmond de Goncourt and Jules de Goncourt

Charles O'Malley / Charles Lever

The Charterhouse of Parma / Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle)

A Chaste Maid in Cheapside / Thomas Middleton

Chéri / Sidonie Gabrielle Claudine Colette

The Cherry Orchard / Anton Chekhov

The Chevalier of the Maison-Rouge / Alexandre Dumas, père

Chicago Poems / Carl Sandburg

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage / George Gordon, Lord Byron

Childhood, Boyhood, Youth / Count Leo Tolstoy

Children of God / Vardis Fisher

The Children of Herakles / Euripides

Children of the Ghetto / Israel Zangwill

Chips With Everything / Arnold Wesker

Chita / Lafcadio Hearn

The Chouans / Honoré de Balzac

A Christmas Carol / Charles Dickens

A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada / Washington Irving

Chronicles of Froissart / Jean Froissart

Chronique / St. John Perse

Cicero's Orations / Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

The Cid / Pierre Corneille

Cinna / Pierre Corneille

Cinq-Mars / Alfred Victor de Vigny

The Circle of Chalk / Unknown

Clarissa / Samuel Richardson

Claudius the God / Robert Graves

The Clayhanger Trilogy / Arnold Bennett

Cligès / Chrétien de Troyes

The Cloister and the Hearth / Charles Reade

The Closed Garden / Julien Green

The Cloud Forest / Peter Matthiessen

The Clouds / Aristophanes

co*cktail Party / T.S. Eliot

Cold Comfort Farm / Stella Gibbons

The Collected Letters of D.H. Lawrence / D.H. Lawrence

Collected Poems / Walter de la Mare

Collected Poems, 1934-1952 / Dylan Thomas

The Collegians / Gerald Griffin

Colomba / Prosper Mérimée

Color of Darkness / James Purdy

The Comedy of Errors / William Shakespeare

Commentaries / Caesar (Gaius Julius Caesar)

The Complaint: Or, Night Thoughts / Edward Young

The Compleat Angler / Izaak Walton

Comrades / August Strindberg

Comus / John Milton

Concerning Illustrious Men / Suetonius (Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus)

Confessions / Saint Augustine

Confessions / Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Confessions of an English Opium Eater / Thomas De Quincey

Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man / Thomas Mann

The Confidence Man / Herman Melville

The Confidential Clerk / T.S. Eliot

Coningsby / Benjamin Disraeli

The Conjure Woman / Charles Waddell Chesnutt

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court / Mark Twain

Conquistador / Archibald MacLeish

The Conscience of the Rich / C.P. Snow

The Conscious Lovers / Sir Richard Steele

Considerations on the Principal Events of the French Revolution / Madame de Staël

The Consolations of Philosophy / Boethius (Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius)

Consuelo / George Sand

Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann and Soret / Johann Peter Eckermann

The Copperhead / Harold Frederic

Coriolanus / William Shakespeare

The Cornerstone / Zoe Oldenbourg

The Corsican Brothers / Alexandre Dumas, père

The Cossacks / Count Leo Tolstoy

Count Frontenac and New France Under Louis XIV / Francis Parkman

The Count of Monte-Cristo / Alexandre Dumas, père

The Counterfeiters / André Gide

The Countess de Charny / Alexandre Dumas, père

A Country Doctor / Sarah Orne Jewett

The Country Doctor / Honoré de Balzac

The Country House / John Galsworthy

The Country of the Pointed Firs / Sarah Orne Jewett

The Country Wife / William Wycherley

The Courtesan / Pietro Aretino

The Courtship of Miles Standish / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Cousin Bette / Honoré de Balzac

Cousin Pons / Honoré de Balzac

The Coxcomb / Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher

The Cradle Song / Gregorio Martinez Sierra

Cranford / Mrs. Elizabeth Gaskell

The Cream of the Jest / James Branch Cabell

Crime and Punishment / Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevski

The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard / Anatole France

The Crisis / Winston Churchill

The Crisis / Thomas Paine

The Critic / Richard Brinsley Sheridan

Critical Essays of William Hazlitt / William Hazlitt

Critique of Pure Reason / Immanuel Kant. Volume 3. The Crock of Gold / James Stephens

Crome Yellow / Aldous Huxley

Crotchet Castle / Thomas Love Peaco*ck

The Cruise of the Cachalot / Frank T. Bullen

Cry, the Beloved Country / Alan Paton

Cudjo's Cave / John Townsend Trowbridge

Culture and Anarchy / Matthew Arnold

Cupid and Psyche / Unknown

The Custom of the Country / Edith Wharton

The Cyclops / Euripides

Cymbeline / William Shakespeare

The Cypresses Believe in God / José María Gironella

Cyrano de Bergerac / Edmond Rostand

Cyropaedia / Xenophon

Daisy Miller / Henry James

Damaged Souls / Gamaliel Bradford

Dame Care / Hermann Sudermann

The Damnation of Theron Ware / Harold Frederic

The Dance of Death / August Strindberg

A Dance to the Music of Time / Anthony Powell

A Dance to the Music of Time: Second Movement / Anthony Powell

Dangerous Acquaintances / Pierre Choderlos de Laclos

Daniel Deronda / George Eliot

Dante / T.S. Eliot

Daphnis and Chloë / Longus

The Dark Journey / Julien Green

Dark Laughter / Sherwood Anderson

Darkness at Noon / Arthur Koestler

David Copperfield / Charles Dickens

David Harum / Edward Noyes Westcott

De Profundis / Oscar Wilde

De Rerum Natura / Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus)

Dead Fires / José Lins do Rego

Dead Souls / Nikolai Gogol

Dear Brutus / James M. Barrie

Death Comes for the Archbishop / Willa Cather

A Death in the Family / James Agee

Death in Venice / Thomas Mann

Death of a Hero / Richard Aldington

Death of a Salesman / Arthur Miller

The Death of Artemio Cruz / Carlos Fuentes

The Death of Ivan Ilyich / Count Leo Tolstoy

The Death of the Gods / Dmitri Merejkowski

The Death of the Heart / Elizabeth Bowen

The Death of Virgil / Hermann Broch

The Death Ship / B. Traven

Death's Duell / John Donne

Debit and Credit / Gustav Freytag

The Decameron (Selections) / Giovanni Boccaccio

Decline and Fall / Evelyn Waugh

Deephaven / Sarah Orne Jewett

The Deerslayer / James Fenimore Cooper

The Defence of Guenevere, and Other Poems / William Morris

Defence of Poesie / Sir Philip Sidney

A Defence of Poetry / Percy Bysshe Shelley

A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America / John Adams

Deirdre / James Stephens

Deirdre of the Sorrows / John Millington Synge

Delphine / Madame de Staël

Delta Wedding / Eudora Welty

Democracy in America / Alexis de Tocqueville

Democratic Vistas / Walt Whitman

The Demon: an Eastern Tale / Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov

Descent into Hell / Charles Williams

The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex / Charles Darwin

Desire Under the Elms / Eugene O'Neill

Destiny Bay / Donn Byrne

The Devil's Elixir / Ernest Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann

The Devotion of the Cross / Pedro Calderón de la Barca

Le Diable Boiteux / Alain René Le Sage

Dialogue des Héros de Roman / Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux

The Dialogues of Plato / Plato

Diana of the Crossways / George Meredith

The Diaries of Kafka: 1910-1923 / Franz Kafka

Diary / John Evelyn

Diary / Samuel Pepys

The Diary and Letters of Mme. D'Arblay / Fanny Burney

The Diary of a Country Priest / Georges Bernanos

Diary of a Writer / Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevski

The Diary of Henry Crabb Robinson / Henry Crabb Robinson

Digby Grand / George J. Whyte-Melville

The Dinner Party / Claude Mauriac

The Disciple / Paul Bourget

Discourse on the Origin of Inequality / Jean Jacques Rousseau

Discourses / Pietro Aretino

The Divan / Hafiz

The Divine Comedy / Dante Alighieri

The Divine Fire / May Sinclair

Divine Love and Wisdom / Emanuel Swedenborg

Doctor Faustus / Thomas Mann

Doctor Faustus / Christopher Marlowe

The Doctor in Spite of Himself / Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin)

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde / Robert Louis Stevenson

- Doctor Pascal / Émile Zola

Doctor Thorne / Anthony Trollope

Doctor Zhivago / Boris Pasternak

Dodsworth / Sinclair Lewis

A Doll's House / Henrik Ibsen

Dombey and Son / Charles Dickens

Dominique / Eugène Fromentin

Don Carlos / Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller

The Don Flows Home to the Sea / Mikhail Sholokhov

Don Juan / George Gordon, Lord Byron

Don Juan / Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin)

Don Juan Tenorio / José Zorrilla y Moral

Don Quixote de la Mancha / Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Don Segundo Sombra / Ricardo Güiraldes

Doña Bárbara / Rómulo Gallegos

Doña Perfecta / Benito Pérez Galdós

Dostoevsky / Nicholas Berdyaev

The Double-Dealer / William Congreve

Down There / Joris-Karl Huysmans

The Downfall / Émile Zola

Dracula / Bram Stoker

Dragon Seed / Pearl S. Buck

Dramatic Monologues and Lyrics of Browning / Robert Browning

Dramatis Personae / Robert Browning

Dream of the Red Chamber / Tsao Hsueh-chin

Drink / Émile Zola

Drums / James Boyd

Drums Along the Mohawk / Walter D. Edmonds

The duch*ess of Malfi / John Webster

Duino Elegies / Rainer Maria Rilke

The Dunciad / Alexander Pope

The Dynasts / Thomas Hardy

The Eagle and the Serpent / Martin Luiz Guzman

Earth / Émile Zola

The Earthly Paradise / William Morris

East of Eden / John Steinbeck

Eastward Ho! / George Chapman, Ben Jonson, and John Marston

Ebony and Ivory / Llewelyn Powys

The Ecclesiazusae / Aristophanes

Eclogues / Vergil (Publius Vergilius Maro)

Edmund Campion / Evelyn Waugh

The Education of Henry Adams / Henry Adams

Edward the Second / Christopher Marlowe

Effi Briest / Theodor Fontane

Egmont / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Egoist / George Meredith

El Señor Presidente / Miguel Ángel Asturias

The Elder Statesman / T.S. Eliot

Elective Affinities / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Electra / Euripides

The Elegies of Propertius / Propertius (Sextus Propertius)

Elmer Gantry / Sinclair Lewis

Éloges, and Other Poems / St.-John Perse

The Emigrants / Johan Bojer

The Emigrants of Ahadarra / William Carleton

Émile / Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Emilia Galotti / Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Eminent Victorians / Lytton Strachey

Emma / Jane Austen

The Emperor Jones / Eugene O'Neill

The End of the Road / John Barth

Endymion / John Lyly

An Enemy of the People / Henrik Ibsen

England Under the Stuarts / George Macaulay Trevelyan

The English Notebooks / Nathaniel Hawthorne

Enoch Arden / Alfred, Lord Tennyson

The Enormous Room / E.E. Cummings

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding / David Hume

The Epic of Gilgamesh / Unknown

Epigrams of Martial / Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis)

The Epigrams of Meleager / Meleager

The Epinicia / Pindar

The Epistles of Horace / Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)

Epitaph of a Small Winner / Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis

Erec and Enide / Chrétien de Troyes

Erewhon / Samuel Butler

Essais / Michael Eyquem de Montaigne

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding / John Locke

An Essay of Dramatic Poesy / John Dryden

An Essay on Criticism / Alexander Pope

Volume 4. An Essay on Man / Alexander Pope

An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision / George Berkeley

Essays / Sir Francis Bacon

Essays: First and Second Series / Ralph Waldo Emerson

Essays of a Biologist / Julian Huxley

The Essays of Aldous Huxley / Aldous Huxley

The Essays of Edgar Allan Poe / Edgar Allan Poe

Essays of Elia and Last Essays of Elia / Charles Lamb

The Essays of G.K. Chesterton / Gilbert Keith Chesterton

The Essays of Henry David Thoreau / Henry David Thoreau

The Essays of Max Beerbohm / Max Beerbohm

Esther Waters / George Moore

Ethan Frome / Edith Wharton

Ethics / Benedictus de Spinoza

Eugene Aram / Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton

Eugene Onegin / Alexander Pushkin

Eugénie Grandet / Honoré de Balzac

The Eunuch / Terence (Publius Terentius After)

Euphues and His England / John Lyly

Euphues, the Anatomy of Wit / John Lyly

Evan Harrington / George Meredith

Evangeline / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Eve of St. Agnes / John Keats

Evelina / Fanny Burney

Every Man in His Humour / Ben Jonson

Every Man out of His Humour / Ben Jonson

Everyman / Unknown

Exemplary Novels / Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Exile and the Kingdom / Albert Camus

Exiles / James Joyce

A Fable / William Faulkner

A Fable for Critics / James Russell Lowell

Fables / Jean de La Fontaine

The Faerie Queene / Edmund Spenser

The Fair Maid of Perth / Sir Walter Scott

The Faithful Shepherdess / John Fletcher

The Fall / Albert Camus

The Fall of the House of Usher / Edgar Allan Poe

The Familiar Essays of William Hazlitt / William Hazlitt

The Family at Gilje / Jonas Lie

The Family of Pascual Duarte / Camilo José Cela

The Family Reunion / T.S. Eliot

Far Away and Long Ago / W.H. Hudson

Far From the Madding Crowd / Thomas Hardy

A Farewell to Arms / Ernest Hemingway

The Father / August Strindberg

Father Goriot / Honoré de Balzac The Fathers / Allen Tate

Fathers and Sons / Ivan Turgenev

Faust / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Federalist / Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay

Felix Holt, the Radical / George Eliot

The Fellowship of the Ring / J.R.R. Tolkien

Fêtes Galantes and Other Poems / Paul Verlaine

Ficciones / Jorge Luis Borges

The Field of Vision / Wright Morris

The Fields / Conrad Richter

Fiesta in November / Eduardo Mallea

The Fifth Queen / Ford Madox Ford

File No. 113 / Émile Gaboriau

Il Filostrato / Giovanni Boccaccio

The Financier / Theodore Dreiser

The Finn Cycle / Unknown

Finnegan's Wake / James Joyce

The Fisher Maiden / Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson

Five Women Who Loved Love / Ihara Saikaku

The Flies / Mariano Azuela

The Flies / Jean-Paul Sartre

Flowers of Evil / Charles Baudelaire

The Folks / Ruth Suckow

Folkways / William Graham Sumner

Foma Gordeyev / Maxim Gorky

Fontamara / Ignazio Silone

The Fool of Quality / Henry Brooke

A Fool's Errand / Albion W. Tourgée

For Whom the Bell Tolls / Ernest Hemingway

The Forsyte Saga / John Galsworthy

Fortitude / Hugh Walpole

The Fortress / Hugh Walpole

Fortunata and Jacinta / Benito Pérez Galdós

The Fortunes of Nigel / Sir Walter Scott

The Fortunes of Richard Mahony / Henry Handel Richardson

The Forty Days of Musa Dagh / Franz Werfel

Four Quartets / T.S. Eliot

Framley Parsonage / Anthony Trollope

Frankenstein / Mary Godwin Shelley

Franny and Zooey / J.D. Salinger

Fraternity / John Galsworthy

Free Fall / William Golding

Freedom or Death / Nikos Kazantzakis

The French Revolution / Thomas Carlyle

Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay / Robert Greene

Frithiof's Saga / Esaias Tegnér

The Frogs / Aristophanes

The Frontier in American History / Frederick Jackson Turner

The Fruit of the Tree / Edith Wharton

The Funeral / Sir Richard Steele

Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon / Jorge Amado

The Gambler / Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevski

The Garden / L.A.G. Strong

The Gardener's Dog / Lope de Vega

Gargantua and Pantagruel / François Rabelais

The Gaucho: Martín Fierro / José Hernández

A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis / Sigmund Freud

The "Genius" / Theodore Dreiser

The Gentleman Dancing Master / William Wycherley

The Gentleman Usher / George Chapman

Georgia Scenes / Augustus Baldwin Longstreet

Georgics / Vergil (Publius Vergililius Maro)

Germinal / Émile Zola

Germinie Lacerteux / Edmond de Goncourt and Jules de Goncourt

Gettysburg / Elsie Singmaster

Ghosts / Henrik Ibsen

Giants in the Earth / O.E. Rölvaag

Gil Blas of Santillane / Alain-René Le Sage

The Gilded Age / Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner

The Glass Key / Dashiell Hammett

The Glass Menagerie / Tennessee Williams

Go Down, Moses / William Faulkner

Go Tell It on the Mountain / James Baldwin

Goat Song / Franz Werfel

The Gods Are Athirst / Anatole France

The Gold-Bug / Edgar Allan Poe

The Golden Apples / Eudora Welty

The Golden Ass of Lucius Apuleius / Lucius Apuleius

The Golden Bough / Sir James George Frazer

The Golden Bowl / Henry James

Golden Boy / Clifford Odets

The Goncourt Journals / Edmond and Jules de Goncourt

The Gondoliers / W.S. Gilbert

Gone with the Wind / Margaret Mitchell

The Good Companions / J.B. Priestley

The Good Earth / Pearl S. Buck

The Good Soldier: Schweik / Jaroslav Hašek

Good-bye, Mr. Chips / James Hilton

Gorboduc / Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville

Grand Hotel / Vicki Baum

The Grandissimes / George Washington Cable

The Grandmothers / Glenway Wescott

The Grapes of Wrath / John Steinbeck

Great Expectations / Charles Dickens

The Great Galeoto / José Echegaray

The Great Gatsby / F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Meadow / Elizabeth Madox Roberts

The Great Plains / Walter Prescott Webb

The Great Testament / François Villon

The Great Valley / Mary Johnston

The Greek Passion / Nikos Kazantzakis

The Green Bay Tree / Louis Bromfield

Green Grow the Lilacs / Lynn Riggs

Green Mansions / W.H. Hudson

The Green Mountain Boys / Daniel Pierce Thompson

Greene's Groatsworth of Wit Bought with a Million of Repentance / Robert Greene

Grettir the Strong / Unknown

La Gringa / Florencio Sánchez

Growth of the Soil / Knut Hamsun

Der Grüne Heinrich / Gottfried Keller

Guard of Honor / James Gould Cozzens

Guest the One-Eyed / Gunnar Gunnarsson

The Guide / R.K. Narayan

Gulliver's Travels / Jonathan Swift

The Gull's Hornbook / Thomas Dekker

Guy Mannering / Sir Walter Scott

Guy of Warwick / Unknown

Guzmán de Alfarache / Mateo Aleman. Volume 5 Hadrian's Memoirs / Marguerite Yourcenar

Hajji Baba of Ispahan / James Morier

Hakluyt's Voyages / Richard Hakluyt

The Hamlet / William Faulkner

Hamlet / William Shakespeare

Hampshire Days / W.H. Hudson

A Handful of Dust / Evelyn Waugh

Handley Cross / Robert Smith Surtees

Handy Andy / Samuel Lover

Hangman's House / Donn Byrne

Hard Times / Charles Dickens

Harmonium / Wallace Stevens

Harp of a Thousand Strings / H.L. Davis

The Harp-Weaver, and Other Poems / Edna St. Vincent Millay

Havelok the Dane / Unknown

A Hazard of New Fortunes / William Dean Howells

Headlong Hall / Thomas Love Peaco*ck

The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter / Carson McCullers

Heart of Darkness / Joseph Conrad

The Heart of Midlothian / Sir Walter Scott

The Heart of the Matter / Graham Greene

Heartbreak House / George Bernard Shaw

The Heat of the Day / Elizabeth Bowen

Heaven's My Destination / Thornton Wilder

Hedda Gabler / Henrik Ibsen

The Heimskringla / Snorri Sturluson

Helen / Euripides

Henderson the Rain King / Saul Bellow

Henry Esmond / William Makepeace Thackeray

Henry the Eighth / William Shakespeare

Henry the Fifth / William Shakespeare

Henry the Fourth, Part One / William Shakespeare

Henry the Fourth, Part Two / William Shakespeare

Henry the Sixth, Part One / William Shakespeare

Henry the Sixth, Part Two / William Shakespeare

Henry the Sixth, Part Three / William Shakespeare

Herakles Mad / Euripides

Hercules and His Twelve Labors / Unknown

Hereward the Wake / Charles Kingsley

A Heritage and Its History / Ivy Compton-Burnett

A Hero of Our Time / Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov

Heroides / Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso)

Herself Surprised / Joyce Cary

Hesperides / Robert Herrick

A High Wind Rising / Elsie Singmaster

The Hill of Dreams / Arthur Machen

Hillingdon Hall / Robert Smith Surtees

Hippolytus / Euripides

Historia Calamitatum / Pierre Abélard

The History of Colonel Jacque / Daniel Defoe

The History of England / Thomas Babington Macaulay

History of Frederick II of Prussia / Thomas Carlyle

History of King Richard III / Sir Thomas More

The History of Mr. Polly / H.G. Wells

A History of New York, by Diedrich Knickerbocker / Washington Irving

History of the Conquest of Mexico / William Hickling Prescott

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire / Edward Gibbon

History of the Peloponnesian War / Thucydides

The History of the Persian Wars / Herodotus

History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England / Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon

History of the Reign of King Henry VII / Sir Francis Bacon

The Hive / Camilo José Cela

Hiza-Kurige / Jippensha Ikku

H.M.S. Pinafore / W.S. Gilbert

The Holy State and the Profane State / Thomas Fuller

The Holy Terrors / Jean Cocteau

Homage to Mistress Bradstreet / John Berryman

The Honest whor*, Part One / Thomas Dekker

The Honest whor*, Part Two / Thomas Dekker with Thomas Middleton

Honey in the Horn / H.L. Davis

The Hoosier Schoolmaster / Edward Eggleston

Horace / Pierre Corneille

The Horse's Mouth / Joyce Cary

Horseshoe Robinson / John P. Kennedy

The House by the Churchyard / Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

The House by the Medlar Tree / Giovanni Verga

The House in Paris / Elizabeth Bowen

The House of Atreus / Aeschylus

A House of Gentlefolk / Ivan Turgenev

The House of Mirth / Edith Wharton

The House of the Seven Gables / Nathaniel Hawthorne

The House with the Green Shutters / George Douglas

How Green Was My Valley / Richard Llewellyn

Howards End / E.M. Forster

Huasipungo / Jorge Icaza

Huckleberry Finn / Mark Twain

Hudibras / Samuel Butler

Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker / Silas Weir Mitchell

The Human Comedy / William Saroyan

Humphry Clinker / Tobias Smollett

The Hunchback of Notre Dame / Victor Hugo

Hunger / Knut Hamsun

Huon de Bordeaux / Unknown

Hyde Park / James Shirley

Hydriotaphia : Urn-Burial / Sir Thomas Browne

Hypatia / Charles Kingsley

The Hypochondriac / Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin)

I, Claudius / Robert Graves

I Speak for Thaddeus Stevens / Elsie Singmaster

An Iceland Fisherman / Pierre Loti

The Ides of March / Thornton Wilder

The Idiot / Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevski

The Idler / Samuel Johnson

Idylls of the King / Alfred, Lord Tennyson

If Winter Comes / A.S.M. Hutchinson

Ignatius His Conclave / John Donne

The Iliad / Homer

Imaginary Conversations / Walter Savage Landor

The Imitation of Christ / Thomas à Kempis

The Importance of Being Earnest / Oscar Wilde

In Dubious Battle / John Steinbeck

In Memoriam / Alfred, Lord Tennyson

In the American Grain / William Carlos Williams

In the Wilderness / Sigrid Undset

Inazuma-byoshi / Santo Kyoden

Incognito / Petru Dumitriu

Independent People / Halldór Laxness

Indian Summer / William Dean Howells

Indiana / George Sand

Ines de Castro / Antonio Ferreira

The Informer / Liam O'Flaherty

The Ingoldsby Legends / "Thomas Ingoldsby"

The Inheritors / William Golding

The Innocent Voyage / Richard Hughes

An Inquiry Concerning Political Justice / William Godwin

The Inspector General / Nikolai Gogol

The Interpretation of Dreams / Sigmund Freud

Intruder in the Dust / William Faulkner

Invisible Man / Ralph Ellison

The Invisible Man / H.G. Wells

Iolanthe / W.S. Gilbert

Ion / Euripides

Iphigenia in Aulis / Euripides

Iphigenia in Tauris / Euripides

Irish Melodies / Thomas Moore

Israel Potter / Herman Melville

It Is Better than It Was / Pedro Calderon de la Barca

It Is Worse than It Was / Pedro Calderon de la Barca

The Italian / Mrs. Ann Radcliffe

The Itching Parrot / José Joaquín Fernández de Lizardi

Ivanhoe / Sir Walter Scott

Jack of Newbery / Thomas Deloney

Jack Sheppard / William Harrison Ainsworth

Jalna / Mazo de la Roche

Jane Eyre / Charlotte Brontë

Jason and the Golden Fleece / Unknown

Java Head / Joseph Hergesheimer

Jean-Christophe / Romain Rolland

Jefferson and Hamilton: The Struggle for Democracy in America / Claude G. Bowers

Jennie Gerhardt / Theodore Dreiser

Jerusalem Delivered / Torquato Tasso

The Jew of Malta / Christopher Marlowe

The Jewess of Toledo / Franz Grillparzer

Joanna Godden / Sheila Kaye-Smith

John Brown's Body / Stephen Vincent Benét

John Dryden: The Poet, The Dramatist, the Critic / T.S. Eliot

John Halifax, Gentleman / Dinah Maria Mulock

John Inglesant / Joseph Henry Shorthouse

Jonathan Wild / Henry Fielding

Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities / Robert Smith Surtees

Joseph Andrews / Henry Fielding

Joseph Vance / William De Morgan

Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides / James Boswell

A Journal of the Plague Year / Daniel Defoe

The Journal of Thoreau / Henry David Thoreau

Journal to Eliza / Laurence Sterne

Journal to Stella / Jonathan Swift

Volume 6 The Journals of André Gide / André Gide

Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth / William Wordsworth

The Journals of Lewis and Clark / Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

Journey to the End of the Night / Louis-Ferdinand Céline

Journey's End / Robert C. Sherriff

A Jovial Crew / Richard Brome

Jude the Obscure / Thomas Hardy

Judith Paris / Hugh Walpole

Julius Caesar / William Shakespeare

The Jungle / Upton Sinclair

The Jungle Books / Rudyard Kipling

Juno and the Payco*ck / Sean O'Casey

Jurgen / James Branch Cabell

Justice / John Galsworthy

The Kalevala / Elias Lönnrot

Kamongo / Homer W. Smith

Das Kapital / Karl Marx

Kate Fennigate / Booth Tarkington

Kenilworth / Sir Walter Scott

Kidnapped / Robert Louis Stevenson

Kim / Rudyard Kipling

A King and No King / Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher

King Horn / Unknown

King John / John Bale

King John / William Shakespeare

King Lear / William Shakespeare

The King of the Golden River / John Ruskin

The King of the Mountains / Edmond Francois About

King Paradox / Pio Baroja

King Solomon's Mines / H. Rider Haggard

The King, the Greatest Alcalde / Lope de Vega Carpio

The Kingdom of God / Gregorio Martinez Sierra

Kings in Exile / Alphonse Daudet

King's Row / Henry Bellamann

Kipps / H. G. Wells

The Knight of the Burning Pestle / Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher

The Knights / Aristophanes

The Kreutzer Sonata / Count Leo Tolstoy

Kristin Lavransdatter / Sigrid Undset

The Labyrinth of Solitude / Octavio Paz

The Lady for Ransom / Alfred Duggan

The Lady from the Sea / Henrik Ibsen

Lady into Fox / David Garnett

The Lady of the Lake / Sir Walter Scott

Lady Windermere's Fan / Oscar Wilde

The Lady's Not for Burning / Christopher Fry

L'Aiglon / Edmond Rostand

Le Lais / Franc̥ois Villon

The Lais of Marie de France / Marie de France

Lalla Rookh / Thomas Moore

L'Amorosa Fiammetta / Giovanni Boccaccio

The Last Athenian / Viktor Rydberg

The Last Chronicle of Barset / Anthony Trollope

The Last Days of Pompeii / Edward George Earle Bulwer- Lytton

The Last of Summer / Kate O'Brien

The Last of the Barons / Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton

The Last of the Mohicans / James Fenimore Cooper

The Last of the Vikings / Johan Bojer

The Last of the Wine / Mary Renault

The Last Puritan / George Santayana

The Last Tycoon / F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Late George Apley / John P. Marquand

The Late Mattia Pascal / Luigi Pirandello

Laughter / Henri Bergson

Lavengro / George Henry Borrow

The Lay of Igor's Campaign / Unknown

The Lay of the Last Minstrel / Sir Walter Scott

Lazarillo de Tormes / Unknown

Leaves of Grass / Walt Whitman

The Legend of Good Women / Geoffrey Chaucer

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow / Washington Irving

The Legend of the Moor's Legacy / Washington Irving

The Legend of Tyl Ulenspiegel / Charles de Coster

The Leopard / Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

Leopards and Lilies / Alfred Duggan

Let Us Now Praise Famous Men / James Agee

Letters from an American Farmer / Michel- Guillaume Jean de Crèvecœur

Letters from the Underworld / Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevski

The Letters of Charles Lamb / Charles Lamb

The Letters of Emily Dickinson / Emily Dickinson

The Letters of F. Scott Fitzgerald / F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Letters of John Keats / John Keats

The Letters of Madame de Sévigné / Madame Marie de Sévigné

The Letters of Pliny the Younger / Pliny (Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus)

The Letters of Robert Frost / Robert Frost

The Letters of Thomas Gray / Thomas Gray

The Letters of Thomas Wolfe / Thomas Wolfe

The Letters of Walpole / Horace Walpole

The Letters of William Cowper / William Cowper

Letters to His Son / Lord Chesterfield

Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes

Liber Amoris / William Hazlitt

Lie Down in Darkness / William Styron

Lieh Kuo Chih / Feng Meng-Lung

The Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey / George Cavendish

The Life and Death of Mr. Badman / John Bunyan

Life in London / Pierce Egan

Life Is a Dream / Pedro Calderón de la Barca

Life of Nelson / Robert Southey

Life of Richard Savage / Samuel Johnson

The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. / James Boswell

Life on the Mississippi / Mark Twain

Life with Father / Clarence Day, Jr

Ligeia / Edgar Allan Poe

Light in August / William Faulkner

Liliom / Ferenc Molnar

The Lime Twig / John Hawkes

The Link / August Strindberg

The Lion of Flanders / Hendrik Conscience

The Literary Essays of Virginia Woolf / Virginia Woolf

The Little Clay Cart / Shudraka

Little Dorrit / Charles Dickens

The Little Foxes / Lillian Hellman

The Little Minister / James M. Barrie

Little Women / Louisa May Alcott

Lives / Izaak Walton

Lives of the Caesars / Suetonius (Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus)

The Lives of the Poets / Samuel Johnson

Liza of Lambeth / W. Somerset Maugham

A Long and Happy Life / Reynolds Price

The Long Journey / Johannes V. Jensen

The Long Night / Andrew Lytle

The Longest Journey / E. M. Forster

Look Back in Anger / John Osborne

Look Homeward, Angel / Thomas Wolfe

Looking Backward / Edward Bellamy

Lord Jim / Joseph Conrad

Lord of the Flies / William Golding

Lorna Doone / R. D. Blackmore

Lost Horizon / James Hilton

Lost Illusions / Honoré de Balzac

A Lost Lady / Willa Cather

The Lost Weekend / Charles Jackson

Love for Love / William Congreve

Love in a Wood / William Wycherley

Love's Labour's Lost / William Shakespeare

Loving / Henry Green

The Lower Depths / Maxim Gorky

Loyalties / John Galsworthy

Lucien Leuwen / Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle)

The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Sketches / Bret Harte

Lucky Jim / Kingsley Amis

The Lusiads / Luis Vaz de Camoëns

The Lyric Poetry of Byron / George Gordon, Lord Byron

The Lyric Poetry of Lowell / James Russell Lowell

The Lyric Poetry of Milton / John Milton

The Lyric Poetry of Spenser / Edmund Spenser

Lysistrata / Aristophanes

The Mabinogion / Unknown

Macbeth / William Shakespeare

McTeague / Frank Norris

Madam Bovary / Gustave Flaubert

Mademoiselle de Maupin / Théophile Gautier

The Madras House / Harley Granville-Barker

The Madwoman of Chaillot / Jean Giraudoux

Maggie: A Girl of the Streets / Stephen Crane

The Magic Mountain / Thomas Mann

Magnalia Christi Americana / Cotton Mather

The Magnificent Obsession / Lloyd C. Douglas

The Mahabharata / Unknown

The Maid of Honour / Philip Massinger

The Maid's Tragedy / Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher

Main Currents in American Thought / Vernon Louis Parrington

Main Street / Sinclair Lewis

Main-Travelled Roads / Hamlin Garland

Major Barbara / Bernard Shaw

Malcolm / James Purdy

The Malcontent / John Marston

The Maltese Falcon / Dashiell Hammett

The Man Against the Sky / Edwin Arlington Robinson

Man and Superman / Bernard Shaw

Volume 7 The Man of Feeling / Henry Mackenzie

The Man of Mode / Sir George Etherege

The Man Who Was Thursday / Gilbert Keith Chesterton

The Man with a Bull-Tongue Plow / Jesse Stuart

The Man Without a Country / Edward Everett Hale

Manette Salomon / Edmond de Goncourt and Jules de Goncourt

Manfred / George Gordon, Lord Byron

Manhattan Transfer / John Dos Passos

Manon Lescaut / Abbé Prévost

Man's Fate / André Malraux

Mansfield Park / Jane Austen

The Mansion / William Faulkner

The Marble Faun / Nathaniel Hawthorne

Marching On / James Boyd

Mardi / Herman Melville

Maria Chapdelaine / Louis Hémon

Maria Magdalena / Friedrich Hebbel

Marianne / Pierre de Marivaux

Marius the Epicurean / Walter Pater

Market Harborough / George J. Whyte-Melville

Marmion / Sir Walter Scott

Marriage à la Mode / John Dryden

The Marriage of Figaro / Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Marse Chan / Thomas Nelson Page

Martin Chuzzlewit / Charles Dickens

Mary Barton / Mrs. Elizabeth Gaskell

The Master Builder / Henrik Ibsen

The Master of Ballantrae / Robert Louis Stevenson

The Masters / C. P. Snow

Mastro-don Gesualdo / Giovanni Verga

Matter and Memory / Henri Bergson

Max Havelaar / Multatuli

The Maxims / François de La Rochefoucauld

The Mayor of Casterbridge / Thomas Hardy

The Mayor of Zalamea / Pedro Calderón de la Barca

Measure for Measure / William Shakespeare

Medea / Euripides

Meditations / Marcus Aurelius

Meek Heritage / Frans Eemil Sillanpaa

Melmoth the Wanderer / Charles Robert Maturin

The Member of the Wedding / Carson McCullers

Memento Mori / Muriel Spark

Memoirs / Giovanni Jacopo Casanova de Seingalt

The Memoirs of a Cavalier / Daniel Defoe

Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man / Siegfried Sassoon

Memoirs of a Midget / Walter de la Mare

Memoirs of a Physician / Alexandre Dumas, père

Memoirs of an Infantry Officer / Siegfried Sassoon

Men and Women / Robert Browning

The Menaechmi / Plautus

Le Menteur / Pierre Corneille

The Merchant of Venice / William Shakespeare

The Merry Wives of Windsor / William Shakespeare

Messer Marco Polo / Donn Byrne

The Metamorphoses / Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso)

Micah Clarke / Arthur Conan Doyle

Michael and His Lost Angel / Henry Arthur Jones

Mid-Channel / Arthur Wing Pinero

Middlemarch / George Eliot

A Midsummer Night's Dream / William Shakespeare

The Mighty and Their Fall / Ivy Compton- Burnett

The Mikado / W. S. Gilbert

The Mill on the Floss / George Eliot

The Mill on the Po / Riccardo Bacchelli

The Mind of Primitive Man / Franz Boas

The Ministry of Fear / Graham Greene

Minna von Barnhelm / Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

A Mirror for Witches / Esther Forbes

The Misanthrope / Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin)

Miscellanies / Abraham Cowley

The Miser / Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin)

Les Misérables / Victor Hugo

Miss Julie / August Strindberg

Miss Lonelyhearts / Nathanael West

Miss Ravenel's Conversion / John William De Forest

Mr. Britling Sees It Through / H. G. Wells

Mr. Bullivant and His Lambs / Ivy Compton-Burnett

Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds / Robert Smith Surtees

Mr. Midshipman Easy / Fredrick Marryat

Mister Roberts / Thomas Heggen

Mr.Sponge's Sporting Tour / Robert Smith Surtees

Mr. Weston's Good Wine / T.F. Powys

Mrs. Dalloway / Virginia Woolf

Mrs. Dane's Defense / Henry Arthur Jones

The Mistress of the Inn / Carlo Goldoni

Mithridate / Jean Baptiste Racine

Moby Dick / Herman Melville

The Mock Astrologer / Pedro Calderon de la Barca

Modern Chivalry / Hugh Henry Brackenridge

A Modern Comedy / John Galsworthy

A Modern Instance / William Dean Howells

A Modern Midas / Maurus Jokai

Moll Flanders / Daniel Defoe

Monday Conversations / Charles Augustin Saint-Beuve

The Monk / Matthew Gregory Lewis

Monkey / Wu Ch'eng-en

Monsieur Beaucaire / Booth Tarkington

Monsieur D'Olive / George Chapman

Monsieur Lecoq / Émile Gaboriau

Mont-Oriol / Guy de Maupassant

Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres / Henry Adams

A Month in the Country / Ivan Turgenev

The Moon and Sixpence / W. Somerset Maugham

The Moon Is Down / John Steinbeck

The Moonstone / Wilkie Collins

Le Morte d'Arthur / Sir Thomas Malory

The Mother / Grazia Deledda

Mother / Maxim Gorky

Mother and Son / Ivy Compton-Burnett

Mother Hubberd's Tale / Edmund Spenser

Mourning Becomes Electra / Eugene O'Neill

A Moveable Feast / Ernest Hemingway

Much Ado About Nothing / William Shakespeare

Murder in the Cathedral / T. S. Eliot

Mutiny on the Bounty / Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall

My Ántonia / Willa Cather

My Life and Hard Times / James Thurber

The Mysteries of Paris / Eugène Sue

The Mysteries of Udolpho / Mrs. Ann Radcliffe

The Mysterious Island / Jules Verne

The Mystery of Edwin Drood / Charles Dickens

The Myth of Sisyphus / Albert Camus

The Naked Year / Boris Pilnyak

Nana / Émile Zola

The Napoleon of Notting Hill / G. K. Chesterton

The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym / Edgar Allan Poe

A Narrative of the Life of David Crockett / David Crockett

Nathan the Wise / Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Native Son / Richard Wright

Nausea / Jean-Paul Sartre

The Nazarene / Sholem Asch

A Nest of Simple Folk / Seán O'Faoláin

New Atlantis / Francis Bacon

The New Criticism / John Crowe Ransom

New Grub Street / George Gissing

The New Héloïse / Jean-Jacques Rousseau

A New Way to Pay Old Debts / Philip Massinger

The Newcomes / William Makepeace Thackeray

The Nibelungenlied / Unknown

Nicholas Nickleby / Charles Dickens

Nick of the Woods / Robert Montgomery Bird

Niels Lyhne / Jens Peter Jacobsen

The nigg*r of the Narcissus / Joseph Conrad

Night Flight / Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

A Night in the Luxembourg / Remy De Gourmont

Night Rider / Robert Penn Warren

Nightmare Abbey / Thomas Love Peaco*ck

Nineteen Eighty-Four / George Orwell

No Name / Wilkie Collins

No Trifling with Love / Alfred de Musset

Nocturne / Frank Swinnerton

Northanger Abbey / Jane Austen

The Northern Lass / Richard Brome

Northwest Passage / Kenneth Roberts

Nostromo / Joseph Conrad

The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci / Leonardo da Vinci

Notes from a Bottle Found on the Beach at Carmel / Evan S. Connell, Jr

Notes on the State of Virginia / Thomas Jefferson

The Novice / Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov

O Pioneers! / Willa Cather

Oblomov / Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov

Ode to Aphrodite / Sappho

The Odyssey / Homer

Oedipus at Colonus / Sophocles

Oedipus Tyrannus / Sophocles

Of Human Bondage / W. Somerset Maugham

Of Mice and Men / John Steinbeck

Volume 8 Of Plimouth Plantation / William Bradford

Of Time and the River / Thomas Wolfe

The Old and the Young / Luigi Pirandello

The Old Bachelor / William Congreve

Old Calabria / Norman Douglas

The Old Curiosity Shop / Charles Dickens

Old Fortunatus / Thomas Dekker

The Old Maid / Edith Wharton

The Old Man and the Sea / Ernest Hemingway

Old Mortality / Katherine Anne Porter

Old Mortality / Sir Walter Scott

The Old Regime in Canada / Francis Parkman

Old St. Paul's / William Harrison Ainsworth

The Old Wives' Tale / Arnold Bennett

The Old Wives' Tale / George Peele

Oldtown Folks / Harriet Beecher Stowe

Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens

Omoo / Herman Melville

On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History / Thomas Carlyle

On Liberty / John Stuart Mill

On the Law of War and Peace / Hugo Grotius

On the Origin of Species / Charles Darwin

On the Sublime / Unknown

The Once and Future King / T. H. White

Oration on the Dignity of Man / Giovanni Pico della Mirandola

The Ordeal of Gillbert Pinfold / Evelyn Waugh

The Ordeal of Richard Feverel / George Meredith

The Oregon Trail / Francis Parkman

Orfeo / Politian

Orlando / Virginia Woolf

Orlando Furioso / Ludovico Ariosto

Orlando Innamorato / Matteo Maria Boiardo

Orley Farm / Anthony Trollope

Oroonoko / Mrs. Aphra Behn

The Orphan / Thomas Otway

Orpheus and Eurydice / Unknown

Othello / William Shakespeare

The Other One / Sidonie Gabrielle Claudine Colette

Our Mutual Friend / Charles Dickens

Our Town / Thornton Wilder

Our Village / Mary Russell Mitford

Out of My Life and Thought / Albert Schweitzer

The Overcoat / Nikolai V. Gogol

The Ox-Bow Incident / Walter Van Tilburg Clark

Pale Fire / Vladimir Nabokov

Pale Horse, Pale Rider / Katherine Anne Porter

The Palm-Wine Drinkard / Amos Tutuola

Pamela / Samuel Richardson

Parade's End / Ford Madox Ford

Paradise Lost / John Milton

Paradise Regained / John Milton

Parallel Lives / Plutarch

Parlement of Fowles / Geoffrey Chaucer

Parzival / Wolfram von Eschenbach

A Passage to India / E. M. Forster

The Passion Flower / Jacinto Benavente

The Passions of the Soul / René Descartes

The Paston Letters A.D 1422-1509 / Paston Family

Pastors and Masters / Ivy Compton-Burnett

Paterson / William Carlos Williams

The Path to Rome / Hilaire Belloc

The Pathfinder / James Fenimore Cooper

Patience / W. S. Gilbert

The Patrician / John Galsworthy

The Patriot / Antonio Fogazzaro

Paul Bunyan / James Stevens

The Peace / Aristophanes

The Peasants / Ladislas Reymont

Peder Victorious / O. E. Rölvaag

Pedro Páramo / Juan Rulfo

Pedro Sánchez / José María de Pereda

Peer Gynt / Henrik Ibsen

Peg Woffington / Charles Reade

Pelle the Conqueror / Martin Andersen Nexø

Pelléas and Mélisande / Maurice Maeterlinck

Penas Arriba / José Maria De Pereda

Pendennis / William Makepeace Thackeray

Penguin Island / Anatole France

Pensées / Blaise Pascal

The People of Juvik / Olav Duun

The People, Yes / Carl Sandburg

Pepita Jiménez / Juan Valera

Peregrine Pickle / Tobias Smollett

Pericles, Prince of Tyre / William Shakespeare

Persian Letters / Charles de Montesquieu

The Persians / Aeschylus

Personae / Ezra Pound

Persuasion / Jane Austen

Peter Ibbetson / George du Maurier

Peter Pan / Sir James M. Barrie

Peter Simple / Frederick Marryat

Peter Whiffle / Carl Van Vechten

Phèdre / Jean Baptiste Racine

The Phenomenon of Man / Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Philaster / Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher

The Philippics / Demosthenes

Philoctetes / Sophocles

Philosopher or Dog? / Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis

Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica / Sir Isaac Newton

Philosophical Treaties and Moral Reflections of Seneca / Seneca (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

Philosophy of Art / Hippolyte Taine

Phineas Finn / Anthony Trollope

Phineas Redux / Anthony Trollope

The Phoenician Women / Euripides

Phormio / Terence (Publius Terentius Afer)

The Physical Basis of Life / Thomas Henry Huxley

Pickwick Papers / Charles Dickens

The Picture of Dorian Gray / Oscar Wilde

Pierre / Herman Melville

The Pilgrim Hawk / Glenway Wescott

Pilgrimage / Dorothy M. Richardson

The Pilgrimage of Charlemagne / Unknown

The Pilgrim's Progress / John Bunyan

The Pillars of Society / Henrik Ibsen

The Pilot / James Fenimore Cooper

Ping-Pong / Arthur Adamov

The Pioneers / James Fenimore Cooper

The Pirates of Penzance / W. S. Gilbert

The Pit / Frank Norris

The Plague / Albert Camus

Les Plaideurs / Jean Baptiste Racine

The Plain-Dealer / William Wycherley

Plantation Boy / José Lins do Rego

Platero and I / Juan Ramón Jiménez

The Playboy of the Western World / John Millington Synge

The Plays of Cocteau / Jean Cocteau

The Plough and the Stars / Sean O'Casey

The Plumed Serpent / D. H. Lawrence

Plutus / Aristophanes

Poem of the Cid / Unknown

Poems / Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Poems and Ballads / Algernon Charles Swinburne

Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect / Robert Burns

The Poetical Works of Edward Taylor / Edward Taylor

The Poetics / Aristotle

Poetry and Truth from My Own Life / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Poetry of "A.E" / George William Russell

The Poetry of Aiken / Conrad Aiken

The Poetry of Anacreon / Anacreon

The Poetry of André Breton / André Breton

The Poetry of Apollinaire / Guillaume Apollinaire

The Poetry of Arnold / Matthew Arnold

The Poetry of Auden / W. H. Auden

The Poetry of Barker / George Barker

The Poetry of Bashô / Matsuo Basho

The Poetry of Beddoes / Thomas Lovell Beddoes

The Poetry of Betjeman / John Betjeman

The Poetry of Bion / Bion

The Poetry of Blake / William Blake

The Poetry of Blok / Aleksandr Blok

The Poetry of Blunden / Edmund Charles Blunden

The Poetry of Booth / Philip Booth

The Poetry of Brooke / Rupert Brooke

The Poetry of Bryant / William Cullen Bryant

The Poetry of Campion / Thomas Campion

The Poetry of Carducci / Giosuè Carducci

The Poetry of Carew / Thomas Carew

The Poetry of Cavafy / Constantine P. Cavafy

The Poetry of Chatterton / Thomas Chatterton

The Poetry of Christina Rossetti / Christina Rossetti

The Poetry of Clare / John Clare

The Poetry of Claudel / Paul Claudel

The Poetry of Coleridge / Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The Poetry of Collins / William Collins

The Poetry of Corbière / Tristan Corbière

The Poetry of Cowper / William Cowper

The Poetry of Crashaw / Richard Crashaw

The Poetry of Cummings / E. E. Cummings

The Poetry of Daniel / Samuel Daniel

The Poetry of Dante Gabriel Rossetti / Dante Gabriel Rossetti

The Poetry of Dickey / James Dickey

The Poetry of Donne / John Donne

The Poetry of Dowson / Ernest Christopher Dowson

The Poetry of Drayton / Michael Drayton

Volume 9 Poetry of Dryden / John Dryden

The Poetry of du Bellay / Joachim du Bellay

The Poetry of Eberhart / Richard Eberhart

The Poetry of Edith Sitwell / Edith Sitwell

The Poetry of Eichendorff

The Poetry of Elinor Wylie / Elinor Wylie

The Poetry of Emerson / Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Poetry of Emily Brontë / Emily Brontë

The Poetry of Emily Dickinson / Emily Dickinson

The Poetry of Esenin / Sergei Esenin

The Poetry of Flecker / James Elroy Flecker

The Poetry of Freneau / Philip Freneau

The Poetry of Frost / Robert Frost

The Poetry of Gabriela Mistral / Gabriela Mistral

The Poetry of Garrett / George Garrett

The Poetry of Gascoigne / George Gascoigne

The Poetry of Gautier / Théophile Gautier

The Poetry of Goldsmith / Oliver Goldsmith

The Poetry of Graves / Robert Graves

The Poetry of Gray / Thomas Gray

The Poetry of Hall / Donald Hall

The Poetry of Hardy / Thomas Hardy

The Poetry of H.D. / Hilda Doolittle

The Poetry of Henley / William Ernest Henley

The Poetry of Heredia / José Maria de Heredia

The Poetry of Hodgson / Ralph Hodgson

The Poetry of Hofmannsthal / Hugo von Hofmannsthal

The Poetry of Hölderlin / Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin

The Poetry of Hopkins / Gerard Manley Hopkins

The Poetry of Horace / Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)

The Poetry of Hugo / Victor Hugo

The Poetry of Jarrell / Randall Jarrell

The Poetry of Jeffers / Robinson Jeffers

The Poetry of Jimenez / Juan Ramon Jimenez

The Poetry of Johnson / Samuel Johnson

The Poetry of Jonson / Ben Johnson

The Poetry of Kipling / Rudyard Kipling

The Poetry of Laforgue / Jules Laforgue

The Poetry of Lamartine / Alphonse de Lamartine

The Poetry of Landor / Walter Savage Landor

The Poetry of Lanier / Sidney Lanier

The Poetry of Larkin / Philip Larkin

The Poetry of Lawrence / D.H Lawrence

The Poetry of Leopardi / Giacomo Leopardi

The Poetry of Lewis / Cecil Day Lewis

The Poetry of Lindsay / Vachel Lindsay

The Poetry of Lovelace / Richard Lovelace

The Poetry of Machado / Antonio Machado

The Poetry of MacLeish / Archibald MacLeish

The Poetry of MacNeice / Louis MacNeice

The Poetry of Mallarmé / Stephane Mallarmé

The Poetry of Marianne Moore / Marianne Moore

The Poetry of Marot / Clément Marot

The Poetry of Marvell / Andrew Marvell

The Poetry of Mayakovsky / Vladimir Mayakovsky

The Poetry of Melville / Herman Melville

The Poetry of Meredith / George Meredith

The Poetry of Michelangelo / Michelangelo Buonarroti

The Poetry of Mörike / Eduard Mörike

The Poetry of Moschus / Moschus

The Poetry of Musset / Alfred de Musset

The Poetry of Nekrasov / Nikolai Nekrasov

The Poetry of Neruda / Pablo Neruda

The Poetry of Nerval / Gérard de Nerval

The Poetry of Nicholas Breton / Nicholas Breton

The Poetry of Owen / Wilfred Owen

The Poetry of Pasternak / Boris Pasternak

The Poetry of Paz / Octavio Paz

The Poetry of Péguy / Charles Péguy

The Poetry of Prior / Matthew Prior

The Poetry of Raleigh / Sir Walter Raleigh

The Poetry of Robert Lowell / Robert Lowell, Jr

The Poetry of Roethke / Theodore Roethke

The Poetry of Ronsard / Pierre de Ronsard

The Poetry of Shapiro / Karl Shapiro

The Poetry of Sidney / Sir Philip Sidney

The Poetry of Skelton / John Skelton

The Poetry of Smart / Christopher Smart

The Poetry of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz / Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

The Poetry of Spender / Stephen Spender

The Poetry of Stefan George / Stefan George

The Poetry of Stephen Vincent Benét / Stephen Vincent Benét

The Poetry of Stevens / Wallace Stevens

The Poetry of Suckling / Sir John Suckling

The Poetry of Swift / Jonathan Swift

The Poetry of Tate / Allen Tate

The Poetry of Theocritus / Theocritus

The Poetry of Thompson / Francis Thompson

The Poetry of Thoreau / Henry David Thoreau

The Poetry of Traherne / Thomas Traherne

The Poetry of Valéry / Paul Valéry

The Poetry of Vaughan / Henry Vaughan

The Poetry of Vigny / Alfred de Vigny

The Poetry of Waller / Edmund Waller

The Poetry of Warren / Robert Penn Warren

The Poetry of Whittier / John Greenleaf Whittier

The Poetry of Wilbur / Richard Wilbur

The Poetry of Wilde / Oscar Wilde

The Poetry of Williams / William Carlos Williams

The Poetry of Wither / George Wither

The Poetry of Wordsworth / William Wordsworth

The Poetry of Wyatt and Surrey / Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey

The Poetry of Yeats / William Butler Yeats

Point Counter Point / Aldous Huxley

Polyeucte / Pierre Corneille

The Ponder Heart / Eudora Welty

Poor People / Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Poor White / Sherwood Anderson

The Poorhouse Fair / John Updike

Porgy / DuBose Heyward

The Portrait of a Lady / Henry James

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog / Dylan Thomas

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man / James Joyce

The Possessed / Fyodor Dostoevski

The Postman Always Rings Twice / James M. Cain

The Pot of Gold / Plautus (Titus Maccias Plautus)

Power / Lion Feuchtwanger

The Power and the Glory / Graham Greene

The Power of Darkness / Count Leo Tolstoy

Pragmatism / William James

The Prairie / James Fenimore Cooper

The Praise of Folly / Desiderius Erasmus

Precious Bane / Mary Webb

Preface to Shakespeare / Samuel Johnson

Prejudices : Six Series / H. L. Mencken

Pride and Prejudice / Jane Austen

The Prince / Niccolò Machiavelli

The Prince and the Pauper / Mark Twain

The Prince of Homburg / Heinrich von Kleist

The Princess / Alfred, Lord Tennyson

The Princess Casamassima / Henry James

The Princess of Clèves / Madame de La Fayette

Principles of Literary Criticism / I.A. Richards

Principles of Political Economy / John Stuart Mill

The Prisoner of Zenda / Anthony Hope

The Private Life of the Master Race / Bertolt Brecht

Private Lives / Noël Coward

The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft / George Gissing

The Professor / Charlotte Brontë

The Professor's House / Willa Cather

Prometheus Bound / Aeschylus

Prometheus Unbound / Percy Bysshe Shelley

The Promised Land / Henrik Pontoppidan

The Prophet / Kahlil Gibran

Proserpine and Ceres / Unknown

Purple Dust / Sean O'Casey

The Purple Land / W.H. Hudson

Pygmalion / George Bernard Shaw

Quality Street / James M. Barrie

Queen Victoria / Lytton Strachey

Queen's Necklace / Alexandre Dumas, père

Quentin Durward / Sir Walter Scott

Quo Vadis? / Henryk Sienkiewicz

Run Rabbit / John Updike

The Rainbow / D. H. Lawrence

Raintree County / Ross Lockridge, Jr

Ralph Roister Doister / Nicholas Udall

The Ramayana / Valmiki

The Rambler / Samuel Johnson

Rameau's Nephew / Denis Diderot

The Rape of Lucrece / William Shakespeare

The Rape of the Lock / Alexander Pope

Rasselas / Samuel Johnson

Ravenshoe / Henry Kingsley

The Real Life of Sebastian Knight / Vladimir Nabokov

Rebecca / Daphne du Maurier

The Rebel Generation / Johanna van Ammers-Kuller

The Recruiting Officer / George Farquhar

The Red and the Black / Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle)

The Red Badge of Courage / Stephen Crane

The Red Room / August Strindberg

The Red Rover / James Fenimore Cooper

Redburn / Herman Melville

The Redskins / James Fenimore Cooper

The Reivers / William Faulkner

The Relapse / Sir John Vanbrugh

R.E. Lee / Douglas Southall Freeman

Remembrance of Things Past / Marcel Proust

Remembrance Rock / Carl Sandburg

The Renaissance / Walter Pater

Renée Mauperin / Edmond de Goncourt and Jules de Goncourt

Representative Men / Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Republic / Plato

Volume 10 Requiem for a Nun / William Faulkner

The Responsibilities of the Novelist / Frank Norris

Resurrection / Count Leo Tolstoy

The Return / Walter de la Mare

The Return of the King / J.R.R. Tolkien

The Return of the Native / Thomas Hardy

The Revenge of Bussy d'Amboise / George Chapman

The Revenger's Tragedy / Cyril Tourneur

The Revolt of the Angels / Anatole France

The Revolt of the Masses / José Ortega y Gasset

Reynard the Fox / Unknown

Rhadamistus and Zenobia / Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon

Rhinoceros / Eugene Ionesco

Riceyman Steps / Arnold Bennett

Richard the Second / William Shakespeare

Richard the Third / William Shakespeare

Riders in the Chariot / Patrick White

Right You Are, If You Think So / Luigi Pirandello

Le Rime of Petrarch / Francesco Petrarch

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner / Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The Ring and the Book / Robert Browning

Ring Round the Moon / Jean Anouilh

Rip Van Winkle / Washington Irving

The Rise of American Civilization / Charles A. and Mary R. Beard

The Rise of Silas Lapham / William Dean Howells

The Rivals / Richard Brinsley Sheridan

River of Earth / James Still

The Rivet in Grandfather's Neck / James Branch Cabell

Roan Stallion / Robinson Jeffers

Rob Roy / Sir Walter Scott

Robin Hood's Adventures / Unknown

Robinson Crusoe / Daniel Defoe

Roderick Hudson / Henry James

Roderick Random / Tobias Smollett

Rogue Herries / Hugh Walpole

The Roman Actor / Philip Massinger

The Romance of a Schoolmaster / Edmondo de Amicis

The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci / Dimitri Merejkowski

The Romance of the Forest / Mrs. Ann Radcliffe

Romance of Three Kingdoms / Lo Kuan-chung

The Romantic Comedians / Ellen Glasgow

The Romantic Ladies / Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin)

The Romany Rye / George Henry Borrow

Rome Haul / Walter D. Edmonds

Romeo and Juliet / William Shakespeare

Romola / George Eliot

Room at the Top / John Braine

A Room with a View / E.M. Forster

Rory O'More / Samuel Lover

Rosmersholm / Henrik Ibsen

Roughing it / Mark Twain

Roxana / Daniel Defoe

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam / Edward FitzGerald

Rule a Wife and Have a Wife / John Fletcher

R.U.R / Karel Capek

Ruslan and Lyudmila / Alexander Pushkin

The Sacred Fount / Henry James

The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and Criticism / T.S. Eliot

The Saint / Antonio Fogazzaro

Saint Joan / Bernard Shaw

St. Peter's Umbrella / Kalman Mikszath

St. Ronan's Well / Sir Walter Scott

Sakuntala / Kalidasa

Salammbo / Gustave Flaubert

Salar the Salmon / Henry Williamson

Samson Agonistes / John Milton

Sanctuary / William Faulkner

Sandford and Merton / Thomas Day

Sanine / Mikhail Artsybashev

Sappho / Alphonso Daudet

Sappho / Franz Grillparzer

Saragossa / Benito Pérez Galdos

Sartor Resartus / Thomas Carlyle

Sartoris / William Faulkner

Satanstoe / James Fenimore Cooper

Satires / Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux

Satires / Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenailis)

Satires / Lucian

Satiromastrix / Thomas Dekker

The Satyricon / Petronius (Gaius Petronius Arbiter)

The Scarlett Letter / Nathaniel Hawthorne

Scepticism and Animal Faith / George Santayana

The School for Husbands / Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin)

The School for Scandal / Robert Brinsley Sheridan

The School for Wives / Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin)

The Scornful Lady / Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher

The Scottish Chiefs / Jane Porter

Scott's Last Expedition / Captain Robert Falcon Scott

The Sea and the Jungle / H.M. Tomlinson

The Sea of Grass / Conrad Richter

The Sea Wolf / Jack London

The Seagull / Anton Chekhov

Seamarks / St. John Perse

A Season in Hell / Arthur Rimbaud

The Seasons / James Thomson

The Second Mrs. Tanqueray / Arthur Wing Pinero

The Second Shepherd's Play / Unknown

The Second World War / Winston S. Churchill

The Secret Agent / Joseph Conrad

Sejanus / Ben Jonson

Selected Poems / John Crowe Ransom

The Self-Tormentor / Terence (Publius Terentius Afer)

Sense and Sensibility / Jane Austen

A Sentimental Education / Gustave Flaubert

A Sentimental Journey / Laurence Sterne

Set This House on Fire / William Styron

Seven Against Thebes / Aeschylus

Seven Gothic Tales / Isak Dinesen

Seven Pillars of Wisdom / T.E. Lawrence

The Seven Who Fled / Fredric Prokosch

The Seven Who Were Hanged / Leonid Andreyev

Seventeen / Booth Tarkington

The Shadow of Night / George Chapman

Shadows on the Rock / Willa Cather

She / H.Rider Haggard

She Stoops to Conquer / Oliver Goldsmith

The Sheep Well / Lope de Vega

Shelburne Essays / Paul Elmer More

The Sheltered Life / Ellen Glasgow

The Shepheardes Calendar / Edmund Spenser

The Shih Ching / Confucius

Ship of Fools / Katherine Anne Porter

Shirley / Charlotte Brontë

The Shoemaker's Holiday / Thomas Dekker

The Short Stories of A.E. Coppard / A.E. Coppard

The Short Stories of D.H. Lawrence / D.H. Lawrence

The Short Stories of E.M. Forster / E.M. Forster

The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway / Ernest Hemingway

The Short Stories of Eudora Welty / Eudora Welty

The Short Stories of Flannery O'Connor / Flannery O'Connor

The Short Stories of John Cheever / John Cheever

The Short Stories of John Updike / John Updike

Short Stories of Katherine Mansfield / Katherine Mansfield

Short Stories of O.Henry / O.Henry

The Short Stories of Peter Taylor / Peter Taylor

The Short Stories of Saki / Saki

A Shropshire Lad / A.E. Housman

The Sickness unto Death / Søren Kierkegaard

The Siege of Rhodes / Sir William Davenant

The Sign of Four / Arthur Conan Doyle

Silas Marner / George Eliot

The Silent Woman / Ben Jonson

A Simple Honorable Man / Conrad Richter

Simplicissimus the Vagabond / H.J.C. von Grimmelshausen

Sir Charles Grandison / Samuel Richardson

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight / Unknown

Sir John van Olden Barnavelt / John Fletcher and Philip Massinger

The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers / Joseph Addison, Sir Richard Steele, Eustace Budgell

Sister Carrie / Theodore Dreiser

Sister Philomène / Edmond and Jules de Goncourt

Six Characters in Search of an Author / Luigi Pirandello

The Skin of Our Teeth / Thornton Wilder

The Sleepwalkers / Hermann Broch

The Slipknot / Plautus (Titus Maccius Plautus)

The Small House at Allington / Anthony Trollope

Small Souls / Louis Couperus

Smoke / Ivan Turgenev

The Snake Pit / Sigrid Undset

Snow-Bound / John Greenleaf Whittier

So Big / Edna Ferber

So Red the Rose / Stark Young

Society and Solitude / Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sohrab and Rustum / Matthew Arnold

The Soldier's Fortune / Thomas Otway

Some People / Sir Harold George Nicolson

The Son Avenger / Sigrid Undset

A Son of the Middle Border / Hamlin Garland

Volume 11 Sonezaki Shinju / Chikamatsu Monzaemon

The Song of Hiawatha / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Song of Roland / Unknown

The Song of Songs / Hermann Sudermann

The Song of the Lark / Willa Cather

Song of the World / Jean Giono

Sonnets from the Portuguese / Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The Sonnets of Shakespeare / William Shakespeare

Sonnets of Orpheus / Rainer Maria Rilke

Sons and Lovers / D.H. Lawrence

The Sorrows of Young Werther / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Sotileza / José Maria de Pereda

The Sot-Weed Factor / John Barth

The Sound and the Fury / William Faulkner

The Sound of Waves / Yukio Mishima

South Wind / Norman Douglas

The Spanish Friar / John Dryden

The Spanish Gipsy / Thomas Middleton

The Spanish Tragedy / Thomas Kyd

Specimen Days / Walt Whitman

Speculations About Jacob / Uwe Johnson

The Spirit of the Laws / Charles de Montesquieu

The Spoilers / Rex Beach

The Spoils of Poynton / Henry James

Spoon River Anthology / Edgar Lee Masters

The Spy / James Fenimore Cooper

The Star of Seville / Unknown

State Fair / Phil Stong

Steppenwolf / Hermann Hesse

The Stoic / Theodore Dreiser

Stone Desert / Hugo Wast

The Stones of Venice / John Ruskin

The Story of a Bad Boy / Thomas Bailey Aldrich

The Story of a Country Town / Edgar Watson Howe

The Story of an African Farm / Oliver Schreiner

The Story of Burnt Njal / Unknown

The Story of Gosta Berling / Selma Lagerlof

The Story of My Boyhood and Youth / John Muir

Story of the Guitar / Kao Tse-Ch'eng

A Story Teller's Story / Sherwood Anderson

Strange Interlude / Eugene O'Neill

Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio / P'u Sung-ling

The Stranger / Albert Camus

Street Scene / Elmer Rice

A Streetcar Named Desire / Tennessee Williams

Strife / John Galsworthy

Studies in Classic American Literature / D.H. Lawrence

Studies on Hysteria / Josef Breuer and Sigmund Freud

Studs Lonigan: A Trilogy / James T. Farrell

A Study in Scarlet / Arthur Conan Doyle

A Study of History / Arnold Toynbee

Summa Theologica / Thomas Aquinas

The Summing Up / W. Somerset Maugham

The Sun Also Rises / Ernest Hemingway

The Sunken Bell / Gerhart Hauptmann

The Suppliants / Aeschylus

The Suppliants / Euripides

I Suppositi / Ludovico Ariosto

Surry of Eagle's Nest / John Esten Cooke

Swallow Barn / John P. Kennedy

The Swiss Family Robinson / Johann Rudolf Wyss

A Tale of a Tub / Jonathan Swift

The Tale of Genji / Lady Murasaki Shikibu

A Tale of Two Cities / Charles Dickens

Tale of Ise / Arihara no Narihira

Tales of Soldiers and Civilians / Ambrose Bierce

Tales of Uncle Remus / Joel Chandler Harris

The Talisman / Sir Walter Scott

Tamar / Robinson Jeffers

Tamburlaine the Great / Christopher Marlowe

The Taming of the Shrew / William Shakespeare

Taps for Private Tussie / Jesse Stuart

Taras Bulba / Nikolai V. Gogol

Tarka the Otter / Henry Williamson

Tarr / Wyndham Lewis

Tartarin of Tarascon / Alphonse Daudet

Tartuffe / Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin)

The Task / William Cowper

The Tempest / William Shakespeare

The Temple / George Herbert

The Temple Beau / Henry Fielding

The Temptation of Saint Anthony / Gustave Flaubert

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall / Anne Brontë

The Tenants of Moonbloom / Edward Lewis Wallant

Tender is the Night / F.Scott Fitzgerald

La Teseide / Giovanni Boccaccio

Tess of the D'Urbervilles / Thomas Hardy

Thaddeus of Warsaw / Jane Porter

The Uncertain Feeling / Amis Kingsley

The Thebais / Statius (Public Papinius Statius)

The Theory of the Leisure Class / Thorsten Veble

There Are Crimes and Crimes / August Strindberg

Thérèse / François Mauriac

The Thesmophoriazusae / Aristophanes

They Shoot Horses, Don't They? / Horace McCoy

The Thin Man / Dashiell Hammett

The Thirty-Nine Steps / John Buchan

This Above All / Eric Knight

The Three Black Pennys / Joseph Hergesheimer

The Three-Cornered Hat / Pedro Antonio de Alarcon

Three Men in a Boat / Jerome K. Jerome

The Three Musketeers / Alexandre Dumas, père

The Three Sisters / Anthon Chekhov

Through the Looking Glass / Lewis Carroll

Thus Spake Zarathustra / Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Thyestes / Seneca (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

Tiger at the Gates / Jean Giraudoux

The Time Machine / H.G. Wells

The Time of Man / Elizabeth Madox Roberts

Timon of Athens / William Shakespeare

The Tin Drum / Gunter Grass

'Tis Pity She's a whor* / John Ford

The Titan / Theodore Dreiser

Titus Andronicus / William Shakespeare

To Be a Pilgrim / Joyce Cary

To the Lighthouse / Virginia Woolf

Tobacco Road / Erskine Caldwell

The Toilers of the Sea / Victor Hugo

Tom Brown's School Days / Thomas Hughes

Tom Burke of Ours / Charles Lever

Tom Cringle's Log / Michael Scott

Tom Jones / Henry Fielding

Tom Sawyer / Mark Twain

Tom Thumb the Great / Henry Fielding

Tono-Bungay / H.G. Wells

The Tower of London / William Harrison Ainsworth

The Town / William Faulkner

The Town / Conrad Richter

The Track of the Cat / Walter Van Tilburg Clark

The Tragic Muse / Henry James

The Tragic Sense of Life in Men and in Peoples / Miguel De Unamuno y Jugo

The Traitor / James Shirley

Travels in Arabia Deserta / Charles M. Doughty

The Travels of Marco Polo / Marco Polo

Travels to the Interior District of Africa / Mungo Park

Travels With a Donkey / Robert Louis Stevenson

Treasure Island / Robert Louis Stevenson

The Treaties of Cicero / Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn / Betty Smith

The Tree of Man / Patrick White

The Tree of the Folkungs / Verner von Heidenstam

The Trees / Conrad Richter

The Trial / Franz Kafka

Trial by Jury / W.S. Gilbert

A Trick to Catch the Old One / Thomas Middleton

The Trickster / Plautus (Titus Maccius Plautus)

Trilby / George du Maurier

Tristan and Isolde / Gottfried von Strassburg

Tristram / Edwin Arlington Robinson

Tristram Shandy / Laurence Sterne

The Triumph of Death / Gabriele D' Annunzio

Troilus and Cressida / William Shakespeare

Troilus and Criseyde / Geoffrey Chaucer

The Trojan Women / Euripides

Tropic of Capricorn / Henry Miller

The True History / Lucian

Truth Suspected / Juan Ruiz de Alarcon

Turcaret / Alain René Le Sage

The Turn of the Screw / Henry James

Volume 12 Twelfth Night / William Shakespeare

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea / Jules Verne - Twenty Years After / Alexandre Dumas, père

Twilight in Italy / D.H. Lawrence

Two Essays on Analytical Psychology / Carl G. Jung

Two Gentlemen of Verona / William Shakespeare - The Two Noble Kinsmen / William Shakespeare and John Fletcher

The Two Towers / J.R.R. Tolkien

Two Women / Alberto Moravia

Two Years Before the Mast / Richard Henry Dana Jr

Typee / Herman Melville

The Ugly duch*ess / Lion Feuchtwanger

Ulysses / James Joyce - The Unbearable Bassington / Saki

Uncle Silas / Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

Uncle Tom's Cabin / Harriet Beecher Stowe

Uncle Vanya / Anton Chekhov

Under Fire / Henri Barbusse

Under Milk Wood / Dylan Thomas

Under the Greenwood Tree / Thomas Hardy

Under the Volcano / Malcolm Lowry

Under the Yoke / Ivan Vazov

Under Two Flags / Ouida

Under Western Eyes / Joseph Conrad

The Underdogs / Mariano Azuela

Undine / Friedrich de La Motte-Fouqué

The Unfortunate Traveler / Thomas Nash - The Unvanquished / William Faulkner

U.S.A / John Dos Passos

Utopia / Sir Thomas More

Vanessa / Hugh Walpole

Vanity Fair / William Makepeace Thackeray

Vathek / William Beckford - The Velvet Horn / Andrew Lytle

The Venetian Glass Nephew / Elinor Wylie

Venice Preserved / Thomas Otway

Venus and Adonis / William Shakespeare

The Vicar of Bullhampton / Anthony Trollope

The Vicar of Wakefield / Oliver Goldsmith

The Victomte de Bragelonne / Alexander Dumas, pére

The Victim / Saul Bellow

Victory / Joseph Conrad

Vile Bodies / Evelyn Waugh

The Village / Ivan Alexeyevich Bunin

The Village / George Crabbe

Villette / Charlotte Brontë

A Vindication of Natural Society / Edmund Burke - The Violent Bear It Away / Flannery O'Connor

The Violent Land / Jorge Amado

Virgin Soil / Ivan Turgenev

The Virginia Comedians / John Esten Cooke

The Virginian / Owen Wister

The Virginians / William Makepeace Thackeray

Vision de Anahuac / Alfonso Reyes

The Vision of William, Concerning Piers the Plowman / William Langland

The Vita Nuova / Dante Alighieri

Vivian Grey / Benjamin Disraeli

The Voices of Silence / André Malraux

Volpone / Ben Johnson

Volupté / Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve

The Voyage of the Beagle / Charles Darwin

Waiting for Godot / Samuel Beckett

Walden / Henry David Thoreau

Wallenstein / Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller

The Wanderer / Alain-Fournier

The Wandering Jew / Eugene Sue

The Wandering Scholar from Paradise / Hans Sachs

The Waning of the Middle Ages / Johan Huizinga

The Wapshot Chronicle / John Cheever

The Wapshot Scandal / John Cheever

War and Peace / Count Leo Tolstoy

Washington Square / Henry James

The Wasps / Aristophanes

The Waste Land / T.S Eliot

The Waters of Kronos / Conrad Richter

Waverley / Sir Walter Scott

The Waves / Virginia Woolf

The Way of All Flesh / Samuel Butler

The Way of the World / William Congreve

The Wealth of Nations / Adam Smith

The Weavers / Gerhart Hauptmann

The Web and the Rock / Thomas Wolfe

A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers / Henry David Thoreau

Westward Ho! / Charles Kingsley

What Every Woman Knows / James M. Barrie

What Maisie Knew / Henry James

When the Mountain Fell / Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz

When We Dead Awaken / Henrik Ibsen

Where Angels Fear to Tread / E. M. Forster

Where the Air Is Clear / Carlos Fuentes

The White Company / Arthur Conan Doyle - The White Devil / John Webster

White-Jacket / Herman Melville

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? / Edward Albee

Wieland / Charles Brockden Brown

The Wild Ass's Skin / Honoré de Balzac

The Wild Duck / Henrik Ibsen

The Wild Palms / William Faulkner

Wild Wales / George Henry Borrow

Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Wilhelm Meister's Travels / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

William Tell / Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller

The Wind in the Willows / Kenneth Grahame

Wind, Sand, and Stars / Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Windsor Castle / William Harrison Ainsworth

Winesburg, Ohio / Sherwood Anderson

The Wings of the Dove / Henry James

The Winter's Tale / William Shakespeare

Winterset / Maxwell Anderson

The Wisdom of the Sands / Antoine de Saint Exupéry

Wise Blood / Flannery O'Connor

With Fire and Sword / Henryk Sienkiewicz - Within the Gates / Sean O'Casey

Wolf Solent / John Cowper Powys

The Woman Hater / Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher

The Woman in White / Wilkie Collins

A Woman Killed with Kindness / Thomas Heywood

The Woman of Rome / Alberto Moravia

A Woman's Life / Guy de Maupassant

The Woman's Prize / John Fletcher

Women Beware Women / Thomas Middleton

Women in Love / D. H. Lawrence

The Women of Trachis / Sophocles

The Woodlanders / Thomas Hardy

Woodstock / Sir Walter Scott

Works and Days / Hesiod

Works of Jonathan Edwards / Jonathan Edwards

The World as Will and Idea / Arthur Schopenhauer

World Enough and Time / Robert Penn Warren

The World of the Thibaults / Roger Martin du Gard

The World's Illusion / Jacob Wassermann

Woyzeck / Georg Büchner

The Wreck of the Grosvenor / W. Clark Russell - Wuthering Heights / Emily Brontë

The Yearling / Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

The Years / Virginia Woolf

The Yemassee / William Gilmore Simms

You Can't Go Home Again / Thomas Wolfe

You Know Me Al / Ring Lardner

Youma / Lafcadio Hearn

Yvain / Chrétien de Troyes

Zadig / François Marie Arouet Voltaire

Zaïre / François Marie Arouet Voltaire - El Zarco / Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

The Zincali / George Henry Borrow

Zorba the Greek / Nikos Kazantzakis

Zuleika Dobson / Max Beerbohm

Masterplots : 2010 plot stories & essay reviews from the world's fine literature | (2024)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 5587

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.