3 DO GR lone C. to lobe October 18. 1953 THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER News Section--Page 19 Out Of Season, But Very Inexpensive Inexpensive Weather Bureau report of temperature for the 24 hours ending 8 p. m. Saturday: Station High Low Atlanta 80 85 Bismarck 73 50 Boston 75 Chicago Cleveland Denver 72 Detroit 80 Indianapolis 62 Los Angeles 76 Miami 80 Minneapolis 80 New Orleans 86 59 New York 79 56 Pittsburgh 75 42 Tampa 84 67 Tucson 86 57 Cincinnati Weather Bureau record for October 17, 1953: Temp.
Prec. 7:30 45 7:30 p. 70 1953 '52 '51 NI. Highest Temp. 79 69 80 68 Lowest Temp.
45 39 48 46 0 0 0 0.07 River at 7 p. m. 12.2 feet, in pool. Today: Sunrise 6:49 a. m.
Sunset 5:57 p. m. Wirephoto OHIO VALLEY FORECAST Ohio: Sunny, warm and dry. High temperature around 80 degrees. Kentucky: Sunny, warm and dry.
High temperature around 80. Indiana: Fair and warm. High temperature between 80 and 85 degrees. Journey's End Anderson Dumbacher Arit Edwards Aglor, E.ms Emma Ey Aglor, Fessier Ottie Finley Bell Flood Billow Gatch Borchers Geist Bradhold Gilfillen Bristol Goergen Cleveland Gratsch Cohen Gray Connolly Guilfoyle Crouch Harmeier Deutemeier Heavner LOW 57 HIGH 79 HIGH 30.15 30.21 80 U.S. WEATHER BUREAU MAP Department of Commerce HIGH Temperature Figures Show Average for Area Arrows Denote Wind Flew EST Rain Snow Highs and Lows in Inches -AP more of the fair and through the next No rain is expected, of the nation will to partly cloudy skies for scattered showFlorida, the West the Upper Great and the mountains Montana.
MIRROR OF CITY UC President Has Inaugural Role Dr. Raymond Walters, president will represent UC at the inauguration president of Miami University educational institutions have serve as their representatives at have accepted are: Dr. Wayland M. Burgess, UC professor of chemistry, for Rhode Island State College, Coulter, UC Kingston; professor Dr. of John W.
geography, for the University Chicago and University of Hawali; Dr. Edward S. Smith, UC professor emeritus of mathematics, for Brown University, Providence, R. and Kenneth Varner, UC registrar, for the University of Tenne- De, Knoxville. GIRLS' TOWN EXPANDS: The proposed swimming pool at Girls' Town of America, will be the first step in a building expansion program, Joseph Albers, executive committee chairman, said yesterday.
Expansion of the "Town," also known as Our Lady of the Woods School, was planned to begin several years ago, but was delayed by lack of funds, Mr. Albers explained. A committee headed by Maurice Levitch, board member, which is trying to raise $35,000 for the swimming pool, reported "slow, but satisfactory" progress. Girls Town, conducted by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, on North Bend Road, is headquarters for Sister Mary St. Sylvester, Provincial of the order in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Michigan.
NEW SECRETARY: James S. Evans, newly appointed secretary of the Walnut Hills Branch of the Young Men's Christian Association, will be introduced to members at a tea and reception from 4 to 7 p. m. today at the branch building, 2840 Melrose Avenue. LEAD CATHOLIC VETERANS: New officers of St.
Stephen's Post 1553, Catholic War Veterans, are John Butler, commander; Joseph Roth, first vice president; William Brandstetter, adjutant, Forest Purvis, treasurer; Paul Schlosser, historian, Robert and Robert Vogt, trustees. MACS TO MEET: The MACS -Medical Assistants of Cincinnati-will welcome nonmember eligibles employed by Cincinnati physicians at the October MAC meeting in the home of Miss Ruth Adams, president, 3525 Saybrook East Hyde Park, Tuesday night. The 7:30 p. m. will begin with a "surprogram prise" entertainment, and include brief committee meetings and a general business meeting, followed by refreshments.
Mrs. Evelyn Kamleiter, Mrs. Janet Steers, Mrs. Millicent Gillis and Miss Shirley Neilson, vice president, will be cohostess. LECTURES ARE SET: The first in a series of lectures entitled "Facts for Fellowship" will be given at 8 p.
m. Thursday at the Cincinnati Fellowship House, 1716 Highland Ave. The lectures will be given every Thursday thereafter until December 10. will include leaders social in the of anthropology, 52 LOW 55 63 29.68 COO 63 HIGH 59 74 59 63 30.18 63 66 79 68 High Temperatures and Areas of Precipitation Expected Sunday 60 60 60. 70 Weather As Of 1:30 80 Oct.
17,1953 Unseasonably warm weather ley predicts will continue today and the warm weather Weather Bureau reports that a few days. break in temperatures toward a either. Most autumn-like coolness still is have clear more, sight. A. W.
Walstrom, today except U. S. meteorologist, predicted ers in Southern high of 80 degrees today, with a Gulf Coast, low in the morning of 50. An ex- Lakes region tended forecast for the Ohio Val- of Northern of of of the University of Cincinnati, of Dr. John D.
Millet as 16th Friday at Oxford, Ohio. Several other upon UC faculty members, to the ceremonies. Among who Tomorrow's BIRTHDAYS Joseph S. Graydon, Thurston Merrell, Sidney D. Spritz, Mrs.
Ruth J. Roche, Miss Frances Hull, Mrs. Lillian B. Schmitt, Wynne Evans, 0. O.
Thompson, Louis Ullman, Earl W. Vinnedge, Miss Mary Steffens, Barbara J. Flanagan, Miss Bessie Kellogg, Mrs. L. Clifton, Mrs.
E. Eberhardt, Edgar S. Edelmann, David W. Henslee, Flavian T. Becker, Ralph J.
Kappes, Louis E. Duke, Christie N. Lambrinides, Herman Schulte John L. Lackman, Edwood C. Black, Thomas E.
Walker, Robert F. Fischer, Edward Burbrink Daniel J. Schwertman, Ralph William Sargeant, Philip A. Deerwester, Ray A. Pool and Carl E.
Bertram. turned recently from Nigeria, Africa, will speak Thursday. PROCTOR AT HARVARD: William Blakewell Shaffer 3029 Fairfield is one of 30 instructors and graduate students who have been appointed to serve as proctors in freshman dormitories at Harvard University. Proctors serve as counsellors to freshmen, helping them with study and personal problems. CONSERVATION SPEAKER: Dr.
Roscoe H. Eckelberry, director of the Ohio Conservation Laboratory, will talk on "Conservation Programs In An Industrialized Society" at a meeting of the Cincinnati Wild Flower Preservation Society at 8 p. m. October 29. Cincinnati teachers who have attended Dr.
Eckelberry's conservation courses at Camp Muskingum have been invited to the meeting at the Universalist Church, 2525 Essex PI. The public is welcome. AQUARIUM SOCIETY: The Greater Cincinnati Aquarium Society will meet 8 p. m. Wednesday at the Zoo Administration Building, Don R.
Abel, president, has announced. The group will move then to Fleischmann Aquarium on the Zoo grounds. Classmates To Meet For First Time As Grads Of 30th District School Graduates of the 1903 class of the 30th District School, now the Fairview Public School, Warner St. and Stratford will hold a 50th anniversary reunion at 8 p. m.
October 29 at Shuller's Restaurant, Reading Road. Many of the eighth grade graduates will be seeing each other for the first time in 50 years. Members of the committee are Howard Dock, former president of the Werk Soap Arthur Baumgartner, former advertising executive; Mrs. Ruth Renner wife of Henry Bruestle, city solicitor; Miss Norma Stratemeyer, a former teacher at Walnut Hills High School; Dr. Edward L.
Ball dentist; Ralph Kreimer, retired attorney, and Virgil Ritter, a draftsman. Many of the graduates could not be reached, Dr. Ball, chairman of the committee, said. They are contact any of the committeemen or women for reservations. JOURNEY'S END (DEATHS) ANDERSON- Carl (Andy), beloved brother of Mrs.
Ethel Dayton, Mrs. Esther Friar and Conrad Anderson, Saturday, October 17, 1953. at his home, 223 Dixie Elsmere, age 58 years. Services at Taliaferro funeral home, Erlanger, Tuesday, October 20, at 2 P. M.
Interment Forest Lawn Cemetery. Friends may call after 3 P. M. Monday. AULT -Helene Bromwell, beloved wife of Georze Clifford Ault, devoted mother of Bromwell and Charles Ault and Jean Ault Espy, and sister of Mrs.
Blanche B. Hart and Maude Bromwell, Saturday, October 17, 1953; residence, Albion Glendale. Due notice of funeral service to be given later. Friends asked to please omit flowers. Those desiring to make contributions may do so through the American Cancer Society or others.
York, N. Y. papers and Danbury (Conn.) News please AYLOR-Ottle (nee Rouse), at her restdence, Hebron, Saturday, October 17. 1953: azed 81 years. Friends may call at the Bullock Boone County Me.
morial funeral home, Hebron, Tuesday after 5 P. M. Services Wednesday, October 21. 2 M. at the Hebron Lutheran Church.
Interment in Hebron Cemetery. AYLOR-Emma C. (nee Connor beloved wife of the late Perry Aylor, dear mother of Elsie devoted sister of Mrs. Mary Avior, Mrs. Susie Early, at her home, 718 Oak Ludlow.
Saturday, October 17, 1953; aged 79 years. Funeral from the Catherman funeral home, 316 Elm Ludlow, Tuesday, October 20. at 2:30 P. M. Interment in Hebron Cemetery, Friends may call Monday after 2 P.
M. Clantha Temple No. 7. Pythian Sisters, will hold services Monday at P. Sunshine Council, D.
of A. at 8:30 P.M. ANNOUNCEMENTS Their Final Tribute BORCHERS. Anna CLEVELAND, James Hess FINLEY, Mary HAUCK. HENSLEY, "Wirren Radel's every service is appreciation that it is a sacred The JOHN J.
HENRY J. 652 State 0365. 4122 Glenway WA 4512. 1005 A. 0 inc Howard W.
Sahnd FUNERAL HOME Bruce Roessler Donald Juenger 3412 Clifton Ave. AVON 4543 Parking in Rear -VITT STERMER FUNERAL 1 HOMES CHEVIOT DELHI HILLS 3425 MARRISOR 4619 DELHI PIKE NO WA FAIRMOUNT 1124 WEST WOOD AVE 1900 Oak Bill Cemetery GLENDALE (Cincinnati) PR 7681 Permanently established Beautifully landscaped Perpetual Care Provided Ample room for expansion. Cincinnati Cremation Co. 525 DIXMYTH AVE. UN 1021 WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET JOURNEY'S END (DEATHS) A GATCH- beloved husband of Mabel W.
Gateh and devoted father of Mrs. Peggy Ann Gatch and Mrs. Mary Con Miller: brother of Edith G. Abrams and Willard P. Gatch: restdence, 504 Miami Terrace Park, Ohio, Friday, October 16, 1953, In his 65th year.
Services Craver funeral home, Milford. Monday. October 19, at 10 A. M. Friends may call Sunday, to 9 P.
M. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be sent to the Greater Cincinnati Muscular Dystrophy Society, 1729 Dana Cincinnati Ohio. GILFILLEN--Effie (nee Hixson), widow of Frank Gilfillen, dear sister of Lola and Albert L. Hixson, dear aunt of Charles Dater, Monday, October 12. 1953, at Beverly Hills, Calif.
Friends may call at the Chas. A. Miller Sons funeral home, Hamilton Ave. at Knowlton Northside, Monday after 4 M. Funeral services Tuesday at 10:30 A.
M. cholas at his restdence, 261 N. Cooper Lockland. Thursday, October 15, 1953. Friends may call at the Vorhis funeral home.
310 Dunn Lockland, Sunday, 3-10 P. M. Requiem high mass at St. James Church, Wyoming, Monday, October 19, at 9:30 A. M.
GRATSCH Theresa Lugauer, beloved wife of Christ Gratsch and devoted mother of Mrs. Oscar (Ida) Roessler, Mrs. Elmer (Estelle) Herzog and Mrs. William (Ethel) Wurst, in her 83rd year; at residence, 239 Donohue Mt. Auburn, Friends may call Monday after 4 P.
at the Albert L. Boehmer funeral home. 2545 Vine north of McMillan. Corryville. Services Tuesday at 2:30 P.
M. GRAY- -Charles beloved husband of Adelaide Gray (nee Clarke), and dear father of Mrs. Adelaide Baxter, Mrs. Eleanor Sensel and Clarke T. Gray, Thursday, October 15, 1953; residence, 550 Lexington Newport.
Ky. Servces at the Muchlenkamp funeral home, 835 York Newport. Monday at 10 A. M. Friends may call Sunday after P.
M. GEIST-Alice beloved sister of Mrs. John Corell, Albert. Garfield and William Geist and Alma, sister of the late George and Andrew Geist: also survived by seven nieces and four nephews, at her residence, 4271 Webater Ave. Deer Park: aged 73 years.
Services Monday, October 19, 1953, 2 P. M. from the Quentin K. Staley funeral home, 7140 Plainfield Deer Park. Friends may call Sunday after 3 P.
M. Orleans papers please beloved son of the late Anthony and Ellen Donahue Guilfoyle, dear brother of Jack Gulltoyle. Mrs. Ida Hennessey, Mrs. Nellie Bower.
Bessie Ramsey and Blanche Erdman and the late Thomas Guiltoyle: residence, Chicago, 111. Requiem high mass, St. Anthony Church, Madisonville, at 8:30 A. Monday, October 19. 1953.
Friends may call at the Dunn Lashbrook funeral home. 6111 Madison after 4 P. M. Sunday. HARMEIER-Albert G.
beloved husband of Grace Fogelman Harmeter And voted father of Mrs. John Mackey, Mrs. Robert McCafferty, Mrs. John Spencer, Ann, Albert. Waiter, Robert and Richard Harmeter, Thursday, October 15, 1953: residence, 2281' Section Amberley Village.
Solemn requiem high mass at Mother of Sorrow Church Monday, October 19 at 10 A. M. Friends may call at the witt. Good Kelsch funeral home. 3026 Madison Hyde Park, at Oakley uare, Sunday after 2 P.
M. HEAVNER (PILOT) -Anna (nee Huer). beloved wife of Rev. Benton Heavner; mother of James, Wallace and Marvin Pilot, Leslie Cauvin, Lorain Austin. Mae Small, Florence Deringer and Bernice Rigsby, Thursday.
October 15. 1953: residence, 371 Sekitan Addyston. Ohio. Funeral services Monday At 2 2 P. M.
from the Liberty Tabernacle, 2835 Beekman St. Friends may call at the church Sunday after 2 P. M. until time of services. 37th anniversary quiem high mass St.
Joseph Church Monday, October 19. at 8:15 A. M. HUCKE- Loretta (nee Arnold) beloved wife of Eric Hucke, devoted mother of Mrt. Janet Wainright, Mrs.
Shirley Hausfelt. Eugene and Jo Ann Hucke. Friday, October 16, 1953, of 325 Mt. Hope Rd. Funeral from the John J.
Radel Co. funeral home. 652 State Tuesday, October 20. at 2- P. Friends may call Monday after 2 P.
M. HUTZELMAN-Anna Sonenbere. beloved wife of the late Henry Hutzelman devoted mother of Harold Hutzelman and Martha Arbenz, Friday. October 16. 1953: residence, 4104 Azalea.
Friends may call at the George H. Rohde Son funeral home, Linwood and Delta Aves. Sunday after P. M. Services Monday, October 19, at 2 P.
M. INGLE -Charles beloved husband the late Callie Smith Inale, father of Mrs. Virginia Carr, Saturday. October 17. 1953: residence, near Lerado.
Clermont County, Ohio, Services Monroe funeral home, Milford, Tuesday, October 20 at 2 P. M. Interment Newtonsville Cemetery. Friends call Monday, 4 to 10 P. M.
KATTELMAN--Minnie (nee Roseler). beloved wife of John Kattelman and devoted mother of Mrs. Sylvia) Warner, Clara, Henry. Kattelman. Melvin, Ervin and the late Esther Friday October 16 1953: at residence.
9991 Winton Rd. age 58 years. Friends may call at the Hawthorne funeral home 7830 Hamilton Ave Mt. Healthy, Sunday after 3 P. M.
Funeral services Trinity Lutheran Church. Monday, October 19, at 2 P. M. Remains will lie in state at the church from 1 P. M.
until time of services. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery, husband of the Tate Caroline Kunneke (nee Hitter) and devoted father of Arthur H. Kunneke, Friday, October 16, 1953: residence. 620 Liberty Newport. Friends may call at the Betz funeral home 23 E.
Sixth Sunday from 3 until 9 P. M. Requiem high mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception Monday, October 19. at 10 A. M.
LARMAN Emma Hackman. devoted mother of Blanche Lahman Fulton and mother-in-law of Brittian Fulton. beloved grandmother of Marian, Patricia, Gloria and Charles Fulton: beloved sister of William Hackman. October 15. 1953: residence.
3100 Glendora Ave. Friends may call at funeral home. 3117 Vine St, Corryville, Sunday, after 3 P. M. Requiem hich mass st.
Georte Church Monday, October 19. at 9 A. M. LOOMIS- Friday, October 16. 1953: residence, Hooven, Ohio.
Funeral Monday October 19 at 2 M. from the Argo funeral home. Ohio. Friends may call Sunday after 2 P. M.
LUEBBERING-William beloved husband of Lillian Luebbering (nee beloved father of Mrs. Joseph Vogel. Mr. Ralph Groppenbacher, Mrs. Edward Blake, Mrs.
Charles Studt. Ralph and William Luebbering Jr. beloved brother of Mrs. Clara Montarue and Mrs. Frances Rockeman.
Friday. October 16, 1953: residence, 2115 W. Fichth St. Friends mAY call at the Busse Bormann Co. Parkway funeral home, Central Pky, and Clifton Hills Monday after 2 M.
Recutem high mass St. Micharl Church, day October 20. at 9 A. G. beloved husband of the late Gertrude Bone Lusher.
and devoted father of Mrs. Raida Brauer. Mrs. Belle George and Harry D. Lusher and brother of Harry Lusher of Columbus, Ohio, Friday, October 16.
1953: residence, 7340 Perry Mt. Healthy, In his 84th year. Funeral services Monday, October 19. at 10:30 A. from the Paul E.
Frederick Son funeral home, 18 Calhoun Corryville. Friends may call Sunday after 3 P. M. Members of the Yeatman Lodee No. 162.
F. and A. will hold services Sunday at 8 P. Lincoln Council No. 59, D.
of member. ANNOUNCEMENTS A Radel Service JACKSON, Daniel KNELLER. Edward G. NIPPER, William conducted with the full tribute to someone's memory RADEL Co. RADEL, Pres.
822 York, Newport, CO 8560. Madisen, Covington, HE 4185 Floral Work and City Wide Delivery Flowers Peter Herb Sons 7849 Harrison, JA 9190 W. Mack Johnson Funeral Home Drive in for Off-Street Parking McMillan at Upland. WO 0474 Schaefer- Busby Formerly vita WILTSEE, Inc. 24 W.
9th St. CH 0932 A. C. DOBBLING SON Th 1730 THOMAS BELLEVUE 8041 HODAPP FUNERAL HOMES Hamilton at Elatos 7401 Vine Kirby 1040 VA 0605 Bamber Funeral Home Inc. JOHN W.
BAMBER, ROBERT BAMBER 3011 Woodburn Ave. WO 1440 ALLISON ROSE COVINGTON LUDLOW CO 0146 CO 4332 Wrassmann: Barfknecht 2625 Glibert Ave INC. WO 1600 1421-23 Main St. CH 0338 JOURNEY'S END (DEATHS) MeGRANE-Henry beloved husband of Flora McGrane (nee of Pisgah, Ohio, father of Mrs. Dorothy Hanco*ck, Mr.
father Charles Harris McGrane and grand: of Mrs. Virginia Thompson of Madison Place, Cincinnati, October 16, 1953. Funeral services at the Sumner Powers funeral bome, Amella, Ohio, Monday, October 19, at 2:30 P. M. Friends may call at the tuneral home Sunday afternoon.
MEADORS-Kenneth dearly beloved infant 8011 of Kenneth and Thelma Robbins Meadors, Saturday, October 17. 1953; residence, 2431 Robertson Norwood, formerly of Mulberry, Services Monroe funeral home, Milford, Monday October 19, at 2 P. M. Interment Greenlawn Cemetery. Friends call Sunday 2 to 10 P.
M. MOORES--Herbert beloved husband of Daisy Moores (nee Dunaway) and devoted father of Geraldine Brogan, Pauline Mondary and Owen Moores. Thursday, Sober 15, 1958; residence, 1045 ship Ave. Funeral services Monday at 2 P. M.
from the Daibert mortuary, Glenway and Rosemont Aves. Friends may call Sunday after 3 P. M. NELLETT -George F. beloved husband Angela Aubry Nellett, devoted father of Mrs.
Patricia Blackman and George A. Nellett. brother of T. Charles, Floyd M. and Ralph P.
Netlett, and son of Lulu and Charles Nellett. Friday, October 16, 1953; residence, 1863 Yorktown Swifton Village, Friends may call Sunday after 4 P. M. at the Kleb Ihlendorf funeral home, 3900 Montgomery Rd. Services at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Ashland and Monroe Norwood, Monday, 10 A.
M. Scottish Rite ring service Sunday at P. M. NIPPER- -William. beloved husband of Rose Nipper (nee Becker) and devoted father of Charles Nipper and brother of Mrs.
Carolyn Craft, Mrs. Jessie Martint, Saturday, October 17, 1953. his residence, 2345 Wilder Ave. Funeral from the John J. Radel Co.
funeral home, 652 State Ave. Due notice tater. NOES- Orville heloved husband of Florence Snow Noes, dear father of Mrs. Audrey Darlington, Dona. Pvt.
James, Dale and Orville Jr. Noes: dear son of Myrtle Noes and dear brother of Lynn Ciste, Thursday, October 15, 1953; residence, Wilmington, Ohio, Funeral service from the Methodist Church, Venice, Ohio, Sunday, October 18. at 2 P. M. Friends may call at the Paul R.
Young funeral home, HamiltonCleves Venice, Ohio, Saturday after P. M. OTTKE -Delte (nee Sievin), beloved wife of the late Herman Ottke, dear sister of Mrs. Mary Kotter and James Slevin, Friday, October 16. 1953; residence, 1207 Spring St.
Friends may call the Lietemeyer funeral home, 502 13th Sunday after 2 P. M. Funeral Monday, October 19 Requiem high mass at St. Xavier Church at 9:15 A. M.
Married Ladies Sodality of St. Xavier Church will meet Sunday at 8 M. POHL-Louise, widow of Oscar Pohl, and sister of Mrs. Otto Meinshausen of Canton, Ohio, Saturday, October 17, 1953; residence, Bodmann Widow's home, Friends may call at the Jaco*cksbert Ave. at Taft Monday after Eiden A.
Good funeral home, 2602 P. M. Services Tuesday, October 20, at P. M. RUDLER--Barbara (nee Reinhart), beloved wife of the late Frank Rudier and mother of Albert, Zeno, Frank And Mra.
Matilda Fessier, Mrs. Catherine Curran and Raymond Rudler. Friday, October 16. 1953, Greenhills. at residence, 15 Andover Friends may call at the Nurre Bros.
funeral home, 3437 Montzomery Rd. Monday from 4 to 10 P. M. Requiem high mass Tuesday, October 20. at Our Lady of the Rosary Church at 9:30 A.
M. RUMP-Josephine (nee Doepkel, beloved wife of the late Henry Rump. Thursday, October 15, 1953; residence, 7103 Ohio Silverton. Friends may call at Nurre Bros, funeral home, 3437 Montgomery Sunday, 3 to 10 P. Funeral services Monday, October 19, 8:15 A M.
Requiem high mass at St. John Church, Deer Park. at 9 A. M. SANSONE-Leo, beloved son of the late John and Rose Sansone (nee Palmisano) dear brother of Carmella Sansone, Frank Fred, Peter, Jasper, Lawrence and Anthony Sansone, Friday, October 16.
1953: at residence, 1815 Race age 47 years Funeral Tuesday, October 20, from the Riedlinger funeral home. 19 Green at 8:30 A M. Requiem high mass Sacred Heart Italian Church at 9 A. M. Friends may call Monday after 3 M.
SCHREIBER-Joseph. husband of the late Ipuisa Zuflucht schretber, dear father of Mrs. Edna Thieman. dear grandfather of Joseph Schreiber, Friday, October 16, 1958: residence, 4154 Apple St. Friends may call at the Chas.
A. Miller Sons tuneral home. Hamilton at Knowlton Northside, Monday after 4 P. M. Requiem hizh mass St.
Patrick Church, Tuesday, 9 A. SCHWEIKERT-Marguerite C. (nee Falbeloved wife of Paul B. Schwelkert, dear mother of Paul, Richard and Robert Schwelkert. Mrs.
Marguerite Gronauer. Mrs. Naomi Huber and Mrs. Ruth Heringer and Mra. Marie Marols, October 15.
1953: restdence, 3427 Berry Hyde Park. Thursday Friends may call at Nurre Bros. funeral home. 3437 Montgomery Rd. Sunday, 3-10 P.
M. Requiem high mass, St. Mary Church, Monday, October 19, at 9:30 A. M. SICKING Cecilia (nee Duel.
beloved wife of Raymond P. Ricking, and mother of Mary Jo, Barbara Ann, Paul and Judith Clare Sicking. Thursday, October 15. 1953, at her residence. 3568 Bogart Ave.
former residence, 2257 Norwood. Funeral from zan funeral home, Woodburn at Lincoln. Monday, October Requiem high mans at St. Matthew Church at 9 A. M.
Friends may call Sunday after P. M. SISTER CHARLES MARIE. S. Murray), Thursday, October 15, at the Motherhouse.
Mt. St. Joseph on the Ohio. Funeral Monday, October 19. Requiem high mass at the Motherhouse Chapel at 9 A M.
STAMM Katherine, beloved aunt of Mrs. Betty Marcuso and Mrs. Arlene Stanton, Thursday. October 15. 1953.
at residence, 2358 Clifton Ave: azed 86 years. Funeral services Monday. Oetober 19. at the Riedlinger funeral home, 19 Green 1:30 P. M.
Friends may call Sunday after 3 P. M. TASCHNER- Otto beloved husband of Olga Taschner (nee Gross), devoted father of Mrs. Elsa Ann Kassner, brother of Mrs. Elsa Danz and grandfather of William, Sandra Jean and Robert Jr.
Kassner, Saturday, October 17, 1953; residence, 6841 Park Ave. Friends may call the Denman funeral home, 6943 Montzomery Rd. at Park Silverton. Monday after 4 P. M.
Serve ices Tuesday, October 20. at 2 P. M. TIERNAN- Adele, beloved sister of Mary THomAs and James Tiernan. Friday, October 16.
1953: at residence Carmel Manor, Fort Thomas, Ky. Funeral from Muehlenkamp funeral home. 835 York St. Newport Monday at Immaculate 8:30 A. Con- M.
Requiem high mass Church, at M. Friends may call after Sunday. BAER FLORAL. DESIGNS 5 E. 4TH ST.
MA 3662 Journeys End Helms Otta. Hucke Pahl Hetselman Redier Ingle Kemp Kattelman Ransone Set Lehman reiber Loomis Laebbering Rta mm Lashey MeGrane Bister Charles Ricking Meadors Marie, 8, Moores Tuschner Nellets Tiernan Nipper Tritschier Noes Veer Wesseler Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. TRITSCHLER-Mary. (nee Spencer loved wife of John P. Tritschie: and devoted mother of Raymond A.
Sirlock, Mr. Wayne (Alvain) Domsher. sister of Wilma Mitchell, William Borneman: also survived by two grandchildren. Thursday, October 15, 1953, residence, 1805 Harrison Ave Friends may call at the Rebold funeral home, 1712 Queen City Ave. at Grand.
Sunday after 2 M. Funeral services Monday al 10.30 M. VOS5-Arthur beloved husband the late Marie Voss (nee Bolimann). and father of Mrs. John Nolan Jr.
Saturday, October 17. 1953. Funeral from his residence, 1120 Rookwood Dr. Tuesday, October 20. Solemn requiem high mass at St.
Mary Church, Hyde Park, at 9:30 A. M. WESSELER-Anthony beloved brothof John And Georze Wesseler: passed AWAY Friday, October 16, 1953; aged 67 years; residence. West Chester. Ohio.
Funeral from the Schmidttuneral home, Reading, Monday, October 19. at 6:45 Requiem high mass St. John Church, West Chester, 30 A. M. Visitation Sunday after M.
Interment New Alsace, Ind World War I Veteran CARD OF THANKS Card Of Thanks With sentiments of deep gratitude desire to express our sincere appreciatoil to our relatives. friends an 1 reichbors for the kinds.ess and sympathy shown us in the great loss of our dearly beloved husband, father and grandfather. JOHN BOHLANDER. Especially do thank Rev. Karl Kollath for his words of consolation.
Dr. A. B. Shelton for his kindness. donors of the many beautiful flora and cards of sympathy, and Spaeth Sons funeral directors for their efficient services.
The Bereaved Family, Card Of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our friends. relatives and neighbors 10P the kindness and sympathy extended to us in the great loss of our beloved mother, ROSE COURTOT. Especially do we wish to thank Rev Father Dillon for the impressive requiem high mass. Rev, Father Greasey for his kindness. the staff of St.
Mary Hospital and Dr. Carl Wendel and Dr. Set wert for their untiring efforts, all donora of the beautiful floral offerings, spiritual bouquets and cards of sympathy. and the Bamber funeral directors for the kind and efficient management of the funeral. The Bereaved Children, Card Of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks to the many friends, relatives, neighbors for their kindness and sympathy tended to us in the loss of our father, grandfather and great grandfather, GEORGE PETERS.
Especially do we wish to thank the Rev William Witt for his consoling words of comfort, the pallbearers, donors the many floral offerings and cards of sympathy, Wain A. Bolton and As8oclates for their comforting and efficient management of the service. The Bereaved Family Card Of Thanks We wish to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our friends, relatives and neichbora for the kindness and sympathy extended to us in the great loss of our beloved mother, ANNA DREYER. Especially do we wish to thank Rev, Father B. Nurre for the impressive requiem high mass: Dr.
Schwertman, for his kindness and untiring efforts, all donors of the beautiful floral offerings and spiritual bouquets and cards of sympathy; John C. Middendorf, funeral director, for the kind and efficient management of the tuneral. The Dreyer Family, Card Of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many relatives, friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy extended to us in the great loss of our dearly beloved mother, THERESA KARAUS. Especially do we wish to thank Dr. H.
Willke and Dr. J. J. CleAr, for their untiring efforts, miso do we want to thank the Rev. John H.
Schwartz for his impressive requiem high mass all donors of the beautiful floral offerings and spiritual bouquets, and cards of sympathy, and the Charles A Miller funeral home for their kind and efficient management of the funeral. The Bereaved Family, IN MEMORIAM In Loving Memory of our beloved husband and father, WILLIAM H. (BILL) BILLIAU, who passed away Oktober 21, 1942. Beyond the rate our loved one Finds happiness and rest, There is comfort in the thought That a loving God knows best. Sadly Missed by Wife, Olga: Daught-s Olivia and Wilma: Son-In-law.
Earl Daley, and Grandson. Terry. In Loving Memory of our mother. MINNIE MESSNER, who passed away October 19, 1952. One year has passed since that sad day, The one we loved was called What would we give to clasp her band, Her happy face to see, to hear her voice And see her amile, that meant so much to us.
The flowers we placed upon her grave May whither and decay, But the love for her who sleeps beneath Will never fade away, Her Daughter. Mrs. Sadly Missed by Wilma Young. and Sons. Elmer and Clarence Messner: Daughters-In-law.
Mrs. Flora Messer and Mrs. Addie Messner. In Loving Memory Of our dear'y beloved father, ANTON HELMS, who passed away October 18, 1916. Love and sweet memories shall ever live In our hearts for you.
Sadly Miased by His Loving Daughters. In Loving Memory of my beloved husband, FRED (PECK) WUERTH, who passed away October 19, 1949. In our homes he is fondly remembered, Sweet memories cling to his name: Those who loved him in life sincerely, Still love him in death just the same, Sadly Missed by His Wife and Family, In Loving Memory of my dearly beloved husband, ROBERT C. WERNER, who passed away October 23, 1946. The years may wipe out many things But this they wipe out never, The memory of those happy days When you and I were together.
Sadly Missed by Your Loving Wife, la Loving Memory of IDA M. REED. who passed away October 14. 1941. October, brings sad to memories loved one laid rest, She will never be forzotten, By the ones who her best.
Always Remembered by Children and Grandchildren. In Loving Memory of our beloved husband and dad. MATTHEW J. MALTANER, who passed away October 13, 1945. Eight years have passed since that sad day The one we joved was called away.
God took him hotne, It was HIS will. But in our hearts he liveth still. Loving thoughts kind and tender Just to show we still remember. Lovingly Remenibered by Wife and Family. Birthday Remembrance of our beloved brother, THOMAS HAMILTON, GheE" May October 5.
1952. In our hearts you are fondly bered. Sweet, happy memories cling around your name, True hearts that loved you with deep affection, Always will love you in death just the same. Sadly Missed by Sister Flo. Brother and Sisters.
In Loving Memory of our beloved husband, father and grandfather, HENRY RUNDY, Died October 17, 1944. October brings sad memories of our toved one laid to rest. Remembrance of the Family. MEMORIAM In Loving Memory Of our dearly beloved son and brother. GRORGE EISENECHER, who passed October 21, 1947.
In our hearta there picture More precious than silver and gold, picture of you, dear George, whose memory will never crow old. Sadly Missed by Mother, Sister, Brpthers. Nancy and Nephews In Loving Memory of my beloved mother, ANNA EBBERA, who passed away October 20, 1951. October brines sad memories of loved one laid to rest, She never will be forgotten By the one who loved her best. Sadly Miased by Her Son Jack and Daughter-in-law, Emma.
In Loving Memory of our beloved wife and mother, MRS. LOUELLA ADAMS, who pass vi aWAY October 19, 1950. There in sad but sweet remembrance, There memory, fond and true: There is token of affection. Mother, And heartache still for you. Sadly Missed by Husband and two Sons In Loving Memory of our dearly beloved mother and grandmother, BLANCHE E.
SCULLY, who passed away October 20, 1953. It seems like only yesterday You amited your very last. We cannot seem to realize That one long year has passed. You bade no one last farewell, You said goodbye to none. Your loyal heart had ceased to beat, Before knew it you were sone.
Sometimes hard to understand Why some things have to be But God in His wisdom has planned Beyond our powers to see. Sadly Missed by Her Chiidren and In Loving Memory of our beloved son and brother, PATROLMAN WALTER H. WILLIAMS. who passed away October 17, 1951. precious one from Us la gone voice loved ta stilled.
A place is vacant in our home Which never can be tilled. The flowers we placed upon TOUT grAvE WILL wither and deCAY But love for you who sleeps beneath will never fade Sadly Missed by Loving Mother. Brother and Sisters. In Loving Memory of our beloved husband, father, son and brother. JAMES T.
MORAN, who passed away October 1950. Deep in out hearts lies picture of a loved one laid to rest. In memory's frame shall keep it Because he was one of the best. Sadly Missed by His Loving Wife. Daughters, Parents and Sister.
In Loving Memory Of our beloved mother, CATHERINE RIDDELL, who passed away October 18, 1947. In our hearts lies a picture More precious than silver and cold, It's a picture of you. Dear Mother, Whose memory will never grow old. Loving thoughts kind and tender, Just to show we still remember. Sadly Missed by Son.
Charles Riddell and Daughter, Kay Oliver. In Loving Memory Of our dearly beloved father, son and brother. THOMAS ROBERT JORDAN. who passed away October 20, 1932, Sunshine shadows fall, Love's remembrance outlasts And though the years be many or few They are filled with remembrance, dear, of you, Sadly Missed by Mother, Father, Son and Sisters. In Loving Memory of our dearly beloved mother and grandmother.
of KATTIR GLOVER, who passed away October 18, 1950. Always remembered -never to be for. gotten. Sadly Missed by Her Daughter, Kattle, Granddaughters Grand- Is David, men. sonE In Loving Memory of our beloved mother and father, FRANCES AND FRANK CANDLER, October 14, 1938-October 18, 1943, Sadly Missed by the Children.
IN MEMORIAM In Loving Memory 76 73 our beloved husband and daddy, AUGUST MEYER who passed away October 16, 1959. Your gentle face and patient smile With sadness we recall, You had a kindly word for And died beloved 5g The mice muta and still the heart That loved well And true. Oh, bitter was the trial 15m part From one Rood as you. are not forgotten, loved one, Nor will ever As long as lite and memory last, We will remember thee. Sadly Missed by wife and Daughter.
In Loving Memory Of our beloved mother, SOPHIE M. WIND. who passed away Cetober 15, 1944. Your sentie face and patient smile With sadness recall. You had a tender word for ench And died beloved by all.
The voice in mate and still the heart That loved us well and true, Oh, bitter the trial to part From one 40 good you. You are not forzotten, loved one, Nor will ever As long lite and memory last, We will remember thee. Sadly Missed by Children, Grandchildren and Harry. Birthday Remembrance of our beloved husband and father, ALBERT R. BURBAGE, born October 1885.
died December 27, 1952. Bad and sudden was the call Of one 80 dearly loved God took him home, It was His will But in our hearts he liveth still. Sadly Miased by Wife and Children. In Loving Memory of our beloved father, PETER E. JACOBS.
who passed away Cetober 22, 1938. precious one from Us is voice we loved stilled; place to vacant in our home, Which never can filled. Sadly Missed by His Daughter and Son. SOCIETIES AND LODGES A. RITE RING SERVICES will be held tor Brother George F.
Mellett. Sunday, October at the Kieb Thiendort funeral home, 3900 Montgomery R4. W. THOMPSON. EDGAR DOW GILMAN, Sec' y.
MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES ANYONE knowing the whereabouts Nellle Studer. nee Herman, please cone tact Wm. Busch, Attorney, CH 1855, MM. SOUND PROJECTOR available for rental with operator. Call GA 2270.
LOST AND FOUND BRACELET- vicinity -Sapphire Frisch' link: lest Wooster Satur Music Ball or city parking lot. Reward. LO 1250. BROWN SUEDE BAG Wednesday morning Please return wallet and rosary, they keepsakes: reward AV 2651, FOUND vicinity of Ault Park on Observatory green with blue tail feather 1040. LOST Man's black billfold, vicinity Norwood, near Reading Friday, a bout o'clock.
Reward. ME 3265. LARGE brown folder, containing books and money of the Eureka Social club, on Considine Price Hill. Reward Call GR 0114. LOST Tie clasp, oval read MAX.
Reward. 317 Provident Bank, UN 1532. LOST -Glasses; horn rim at top and cold at bottom: between 10th and Madison, Wallace and Scott, JU 1532. LOST blue billfold on Ludiow bus: Friday evening. Liberal reCall CO 4097.
LOST- Truck tire. 750117, on Western reward. HU 3032. 1615 Western. LOST and white Basset hound: 1735.
male, cars reward. RA LOST PARAKEET- blue: vicinity of Clifton Ave. CA 5755. INSTRUCTIONS, HOME STUDY RADIO TELEVISION Is offering good pay jobs to qualified men. You can train at hotne in spare time: learn by practicing with equipment we supply: Start fixing sets soon, make up $15 week extra white training for rood full time fob.
Diploma awarded: establiahed 40 years. For actual lesson and catalog free, send postcard to National Radio Institute, Dept. 3K25, Wash naton D. AND INSTRUCTION EDUCATION AND INSTRUCTION EDUCATION Learn Beauty Culture Become A State Licensed Cosmetologist Ideal Course Available. See for yourself why the casy-to-learn MILTON SYSTEM quickly enables you to become a skilled COSMETOLOGIST.
Our centralized location and long years of knowing how to teach gives you a flying start. Classes Begin October 19th MILTON ACADEMY OF BEAUTY CULTURE 413 Race, Cincinnati 2, Ohio CH 2730 Approved for Veteran Training and Civilians A FASCINATING MONEY-MAKING CAREER Can Be YOURS--If You Learn Beauty Culture At Moler's The NO 1 PROFESSION for women of all ages. Short. age of beauty operators everywhere. Opportunities, salaries and working conditions cannot be duplicated in any other vocation that De Accompilsned in so short a time and at small cost.
MOLER'S training has been a standard schooling since 1893. Attend day or evening classes. Call, write, phone or visit the school "A FOUNDATION FOR TOMORROW" MOLER SYSTEM OF COLLEGES Est. Since 1893 111 W. FIFTH ST.
MAin 5262 CH 0047 SYSTEM OF BEAUTY CULTURE CH 0047 Your preparation for the best in the beauty field. Graduates are preferred by the leading beauty salons. Day and evening classes. Approved for veteran training. FREE Employment Service to Our GRADUATES Write, Visit the School, or phone NATIONAL SCHOOL OF COSMETICIANS 128 E.
Sixth St. Entire Ninth Floor Cincinnati 2. Ohio COUPLES WANTED To train tor motel managing. Actual of pertence in modern motel, part trainIn Placement assistance, Must be mature, azes 25 to 80. For personal inter.
view. write, telephone number, to American Motels, Box 173, cinnati COMPTOMETER STUDENTS WANTED To take short. Inexpensive comp. tometer course: starting salaries to up $250 per month at available at all tames; ate restrictions. Classes day or evening! COMPTOMETER SCHOOL 18 Pourta Room 31 Mr.
B. Gifford MA 3224 LEARN WELDING The demand for welders is greater than the supply. You can learn this trade. WE CAN PLACE YOU APPROVED FOR VETERANS TURRILL. INC.
CR 3200 1034 WOODROW ST. TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES DRIVING TO TEXAS October 26, take 1 or passengers to share penses. 1226. "GOING TO California over Thanksgiving. WILL take 3 people.
Write W. Shaver, Route 3, Valley Motel, Richmond, Ind. RIDE needed from Vista Hyde Park, to Front and Harriet and return 7:15 M. 4:45 P. M.
Dick, SA 7472 WILL DELIVER CAR OR TRUCK Call fornia; references. WO 7662. Save Time USE the 80 A Washington dispatch announced that the Public Works Administration had made allotments aggregating $873,100 in the form of direct grants and loans to the City of Cincinnati for water and sewer improvements. The North Cincinnati Business Men's Association held its annual meeting and elected the following officers for ensuing year: Huth, president: John J. Behr, John Blackwell and Charles Ehlers, vice presidents; Walter Sperber, secretary-treasurer: Dr.
O. J. Hensle, Harry Brankamp and George Friedrich, directors. fields science, human relations and psychiatry. Dr.
Robert Armstrong, anthropologist, who re- TWENTY YEARS AGO IN CINCINNATI (OCTOBER 18, 1933) FIFTY YEARS AGO (OCTOBER 18, 1903) Dr. Kaufmann Kohler was formally installed as president of Hebrew College in ceremonies held in the auditorium of the Mound Street Temple. Theatrical attractions, for the week included Mannering in Clyde Fitch's latest comedy, "The Stubborness of at- the Hanlon Brothers' "Superba," at the Walnut: "When Women Loye," at Heuck's; "Her Marriage at the Lyceum; Robert Hilliard, vaudeville headliner, at the Columbia, and Harry Bryant's Burlesquers, at People's. WANT ADS OF THE Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. (Copr.
1953, John Howard Harris) BELL--Emma (Mother Bell), of 318 W. Court grandmother of Mrs. Dolly Bishop and stepmother of Edith Bell, Thursday, October 15, 1953. Funeral services from Schaefer-Busby Chapel, 24 W. Ninth Monday, October 19, 2 P.
M. Friends may call Sunday, 4 to 9 P. M. BILLOW -Phyllis (Aunt Lillie), beloved sister of Harry Billow, aunt of Florence, Blanche, Mary, Catherine, Stanley Billow, Stanley and Ted Berens, Mrs. Marie Kreiner, Mrs.
Vera Heyl, Thursday, October 15, 1953, in her 81st year. Friends may call at the Simminger funeral home, 3050 Harrison Westwood, Sunday after 3 P. M. Re quiem high mass at St. Aloysius Church Monday at 9 A.
M. BORCSERS-Anna (nee Hemsath, beloved mother of Sophia A. Kemen and grandmother of Mrs. Norma Noe and Lawrence J. Kemen, Saturday, October 17, 1953, of 1004 Selbel Ln.
Funeral from the John J. Radel Price Hill funeral home, Glenway and Dewey Wednesday, October 21, at 9 A. M. Requiem high mass at St. Teresa Church at 9:30 A.
Friends may call Tuesday after 3 P. M. BRADHOLD -William, beloved husband of the late Zella Bradhold (nee Cooper), Friday, October 16, 1953; at residence, 405 Columbia Newport, Ky, neral from Muehlenkamp funeral home, 835 York Newport, Tuesday, 8.30 A. M. Requiem nigh mass Immaculate Conception Church at 9 A.
M. Friends may call after 3 P. M. Monday. BRISTOL-Mary M.
(nee beloved wife of the late Morris N. Bristol and mother of George M. and Morris C. Bristol and the late Willa Maris, Friday, October 16, 1953; at her residence. 3471 Wabash Ave.
Funeral from the Gilligan funeral home, Woodburn at Lincoln, Monday, October 19, Requiem high mass at St. Mark Church, at 9:15 A. M. Friends may call Sunday after 2 P. M.
CLEVELAND--James Hess, beloved huslate Bessie Cleveland (nee Wayman), devoted father of Mrs. Rilla Mae Cammeron. dear brother of Mrs. G. W.
Lloyd and Miss Elizabeth Cleveland. Saturday, October 17. 1953; residence, 5 E. 20th St. Covington Ky, aged 78 years.
Funeral Tuesday October 20. from the John J. Radel Co. funeral home, 1005 Madison Covington, at 2 P. M.
Interment Highland Cemetery. Friends may call Monday after 2 P. M. COHEN--Charles at Miami, beloved husband of Rae Lepy Cohen, father of Mrs. Russell Sherman, of Las Vegas, brother of Bert Julius, Mandell J.
and Joseph Cohen, Mrs. David Braverman, Mrs. Stanley Rosensweet and Mrs. Sam Hertzman. ServIces Well funeral home, 3901 Reading Sunday, October 18, 1953, at 1:30 P.
M. CONNOLLY- John, beloved brother the late Mrs. Mary McCarthy and Neil Connolly, Saturday, October 17, 1953; at his residence, 124 E. 13th st. Friends may call Monday.
J. J. Sullivan Co. funeral home, 1336 E. McMillan at Bell Place.
Requiem high mass St. Mary Church, 13th and Clay, Tuesday. October 20, at 9 A. M. CROUCH--Laura Jean.
infant daughter of Robert and Martha Richardson Crouch, sister of Julle Crouch. SaturOctober 17. 1953; residence, 4825 Fairview Blue Ash. Services from the Vorhis funeral home, 310 Dunn Lockland, at the convenience of the family. DEUTEMEIER Bertha (nee Alex), widow of William Deutemeler, beloved of Louise Fournier, Hattie mother Etta, Herbert and William Hayes, Deutemeler.
Saturday, October 17, 1953: residence, 6545 Iris at Kennedy Heights. Friends home. may call 2131 the Tredway funeral Cameron Norwood. Monday, October 4 to 9 M. Funeral Tuesday, Hill 20, at 2 P.
M. Interment Vine Street Cemetery. -Ella C. (nee Storz), beIcted wife of the late Joseph L. Dumbacher and mother of William, David, Sister Mary Joseph, R.
S. Virginia White, Mrs. Bernice Mussio, Mrs. Elmer Pettit and Mrs. Camille Sterbling, Satcall Monday after 4 P.
M. at T. P. urday, October 17, 1953. Friends may White funeral home, 2050 Beechmont Mt.
Washington. Requiem high mass at Guardian Angel Church, Mt. Washington, Tuesday, October 20. 9 A. M.
Edwards (nee Knapp). and EDWARDS- beloved husband of Virginia son 1953: at his home, 721 dear of Levi Edwards, Thursday, Dalton October 15, Covington. age 37 years. Funeral Monday, October 19 from John 917 N. Services at 11 A.
M. InterMiddendorf Sons funeral home. Main St. ment from 2 to 10 P. M.
Highland Cemetery, Friends may call Sunday EMS-Charles beloved son of and the late Peter Ems and dear beth brother of Mrs. Elizabeth Gentlefinger, Mrs. Florence Wilger, Mrs. Caroline Mrs. Margaret Vogelet, Mrs.
Vossler, Dan, Bernell and Orville Weigel, Louise Friday, October 16, 1953: restEms; dence, 7848 Joseph Mt. from Healthy: in funeral his 48th home, year. 7401 Hamilton Ave, Funeral Neidhard Monday, October 19, at 8:30 A. M. of Requiem high mass at the Church Assumption at 9 A.
M. Friends the may call after 4 P. M. Sunday. EY-John beloved husband of Anna Steffen Ey and father of Mrs.
Margaret Grannen, John A. Jr. and Walter W. Ey: brother of Mrs. Robert Edward Duffy, Mrs.
William Rodenfeis, Leo, and Elmer, all of Columbus. Ohto, and Witliam Ey, Lexington. Friday, October 16, 1953; residence, 2930 Losantiville Pleasant Ridge. Friends may call after 3 P. M.
Sunday at the Thomas Memorial. 7500 Montromery at Stewart Kenwood. Monday afternoon and evening the remains cAn be seen State the Egan Columbus. Ryan Ohio. ReMortuary, East quiem high mArs at St.
Joseph Cathedral Tuesday, at 10 A. M. FESSLER Mary, beloved daughter of Louise Fessier (nee Ruschman) and dear sister of Sister Raymond, O. S. Sister Monica, O.
S. and Ray Fessler. Saturday, October 17, 1953, at residence, 709 E. Ninth Newport. Funeral from the Muchlenkamp funeral home, 835 York St.
Newport. Wednesday at 8:30 A. M. Requiem high mass at st. Stephen Church at 9 A.
M. Friends may call after 2 M. Tuesday. FINLEY Mary (nee Hoefer), beloved wife of the late Edward Finley. and beloved sister of Mrs.
Rose Foley, day, October 15, 1953. of 2144 Hate maker St. Funeral from the John Radel Co. funeral home, 652 State Ave! Monday, 19. at 8:30 A.
M. quiem high mass at St. Michael Church at 9 A M. St. Mary Auxiliary.
Knichts of St. Jonn. meet at funeral home day, 7:30 P. M. Friends may call Sunday after 2 P.
M. FLOOD- Victor F. beloved husband of Louise Coons Flood, father of Mrs. Dorothy E. Hill and Roger L.
Flood, Friday, Octber 16. 1953, at Tuscon, residence, 5629 Bramble Ave. Friends may call at the Thomas funeral, home, 4418 Whetsel Aye. Madiville, Tuesday after 4 P. Services Wednesday.
October 21, at 1 P. M. Queen City Lodze. No. 559 and A.
M. services Tuesday, at 8 P. M. Waste vs. Wealth -Do you spend NON VETS $5 per week and have nothing to show for it? GI Bill slip by? VETS- Are advantages you letting, of the MEN Increase knowledge your wealth and earning potential by learning.
Radio- -FM Electronics AT NEW YORK TECH 217 E. 8th St. GA 1850 AMBITIOUS men and women can become Radio-TV announcers: big opportunity. Write today for full particulars. Midwestern Broadcasting School, 225 So.
Wabash. Chicazo, Dept. 75. LEARN BARBERING Short Course -Posittons Waiting 111 W. Fifth MOLER SYSTEM MAIN 5262 Call for SERVICE HELP Cost RESULTS.