Test Your Math Ray Tracing (2024)

1. A Minimal Ray-Tracer: Ray-Sphere Intersection - Scratchapixel

  • The geometric solution to the ray-sphere intersection test relies on simple math, mainly geometry, trigonometry, and the Pythagorean theorem.

  • Intersecting a ray with a sphere is the simplest form of a ray-geometry intersection test, which is why many ray tracers showcase images of spheres. Its simplicity also lends to its speed. However, to ensure it works reliably, there are always a few important subtleties to pay attention to.

2. Ray tracer for those who skipped the math class

  • 22 apr 2021 · Ray tracer is an app that renders 3-dimensional objects, lights, reflections, all done by tracing the rays of light through the world of objects, shapes, and ...

  • A tiny ray tracer, only useful for people who never written one themselves, but would like to. It lacks features, but provides a foundation to build your own, featureful ray tracer upon.

Ray tracer for those who skipped the math class

3. Ray Tracing in One Weekend

  • Overview · The ray Class · Sending Rays Into the Scene

  • Main is updated to set the new camera parameter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C++ int main() { ... camera cam; cam.aspect_ratio = 16.0 / 9.0; cam.image_width = 400; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C++ highlight cam.samples_per_pixel = 100; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C++ cam.render(world); } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Listing [main-spp]: [main.cc] Setting the new samples-per-pixel parameter]

4. [PDF] MATH 580A Assignment 4 — Ray Tracing

  • Ray tracing is a technique used for rendering scenes with 3d geometry. It is well-suited for ren- dering objects realistically and is based on modeling how ...

5. Parametric and Implicit Surfaces - A Minimal Ray-Tracer

  • The focus of this lesson is to explore how the property of being definable by an equation facilitates the calculation of ray-geometry intersection tests.

  • In the previous lesson, we learned how to generate primary rays. However, we have not yet produced an image because we have not learned how to calculate the intersection of these primary rays with any geometry. In this lesson, we will explore computing the ray-geometry intersection for simple shapes, such as spheres. Spheres are relatively straightforward to ray-trace, making them a common choice for those learning to program a ray tracer. Thus, this lesson will cover a somewhat eclectic mix of topics:

6. [PDF] Ray Tracing - All the Maths - University of Cambridge

  • In order to test whether a ray hits a transformed object, we need to describe the ray in the object's local coordinates. We transform the ray by the inverse of.

7. Ray Tracing and Problem-Solving - The Physics Classroom

  • In this part of Lesson 2, we will investigate several of the types of problems that you will have to solve, and learn the task of tracing the refracted ray.

  •  Student Extras

8. Ray Tracing - Part 1 - Graphics and GPU Programming - GameDev.net

  • 8 aug 2018 · Vectors and Matrices. The very first step in implementing any ray tracer is obtaining a vector math library. Linear algebra is the cornerstone ...

  • We investigate the basics of ray tracing and render some spheres.

Ray Tracing - Part 1 - Graphics and GPU Programming - GameDev.net

9. Ray Tracing in One Weekend Series

  • Finally, with Ray Tracing: The Rest Of Your Life , we'll dive into the math of creating a very serious ray tracer. ... check these issues first (including ...

10. [PDF] Basic Ray Tracing - UT Computer Science

  • Check that point Q is to the left of all edges: [(B-A)x(Q-A)]⋅n >= 0 ... Not today. Page 49. Phong Shading Model. We'll talk about the specific math behind.

11. [PDF] Math for Computer Graphics – Review Questions

  • Ray Tracing. • What was the rendering equation? Motivate & list the terms. • Relate the rendering equation to forward ray tracing. Why is forward ray tracing.

Test Your Math Ray Tracing (2024)


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