The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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54 Homa for Agsd Invalids Silt MiscellJntous 85 Business Pieces for Rent 14 Rental Agencies 'for a'ax'klm prchu' iu urr WANTED: Bl 11500 S7 Reni Office Desk Room Ode RIZZO CO Hie Model ft: PORTAGE Lakes Akron: Cottage? for 4: I ranging from i ima 1 2 SO Cl rt ft Alan rta Coilamer laeo fully equipped demonitrater: bf saving st like Pearl poad Route 42 UT 177H MA blO 3027 Detroit car PH RN 1 WE BUY AND SELL hW Quince air '(wnpreamr ron to 20 CH I 40! 3 ft 0 NEAR ST CLAIR 14 roemii partly furnished: new gas fut nscr: garages recently remodeled in IJfiO ift 412 62 an pesi 1060 Shaw i jftft per thousand nuntlMl 7 tnrv head 10 PR fon4 on be seen 2d i'EXACO USED ahoucaies and aU caj 'a 3 2 Asphalt Brickwork Cement PI CAMBRIDGE HOTEl mate 7 0 ent actory WarehouseSite uni i 1165 Cedar airmount Hl am A VAI LA LI NOW ex MA 1 0072 and up RLnT TO OWN 0325 WO 1 7777 Shell Oil Co LrL i Dry Cleaning Synthetic side Aik 1 2175 and cement Call (Mui sw 5 Pianos Wanted deots ktW toilet and borrommtte Vfth i wo fillings 2OU Daler HE2'3H4 and i STORE 20x70 insured dirt LO 1 I PR 17474 M'wtxr uaht Rtntsrr no load oh ti 3i Bne Painting Papering Cleaning Giw na' ft HAtt Kt only REGISTERED TR 1 7592 HE 12991 8 month inerr wn ca Workkoid art Darner a I "fllvl 2L2 building 3030: etc 'rate paring i4 ret ay ton snort lur mur 1601 with improper bncnis to hold if aPERHANGLSG painttng Mlrt plM y4 24 7 eujdn i rave thought the auto HE ioMi I ALL 'V ASHINJ hare ta Let mt make taoat cleaning and removing JY2Ii rna a rtrt ra iia wmir 1'1 I I ii 3 IU I 4 a thP Just 26 Brick VAUGHN EV 2 0556 New store menl ing ft South forced direct yrak wttn stole WO 1 3452 CORNER stere 55x17 15802 St Clatt IV 1 873 ft ST CLAIR AT 63 20200 DETROIT RD TO BUY OR SfXT ANY BUSINESS RENTALS WANTED tST REE TO LANDLORDS rine tool 1404 OPPOSITE NEW RAPID TRANSIT TERMINAL DRV Store Plant One of the on ast Side handling BICT 'E make offer SL 1 S311 iw Sninct Pianos SQUIBB SONS leaving Its very OrP desirable regional offices for larger quar opiiKi yrans nd many uhw! bat'erv anchors for extra i at approximately or 17 2 He: lender in good shapeEN OkJ 53U MEt irfikrtur Ion tool ion DMIU CAE I 2 tease Biiiws Bai COTTAGE! JODUV 8 ACRES tMuatyiaTy toned frontage rafl rodr tw transportation fast growrnf priced 80 BtisintJJ 0 Hnnifie ft pci i Asrri i Nf versa new lUimet freq tt iKflta RAhl NAIILR RATPS 1 PLASTERING Experienced: Urge and 1 11 Um ftl 1 1 A DAYS TO 1 6506 EVES TE 1 8514 Story Brick 79th St High Ceiling Heavy Zone 50 Car Park Cha Pearwtn TO 1 OkOO Td ETTL? ES fATS DRYGOODS STORE BUILDING AND RXTURW TOTAL VALfI ABOUT t5000 WILL SELL OR 4 PRICE 3 1 1 7 LS'En Cl ARK buy selCtrade WHAT HAVE YOU? A KORYTA INC YOUR BUSINEM BROKER THE ARCADE MA 1 1781 3T CABIN ervlsr twin 145 with hjdrauhc control' a real beauty ver ft loaded extras for very comfortable cruis ing has bottled gas Warns pressure water ft foam mattress etc Will sacrifice Phone after Monday EX 1 7070 WHEN YOU nV a SUNOCO 2ft years good business! must sacrifice illness forces immediate sale west PR 1 2 5 54 If no answer SU 1 5215 Del icatcsscn Bar Variety Main street: big Income: low rent: McnDceTO 1 421 or PR 1 254 8 DELICATESSEN Large corner stor: grossing over $2000 weekly Ideal for partners lease 1614 6 SI Clair EV 1 0007 burg 4 3 acres of beautiful wooded secluded rp'atteied wtb man made spring fee lakes and vois loaded and stocked with fish: thers are 3 rooms and shower 4 rooms ana bath and a large 26x65 hans overlooking a rocs waterfall ai In excellent eond fion retired businessman ha spent a fortune to put this property this wonderful condition tn past 1 sscrtfice! $20000 cash required 819 City Bank Bide tNTERlORS xlernistic store west suburb shop ping new homes area sales 430000 year: 35 profit owner leaving city APPLE DH6 Euclid MA D374S Chevrolet ton rubhiah ah steel Tubular Boiler and Stoker Will sell separately CH 1 37 88 lOstg NORTON Cvhrrtrkal Hinder A Machine Co Call us for vour 4 1 4B1X 9 200 sq bldg: industrial: unit heaters 3 Urg doors 4 offices AKA Yeningi Sunday 1 6300 ft 2 1 Hipped com Bidg PROMINENT LOCATION 21 S3 EAST 14 ST BETWEEN PROSPECT CARNEGIR 6 STORY BAsem*nT IREPROO EACH LOOR SOxSO INE OICES LARGE ELEVATOR LOADING DOCK AMPLE PARKING WM BASSICHIS MA 1 4181 MOTEL! hotlCKt hxalLr 1n the 1 ear old raodeio ai TU 5 260O mg clean base luuuh or gartasc HK I 1H2 USED OUTBOARD BOATS told replredl3T5K 1 4iftl AND rI tV" A bar" machine 194 Complete 4YlNSTtitkTlON marhlueiy sale rent kinds TinchrrJC i 000tARCK 3 JAW CHUCKS A fv Marsii MaciiHiriT t( or ran do your own work HE 1 2210 ROLLER eonverou I wt all lensthr S13O oerjoot CH V4'S1 Mill inc euttera end hew jYO caterpillar crane Walk motor excellent YE 2 3971 4 Morris radial dull endoaed not nr on atm 1 0487 PANGRORN ndbta! room "air gjosmr atw aut iirot'r i a 1 1 i i Acme a utonatlf AS SEEN AT DO lT YOVR Si CH'DV Ill 56 OAM rubber 59C lo 125 A LR POPE CO Detroit WE have Cleveland a largest selection of cameras and equipment BRYAR PHOTO SUPPLY 1 4605 IIUhtaAgAl ihrn han i lew than you think custom defined in tif litin rr TIT i5Rtn SEW A 17" TV console Tn naif doors mahogany 3100 Dealer SW 1 5513 1 UN I 1 1 A op en i Ice cream cabinet: II cu ft 4 enmpartments: 1 yearjMd 250 GLJ 375ft NEW green built in bathroom nuifTL complete ih toilet bowl and tub: all Mtlnss $150 Dealer gX 1 5007 Watkin Rraltv b'OM REAL estate offtca Woudhill Rd Alo semt induxtrial ren ins Make offer MICHEL CK 1 1549 ROOMING house near Euclid Wrrckin: 107 ASD CHKSTR AVE IDEAL LOCATION OR MEDICAL OICES Parking lot available adjoining bide irst floor comer HOTEL SOVEREIGN Suzy Gallagher Mgr 1J7 at Blvd GA 1 2520 EUCLID AVE 14248 BAL REALTY CC1 2 M41 WY free Rental service Ta Jandic da Phxe SW 1 4 DELICA MUST SIL Sales 350 week trossiown east: nicely equipped dean slock Illness compels quick sale low price term APPLE 1836 Euclid MA 1 374J DRESS AND SPORT WARE SHOP Must sell successful business modern fixtures A downtown location rom 30000 to 50 000 people pass door daily or information call ER 1 2144 non be in every aeuul operating at capacite Jiving quarters er good reason for selling shown appointment only! Al new garases additon MKIIKWUtW PATIOS 1 5440 A AMATO free esnmares RUMM GL SALE! in clothing for men women JillX mruitH kl 1 ShX MA 5r4M RixrMlNG property 90 St IS wms 1 1 1 HEA1 ING SHEET METAL Sa lei 438000 yean Mt 1130 toi vxijv an we uniwi tm i nandng for quick wl Real buy 1 A PPI i ur EX 1 4 42 5 McNUugh CAXTON BLDG S12 HCRON RD i 34 in to 2 500 sq ft Also desk space with tele phone answering service accessible to good pa rking Room ft 9M A 1 3324 UNION BLDG 1S36 EUCLID AVE Several small effices available conven ient to parking i JOS WURSTNER A CO CH 1 0830 Call Mr lood rEDESTAt fans SPEED MOTORS $5950 Buri7 ntTLD ON YOUR LOT OR SfODERN butldortnf KK 349A earner iU your pRESRNT HOMY i TREES cut down or emoved Insuranc SHOE store with living quarters equip with shoe renal machinery Toaet liefest'euLQJ 4 4 09 SHOE repairing shop: very reasonable Emergency bale SW1 I293 SERICE station East Side: IdMl for mechanic: reasonable WA 1 939 llfl ODA llrvj el I nt I itfisKcr t'Xd fmm rate nT hiMlmf nd hlrhwa tx fn paid Reason for selling other buaineM looring HAND ILKR OR RI CtfOXX CUT vf aavn 4AU4 ATSO PAINT fixture co 14 5 Chru i rvr njirt vi rn if sate 3 bedroems electricity: bath: ice SU 1 2295 res WJ rfuiy U1 ID Aug lai cniy Cancellation forces reduction JA 1 ft 2 73 Cd ford 200 engine driven Lincoln electric maie Mj hln On 1074 EXHAUST taiu and autamrite nEV n7 ited from th io 30 110 i i BARBER Shop airview Park 2 chairs modern air conditioned Cail evenings OR 1 1686 BEAUTY SHOP g'Xst: it is ven steadv clientele st offer teip will stay 10 1 6370 LOJ 6997 BARBERSHOP: 12303 St Clair After 1 a SW 1 9327 cUaiyard i OH raiuiiouiii ikki ft Hine a I' ist Service Get leak repaired water pipe replaced with copper drain unstopped new fix tures lit water tanka installed rehabla and reasonable service Term 2 1 HUL'H EHV1CK Gt I hJ PirLMBING HEAING SHVI RIM I I AKS Install cuppee water lines hot water iank cemodHing kitchen bathroom: ay ternu tree estimate fX 1 9200 kt ECTP ti2 arwer leaning' Im Cali anytune east or west Il' 1 J52S Est 15 years nt In operation at ores cat you can make monev tue dav you start price 4500 includes yard 15hx 225 new tile office building and scairs on Railroad good town Put nam County worth consideration KORYTA CO $19 Na Cl Chy Bank ldf CH 1 310 CAE 5: BY OWNER Thriving business west of Cleveland on mini highway drawing from 7 towns lots of parking seals 110 good fixtures fully equipped kitchen rent $30 diving quartcis available': 4 more years 5 year option at S50 Business excellent but health compels quick saie 420300 After 7 pm call Dl 549 CAE 'OR TAVERN WANTED Wil! use equity of 510 000 in beautiful suburban home as down payment: bal ance to be carried by owner prefer with property and living quarters must Im substantial business: have cash tn oper ate properly uet preferred Brokers in vlted Box 25820 lain Dealer CAE 2 ER Crossiown East hot corner: sales $400 week good (ixtuies terms uno bu iw ove Hiding rresH Prit $26 250 KORYTA CO CH 1 ibi i7o ORfVER with A Im Building Construetten Repairs' HE DIDN'T BnilVK' IT HERE Sandy beach cool spacious restful utilities Box 32022 Dealer PARK LANE: Modem cottages near ol Harbor State Park hot water aeep ft Call Port Clinton 27206 RobertAhrens 1 CHRIS Crah express cruiser s'n rie screw engine complete with folding 'p laaaer ice do oeia stoe extras including extra lines icnaers ano taf Iviarlnr rriiJM 20 with 26 tn top speed Too condition Inquire Nell Hoak Motor Sales Huron or can be seen at the Boat Harbor during the week Usuallw out on week end Call Huron 3031 tor week end ap pom tmen agency artist etc: plenty of Ihiht: free parking available oer month HOTEL SOVEREIGN Call Suzv Gallagher Mgr 1 atr Blvd rA 1 I HAVE THE and' store spacet EASTLAKE SHOPPING CENTER for tnese HARDWARE DRESS SHOP SHOE STORE ALSO DOCTORS NEEDED All vnu nerd is niinev fnr sfACk Willoughby 2 4440 or Wl 2 1254 after I 6 week ends eve LA 4 ftT72K HJi? LWUmY a aotf profeand fumliye 5 OJftO rubbish and iron anr KEYSTONE ixture 053 Wxliand NOW HOMES BROADWAY WRICKING CO 1861 E10l Job phone RA 1 0522 BdlLfeRS 147 70 Idw preuuia arrar and Trefta very good condition vail MA 1 337 1 jri I ynir remant WAiBK HKADK A I 1 fragment i THE GAS HOUSE lint rAhNrrir pr 11 1 I i imu I NTT ysrd back hoe: would to: terms KE 0 in irane iur ji a or 4 nigniiii vsurnj IORD1 LJI1W I 'Lrf HIH'I IJ UM POLAROID cameras film and flash EV 1 iBhJ Anlhiy't 703 Detroit AT IOjO irilCKtATEI'S a ten pm nd RRtOKWOR simnleM neei: nr J15O innic drHAevJ Dreriuel Reatau i xtODwi i i 'ii Nil 11914 rsiiX 'AKu' A xm ait 'in krm ar kavi naa PPM TURE QllPMJST OPEN epotv tor efmHntn 9 eWre with portaM equipment DI 1 19HV DRILL Nw 12" to 2 1' Lakeside in st cuir 1944 AVTIN etteru road gudei bm It MO t'rtllamrr Av? ROaD 1 iton rarrvsli n7 25DntoH Ae 134 Store and Office ixiurs uftic nnptieiH Lo H22 Proarwvt Ave lestlcnj right UT 1 lURNKR8ULIbOZER 4 rsi 1 ciath 4u1 PIANOS WANTED BEST PRICES ER 1 0689 SPOT cash" for musical instrument Tnp Price ree Epstein's Prospect Exchange 736 PROSPECT AVE 1 5409 PIANOS WANTED Hljhest prices! spot cash A 1 994 4 TOP DOLLAR on musical instruments We buy sell repair new and ud MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKI i 1 1 Tf pear auoenur rtAMINlO L'f 912 room: paper ing painting tureotng wore guaran teed: free aimatesMU' 1 1 294 6xl3 ROdM orem Tnned any oXor 1 coal panf included 812 GA 1 QR Lll 3 8d painting neat we oe ctantt la matching colors or fteit A IVOVA I Wl inaKy I PAPER HANli itt a an i dachshunds: i tan AT ftjftd 5 nr 2 gifts rn ryjxrr rwwtT inmui ia kc MINIATURE poodle Vaeert ln 15159 iueed leans tx? er rfs 1 'l OCR AH Wlp 1 1 lamp II 50 9i af an CLEVELAND NEWEST EEDf AST SOMETHING INER rCP PARTICULAR PEOPLE 1877 2D ST SW 1 4025 OHIO INEST DORA ANN REST HO3DJ WOMEN' BEDAST SOMETHING CR PARTICULAR PEOPLE Phone Mantua Crestwood 4 2215 55 Rem Sammer Cottages Plumbing 5 Icctric BKWKH CLANING I GAS LKAKS REPAIRED Copper water line tnxtallrd without dig tint rail any tune quick: aervtce rea 1 75n 423 Otueas BWt MA 1 0250 Evening auJ Sunday PO I 4 253 OPTOMETRIST OICEaies $14000 year tuiir equipped aownicwn rent on i pwrrer retiring make I AtPI HU IL 1 cv al contracts 4 trucking equipment 8 trartc 3 seui two dump trailers and one tandem dump true sieady year round or al prices EVER AiLL40" 1 11 I ailMUMU II 1 II I I Blond Spinet 389: Used Henry Miller student pian $95 Cable Spinet type $295: Star studio tone $35 'mall grand like new435 CO! HER LEWIS 1002 Superior MA 4inft RENT A SRI NET Or console small monthly payment CURRIER MUSIC CENTER Majfiejdat Lee YE 2 2900 BALDWIN ACROSONTC SPINET Mahogany cae good condition neat style Only $395 easy term Mattlln 2027 Euclid Open eves 3REPLACJLSiMAT0u LO Building Carpentry Repair CALL LARRY CONSTRUCTION CO 138 Typewriters Office Mich I Lire trie Typewriters ReeMHtrnM and guaranteed from nroe ean uunnra rmm low add auhtruct multiply divide machtnea ns no typewriters Ax alx'iit our rental plan WK BUY SELL RENT ROSE INC tin rmwri rit 1 1080 ree parking Opposite Re Cross A jn vart itnor nmniumi Machine Pitney Rowes olding Machlnq Rl UHtVV 3CV1UUB iav new MimeAttope machine and ma i iiinn inn reaaonaftle Write Box 573 1354 18 Thompson CUnar tA trie start Eetnruda big twin II 1 6 a 1 1 2 0 7 DPfrrt llv Island ft AD 5 2329 yve CAES WANTED hKK DI 1 ICH )Rfi Annao parking Ini HA hH eatttnates MA 014S nnnHInl Cbfieidsn ervli rcn sole slightly used taken 1n trad on grand exceptional value save $340 Terms ree parking Open Mon Tues Thuri Eves 11312 BuclldAvf SUMMERSPECIALS flet buys new or used spinet con soles grands practice pianos $45 up Electric player and mils PIANO CO Onen TUI 9 Sun 2 14 233 BO 3 3220 WAITING TO Bl JST TODAY AST aCTIOX THE APPLE CO idfiis 1T5 SW 4 no 1 PHASE NEVER SED PRICED IX) bELU 1311 ST GLAIR SU 1 4400 DEMONSfftATlON and DISPLAY KOOL VENT ALUMLNUM AWNLNGS befog ld at great reductions Many SIZE and COLORS SEE THEM at factory 24 EUCLID AVE or call 7Y) 1 5840 OVERHEAD fwr All lire types made to order Rx7 sectional 5' 15x7 $145 16x7 lb: 0 1 $140 headroom We install EAGLE STAMPS bU 30 SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU Ohio Largest Business Broker OL 1 5200 OR 1 94J3 TV5 K46 rw'AKEin' tv It' Mn call Vyivpr 'Trut Im HxM hauling or mm rtrlvfay sidewalks 'aka aaay ten Our offices are centrally located on one floor with good parking faciL ttes We have occupied these quariert for over 11 years and feet that they would be excellent fur someone who is in need of a near downtown branch and sales office warehouse and general office facilities CALL MR Hg 2 2727 21'04 SUPERIOR Ideal showroom for furniture upholstery i irst floor 5 0G0 sa ft also 2 upper 7 i floors total 15000 sq ft available now Aii or pai loaning co*ck paiKing 2000 to 10000 SQ 501 High St downtown: 4 floors and casem*nt ah (3i Hint uwcuac Huron Rd 4 SL MA 1 tVtoO COUNTER 20' with 10 stock rMi'andiky 2OU 4 eenl er 12 cm ewlar: other fix i I mnu rotary 1 ius un i UT 7 ft 7ft ikoLD draft Teer ayrm sIPhfTy HEIGHTS CROSSTOWN LEE RD CORNER MAYIELD Small store at bus tnp busy romer excellent parking Call Edward Schweid MA 1 0072 CORNR 154 and Kinsman: Attrac tlve store heat hot water excellent lo cation for beauty parlor or dry cleaning establishment Lease or monthly tenancy CHlj6 191 600 SQ ST CLAIR fiTH ST MG SALES ELEVATOR HEAT SPRINKLERS KOBLITZ INC CH 1 2788 STORg'with basem*nt steam heat shoe repair over 25 years but suitable for other business $55 13413 Knman Inquire up Suite 3 GROUND LOOR 1107 Bolivar: 4 000 sq ft heated: truck doorgood office CH 1 2 ft CORNER store heat and lavatory Ideal for Hrber shop 4370 Warner Rd JAft a EUCLID Ave 5806: 3000 SQ ft Sa floor with heat: suitable for ufacturlng storajeor oKIcesTq 1 i o3ft LARG2 store East reasonable Ideal for drugstore or superett YE 2 3286 Restaurant modem fully equipped for ront WO 1 6613 between 1 a Nice community in oarKme cement in fixtures equipment or Quick Sale I tnir tu Ute idrr un rv st 129 Pianos Musical uth retail and whoiie a riatiuj 436000 partner! disagiee I MTLL I 8 56 hUClKl ntifna mtrt for ilMl I tr wzra Lester Camera Co 1758E 1 2St Il kSTLR MYTR '1 (T 4 0'SK 1 5136 ree estimate LU 0i3tSOUNp proleWK 0V W0JCW urn I TRKKS nt 4 mates urt i dark iandf un no wheat eiani I 3 1 Linoleum IjNOLUM rul srnac aold ami Inrtailed 4her 1 ner U3 i 0 Euchd jjia erntfi it J7Q aVO Camera Repairs VTtfMEfTohil v'AMKRK sun WAY ILMS MA 1 MM: Carpeting fART repairs and ntallsflwt guar anleed 1 7452 MU I 4ftWh Co3t Cinders Topsoil virgin topsoil propped ami pu mau blwd 24" t'lnfaon "TlSd: tin cur EXJ jnoT VSKO BUILDINC MATBHIAL Cuyahoga Wrecking Co HE 0326 NEW window frames size $5 up GORDON ARCADE 65 DETROIT WO 1 4284 Small arcade storea auIiaNe lor oiricea cr iaM rooms In this line Ilrrprool bldg reasons bl re rt a rk on our tot STORE 1052 ST CLAIR: MODERN RONT CAS HEAT IDEAL OR BAKERY DRY CLEANER JEWELRY RESTAURANT IL KOBLITZ INC CH 1 21SK center Ridie' Rd 20430: near West aate section: Hodm frontage bldg lor lease or rent with large pa king area Suitable lor restaurant tlorist drlve ln or retail store Apt In rear Call Mr Greger ED 1 3372 or AD526g CLARK ULTON Store In corner brick building: heat and hot water furnished $45 month CALI MA 1 S171 POWER CO ULL Una funchlw Northern Ohto beverage bottling ff mnany 35 yea 1 In business annual sal 1300 000 Completely equipped and opera 'irg1th 7 trU" Write 0qg 28823 Plan Dealer 1 121 Miehinjry Tol Moton 134 Store ssd OHi ti ffnunerg rvos rroxeciat twnmni ADMIRAL SAYS: 1 TT IS OU BUS NRHS TO JMEKOVT YOUR BWNTLV GO SEL SERVE IlN I ION CLUBS American legion te Ntrkeiodeon pt fett condition alao player piano tu sn an di Applbnc Repairs continued Lionel and American lyer i AST tervlrq cm wwlng ma hina wahet aweeprta IT 3iG4 SHAKER HOBBY MART I Kinsman 1 1931 TIONING nmsnii Vrnvto Magic Chef 3 169 Hr ORK LIT TRUCKS 1000 and 000 lb far tent lhicoln Pebuildeta 1 1205 Berea Rd WAREHOUSE Downtown floor: parking lot: truck dror headed 4 000 ft Box LAKEWOOD Stor 16x70 feet brnt Warren Rd TO 11775 WOODKILL 2468 Ute atort full Uaement adjoining a roorj 2S 4 sfOPt 22X36 PR 1 4135 Garar typt fwOdinz atroef front ar nign cttlirg 220 power large overhead door ice cent iigtUag tor tt light aseembiy atorage etc Vtry reasemabie ren GIT SHOP: downtown: well estab lUhed: lew 1 1 8 PR 1 2134 GROCERY 2: good location: near church xchoolt Owner CE 1 971 8 HOTb 7MXCLID AREA Showing over $6 500 year net: beauti fully furnia ed 4 room fnp owner wifi return investment In lew than 2 year tenant alway waiting terms A RLE 1S36 Eudid MA 1 375 tTNCOtN welder 500 amp ga driven garage and radiator shoe fully equipped Loaded in Your Truck ot Dallverml 4239 Me Hd: TOMOfL ILL dirt gravel rHahl aervic CALL ANY TIME WRkUffe 3 S07 JOHN rich top sandy loam no jiLhum or ware 3 ta yd load? aian gravel cinders and aartd reaaon able delivered VVrxL or KasL Call day or "VAtDh" Ml I iff I 1MV DN 10 1 RN WANQ GRAVEL TU 5 9617 Torvn hue ivarTiarw delivery LO 1 729 WY 1 2953 TopAu" HtCH 820" YD: ILL DiHT if HR H727 I GA 1 322 at king aiaa fhr garaxp ree eshtnuee ABU CO VI RAC I OKS Af 1 5579 1 4226 man AGAIN Casing Guaranteed won Asphalt ce ment driveways paikmg Ma hi 1 differ ent cotoi a iow rust NUI HE COMPARE ANO AVE Cement ami asphalt dnv No money down 3S month to pay NEW) HOMK IMPRUVSMENT CO gW 1 9013 Ml KI 1 Driver parking lol tennis court! 20 years on UcighU ije eatimate A 1 7124 l't 1 168 Terrr A White Con iMrurtlOD Co for free estimates base ments diivewavs slrfrwalka and retain ing wall no iob too Hue or too small UK 2 0539 Joseph Laronge Inc Hippodrome Bldg MA 1 0310 WyllM Ret six or KAMLNGWN poitabie $3 Hoyai latandacd $39 ebrrkwrltrr $10 ad it 4 id gusrniw 1 410A roufi Wet J5 lettro CiKsKs chain His mim: bin Il i lilt mu Arm Altn frliiir Co 2243 I I ll I l'Uh iTnnrto MA OAJA Huron R4 TR 1 5S3' iT NNtNilllAM tvn K' REMINGTON NOtSEl ESS TYHKWBITER rMn It fu It A (wnpurtmtnu 1' $37 Ml )nr nll 'Ml Cl 1 I7SA tr KEY ADDING MACHINE WITH WWtS ANO MttlC OYSRCTtl SUBTRACTION 53750 IMS CAtUNKTS At THKMltNr'l'S CONSOt DATED TYKAVRTTKR SAVINGS 5050 lro UT 1 TTU l3JnK34 TVltR nfrUwilM tixiurr portt4 IB I SO up: rentTnplr mndrl chow Irmn Tslfg Jtetnn Twwntr 8upuiy 1745 I UT 1 7A7S I7 1 vsrn I A Vive 1' N5 I and Adding Msrhli A NO Ill'S 35 511 35th SH 90070 li6 ton Cleveland Punch jnd Shegr Model grrhitecturaU Haw 4S" thrMt with die 50" 1 urn Table OO' gAs" Surface Plate i Ruj I rade Service Station for Lease IV have 3 new excellent Weal Side locations which will he available auon or in forma ion call A 1 255 Ticket agincv Year round office business grossing $60000 annually showing 25rr net esl 6 years business showing gradual increase fine opportunity requiring no specialised knowledge fust manafcemnt I In 1 iit'liti MAl hl' 1 tdit iz dHvrr 1011 Dod dumb truck: I steady must purchase tr uck small idown payment required 124 02 Belial 'Rd Sat and Sun only MO 2 9310 or Wl 1 0067 wv 4 Tif wwm ai ui 1 1 a ahnn Ipuie center fully equipped onderful ah Jamim I opportunity must sen any rrasunavie 3 TAXI BUSINESS with and me ter renter of business dlsrvlct owner retiring BqxJ lHuPltto Dealer PJLYON Ine 1837 55 HE 1 04 32 LARGE van loading tor lorida can take part ad Spark Storage 2 3331 BETTER storage for In steel vaults at CK bl 1 121 Boats Marins Supplies ft aa1 tatiA I Alrt crmpiMMni wntrn tnvv' rovn machine cau mix 'svphalt bulidorhig grading Dayy nlght 1 4406 or UT i htninrv Rrbtu If ew Brn Renair PoHitmn i a uncrir Ayphflit i kmi lik vk iki I A I or I I 1 he Dr It Co n'ra: bfXni'Il rneg a Mt Pal WA 1 7250 A 10 in etsf' AallM at Hme EAD JACOBS CO SU 1 8311 orSalc Or Lease Pri building 1 300 ft for Ml ehm ahoq pattern shot or small manu facturing iarr coaee parking toqulr 10323 Baltic Rd or call PURCHASE prlt'f uruleM In 3 years In bill of saie on ESTABLISHED RANCHISE (requiring no personal management) 1953 NET PROITS $15577 41 Internationally established company of fr for franchise their Akron offke which oiler to the public a noncom petltive professional service Mother company would contlnua to manage office leaving franchise owner only the books to kep Our Cleveland accountant win furnish proof of 1953 net profits of $1 557741 and Ji 633 59 net prof its for Ht quarter of 1954 to quan ied anniicanta Total orice $18000 Plu nJ mvalta hl1 Ul IVA vu SU 1 A535 for detail Only principalt capable nr ianoiinz caan 7NEXCSS $10000 per year Euciid Loan Hotel 9507 EUCLID AVE Rin le and double rooms private and semibath: kitchen if office $50r newy furnished and decorated: close to pnone answ rii tneaier? ano snopping cenrer Cleveland Clinic: dsilv and weekly rates cLJxiri iio'iti AS i 10ft near corner st Clean rooms exiy raio 3ft' CHRIS Craft speedboat 125 Chrysler marine good condition: outside refintshing almost completed $1800 as is or best offer when cem pJetedTR 1 493JL 14" CUSTOM Craft runabou 1 yr old: 60" beam front deck running lights paddles anchor and rope new Pace maker trade $250 1217 Montauk TU 4 273O 14 Oldtown runabout Lvman tvpe: i front deck running lights new canvas accessories: excellent fishlnr boat Sacri fice for ED 1 3727 1953 CHRIS CRAT 158 Chrismauc hydraulic reserve mechanism Call Canton tO 73790 between 10 a 2 INBOARD cabin runabout beam wth trailer Located at Rmkv River Dock 56 or information SlL A 7 1 1133 Open offers 1 GALLON satefv can approved special $399 Surplus Value Center 4836 Cl ajr 15'4 LYMAN 25 Evlnrud'e motor alt accessories 11809 Sector Ave OR 1 8369 Wk utility fast galvanized steel welded hull ord Marine 100 $700 1502 How ard Ave PR 1 3469 26 sailboat auxiliary power sleeps 2 the water at Mentor Harbor Yacht Club make offer BLackbum 7 7717 194 9 33 'Chris Craft cruiser twin screw A condition many extras $9000 RE 1 5929 21' INBOARD speed boat needs some work: reasonable Mentor Blata buni7 77 502 special 18' ord ft motor converted (tockac included ftpft0 AT 1 3506 after 7 ZUCKER MARINE SUPPLY Si A 1 En 1 8282 0UTH RfcXD 36 HL broiiye and grid lift National cah reikUTs I rt ld $250 each rant snion Chihuahuas Puppies and Grown Stock Reasonable American et Shop 9913 Lorain OL 1 0897 AIR temprowir bchramm 20 mum! ai nnimr and tint ship condition cost over $700 aril fir $300 Rd 2 5940 CAMERA ill lenaTft built In light nnder: liming 1250th see leather rase unfvental finder also Akarette 35 leather case sw 7r56 after 6 ALUMINUM self storing combination wGT dows any sire $14 45 aatlsfacdon guaranteed RO 2 7650 QUONSET 4 room bath nil furnace to be moved ail Northfield 2 USED Communication Equipment suitable for police fire amateur ue BO 2 454 AIR CONDITIONER 5 TONS Used 6 weeks make infer Tinsley MOTEL SITE! Ir snout 7CB TH rtf north of new lurnpke intersection: Ao suitable for dnve tn restaurant or super service gas station we ia have another equahy gopi IsKation pa Road near ord plant Take you choicet St CH 1(1696 iNORTtiN rnuMl irindr I 0 Al1 EQUIPMENT OR fti CAES AND RESTAURANTS i2 CINCINNAit rntrl tnndr A 1 A 1 I 3 CO IHKIUM I lt4n R6uildn 11305 1 VU 1 1 A I i) rvu I lit Rd 1I6S0 Eudid UT1 7HJ i co ir i' Mt mti war I AIR u'MlU'sOA A MOTORS I mnArt tl00 PER SECTION brim tror trur CO jAin 'ULI wetderr ut at roat ne ud rash iaa reg'ttera aridtne msehine scales sHcer CH I 1 triwpens imueiiMit save ou an naaaes r4 i'ui11 CKX'rHAf raK wairisraR on i 1714 wvxfitni Ave 1 J' i '5 'i 4 ri riiuUAriiy a lie 1)1 fl rsndv ft ivv ft fl extruded mr'al hnw aMma i mj CASH OR BUSINESS We finam tb sale and! purchase ft! business enterprises also supply the CA5H to expand rotir business or modernite to cvnsootsaie or for any worthy purpose SEE Industrial Credit OR ACTION 220 ROSE BLDG SU 1 9800 or Smart Hotel At bi? money saving rates see the beau tiful Hotel Sterling A good as the best much much less cost REE PARKING Away rom Noise and Congestion Only 4 Blocks from Downtown Sterling Hotel Prospect at 30 HE 1 9600 CLEVELAND YACHT SUPPLY CO tewired $3 50 rotd and snclirta table free pi'kup and delivery I rifti i amp ivi as VK 2 02 i loor inishing banding isam is back i loor undine and fituahlng reaqnb 1 fuaranteed Call SK M4' A 6719 LXH landing end finishing satLsIae lion guaranteed WA i IOCft urnaco Cleaning Repair CftWESt price: clean repair Tnsli'llijjpakps: fre 3 i anoo Hauling and Trucking RUN I A CAR OR TRI UK I I1 Jtttt ie yx no V'OxxWRkJNTS qr ''r tuM hxe wHfe scree movrea bring cu! 1 1 1 Xv the bidden beatfy 't seen tn the meeh I la t55Oi motorired tflaaller tr umb prists STATE punch pre 2 strose excellent ron OTO ores develop yur rolls iiriroi Caa to een tn eperaUcm to 1 quire The American lantern A Mg 1 1 I 3554 71 VU 3 0M Wbati OftMRPRlMS a iK MUST HAVE THIS AD Tr eftor I' JA81 io A om Hwira 4i vma i a not nafi ui ii'uu yeq ry n't getting genuine WQNDBR verired tvi waste large delivered open UH 1 1 TOPSOIL I WALL WASHING rug cearini Ing Work guaranteed JLrr ig4 orractt'vni and modmb your LJl Kam Ton WA Window Cleaning I WINDOW CLEAYTSG CARAfiR Rwmcir I'AmilAXC WC': aimTir Ji 'rwn? PO 1 dOOJ'labr only tn lap iw 1 9556 rtuht EV 3 0941 CE) U7 6 C'neral Contractor PENTHOUSE Suitable for professional studio adver north $200 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY New Show Cases New Wall Cases New Dsplay Cases ADMIRAL SHOWCASE Euclid UT 1 7 Executive Desks Used $2950 tlsut rowinUu drawers if deairs complete yeeobdltiijn tai no mo i ti lrofer uie dn ARX Ttr RiV ss "SSI for ttGirr maniTactL rinc? "2 A llA 1 itfir Ur Npi Sil I Tractor on rookrar Rd Make rihmetji nr totting ehaKa I 1 LARNCIE Ave AtuO7000 sq ft teel thelviftg As stout xr rental plan I with building 5 LT SKLU KIUNT Xfr OfUA rqOO ROSE INC nr 1m level a re new In GH 1 1040 area nn mala titoTOfare east A A ENTIRE BUILDING 26400 Sq Approximately 2 200 sq fl beauti ful offices entire balance clean warchou'e space siding level with 1st floor Large parking and truck area Available Immedi ately Most reasonable rent in town 2281 SCRANTON RD ELBER JR MA 1 3270 1H TKADE POnAM aw ai rnvniTtoN VR Cini KNGIVEIR HOTXL SOVEREIGN 1578 AST BLVD ERS ANS 4HUTTKRS SPRAY BOOTH ANS KLKCTRIC MOTORS machixyry tools svpfues hor VITZ MDSK I960 ST CUAlR AfTfroraTI trawler tractor ttK imni ena tVMer na rairacs ether sm 20 blade on 6 prdetil uinil Suitable for store nr (Mhe 93 st And supplies complete to start a dough nui jhoprertsonable SHJ 2695 DEL1CA1 ESSEN good business fixtures and stock lease section IV 1 2997 DOUGHNUT'shop health sell: i easona ble MO 2 9 33 0 or L1 0 9 6 7 DRY cleaning and children clothing 2 weekstrialIVl 4 691 good business east mas oner rj i nooo DELICATESSEN 2 llrvru: good location near school DI 9647 OOD STORE General Merchandise Gas Station A marvelous well established stead year round business assuring you a goAd Income and future in well maintained property: desirable living quarters store is complete in every re'n't with all necessary fixtures and clean stock on hand: located in thriving com munity a trading center an advan tageous deal can tie made: mut be seen to be apnrec'ated 'heck this at KORYTA COT9 Nhrt'l City Bank Bldz CH 1 8 I 0 URNITURE and appliance west eat ME I 2242 after 1 Grocery Meat 2 License Neighborhood store Over $6000 Inven tor plus several cases walk In cto'er new truck Doing rr $150000 yearly Income property also available Must reMr? See and make offer Call HE 2 1340 forappointment GAS GARAGE Also ft room hou with 23 3 ft on Lorain Rd alrvlw Park or or will lease 1 owner 25 vean Will sac rifice below appraisal Call Mr White OR 1 612 ii gR a lty GIT SHOP Wm fttte shopping center low doing 518000 per year al 50 profit clean stock can double business orer has other Interests in Indiana APPLE 1JG6 Euclid GROCERY 2 1727 rear Superior PR 1 1177 housing protect area 2 tn 2 Kr li il 000 week rent 1100 HAWAIIAN electric guitar Oanu lone i sno ntm itw master Only 3 month Reason 4 fu a OR 1 9122 lAPPEL 1836 Eurhd MA 3M ACCORDION 120 Pass NKVR USED i GROCERY and tKorcugT 8ACPI1CK WO 1 6 well no reaaonaoie offer re BEAUfiVL baby grand brown mahog fused MS 1 9133 or CL 1 1250 after any excellent CH 1 663J 7 eve SOLSVOX Paid $375: sacrifice for GAS Lubritorfum good "bustnesis cash IV 1 7073 ion Broadway partners disagree Io to rent Ml 137 Want Old Gcldt Diamonds CAS station pumps wi location saenne? for inventory la i wos 2 for business or of'lce reasonable YE 2 7118 Call 68p MADLON 7823 wllh Yiirniar iivins 5100 per mentfr Call BO 2 0519 LEE Rd 214 66 tores: modem ar conditioned bldg GL 1 706S store medtum size: sny business: $3 0 mo WA 1 8044 6409 DENISON A'e: 1000 iq ft store or office: 3 bus lines WO 1 0132 49 NEAR "BROADWAY $30 KONTH Dt OICE 1 3 5 $30 ED 3ftfti P725 DENISON: heat hut tr: $50 AT 1 3 ft 2 4 aCe ASPHALT DfUV6S PARKING A REAP Work guaranteed Tenns er rats if bookeq 110? Will mni it complete JUO (MU I 4 1L rt wall I1 4'1J unirwni 1 A sprinklers cost i lime iE I 422A 5 7394 1 I ASPHALT driveway raiurUitog zejr IKM1IK manship A Asphalt 1 0 MC 2 any time ERRY'S MArt A CINDER 0 stone gtavei cinders ih! and PI UMRING quick save nwwiey Call anytimeanywhere YR 2 20V7 Radio Television tfltN you call for your don't settle tor hi nurse: when you call me you get personal attention no employee Complete service eaJl Includ ing tubes and picture tubes checked in 1 vnur nr ma si no: east np var ava rrm nj i nirtoa Mnniav nam nriz a i 37 years experience fret SMALL and large vans staves 10 bsr all aluminum antenna em A1O all tilM of siding furniture HE 1 7141 pleieiy InstalW $24 9 Bill TtteL I RUBBISH LauietL cesn out basem*nt l70d Coventry fid YE 2 0282 20 Cjuis 4 45 Grav sheps 2 bead and sink fully rqulpt $1500 ED 1 5923 '32' A cabin cruiser 1917 Twin IChryMei: fully equipped teasonabi? 1 H444 GALVANIZED unsinkable 7s Neptune $150 31415 Lane HttYRTOtt ixture 653 Wtodland I i refrtnetated 122 Clothing US4 RopdlfS i hrun frnm TkIpp ft UT 1 7 878 7715 Cartieje NEW an 1 Used Cato Resisters RR DlSrNSR KOOtR KEG THEATER ests uphilered good con dlllon rgasnrute PR 1 2741 tjbp rnp mtutf iMrara inn business $86 5 5 HE lji2 2 tJflurav La rLAlN 07 ril rssi JULY OO III Sale ac'ortss Sitzs i EAST 26o E('CLlb I 140 Iwxt beKlnx 1 ideal tar machine toms nr inv rranu I MAT IT BS A DRUGSTOI PPUln I SSI' 1 GIT or i Af proxtnwteiy 1 acre nc laxuj wius 3f Uii UK VARJ TY ORE frouUe on 3AO St Opporturuty tow MODERNIZATION CtPRRTB CAR I 'Plan YOUR Wirst UT of aaixh GA now TO YOU Painting Papering Cleaning III )i Si 1 1 iG ID ES1IMAI ESi i work i i prn IMKHIOK AND eXTXRIOR 415A KXTKHIOH PAINTINC" Mk ufanteed Dutch lv paint service price ully nisu'ijdKathnafea free 3 Qw 1 270 $12 mumi work gxiaranteea: Tree yati RA 1 61 14 HOUS8 PAlNTTNi: A Low re estimates AG 1Q7 21 Plano Tuning 1 I 1 I MNi SECIAU TUNE AND DEMOTH $8 hodman i inn BO 2 J220 Plastering At low cost: asih'annl eniisi ruction repair old estimate will guarantee S5? LEADER BLDG Office space available complete fur nished: telephone answering and secre tanal service CH 1 2126 EVCLID EAST 17 TH irst class downtown office space 1652 sq ft Can negotiate favorable terms for this very desirable space Available immediately A 1 94 83 SCHOIELD BLDG 9TH AND EUCLID Small medium and large offices See Mr Schofield Room 1400 1316 SUPERIOR AVE ft rooms approx mately 900 sq ft 2d floor reasonable rent Will give long term lease Carpenter EN 1 4950 DESK SPACE Beautiful office telephone lec retary PR 1 2 0 3 5 5927 EUCLID AVE OICE or light manufacturing apace Inquire 5911 Euclid Ave EN 1 7221 DETROIT Ave Lakewood REE PARK ING 2DLOOR BO 2 3221 OICE WEST GOOD AIR CONDITIONED TR 1 401 2 i an share office s2 5 rnone auftw ring a i al i 2joi OICE snare available Chester 12th iBIdg: reasonable rentMAP267 1 DETROIT Rocky River Business tortmn P'D 14570 Clair i EUCLID at 4th: 700 sq ft office Willie zpniv icnwnauir irti BUILDING 80x100 NEAR PEARL BROOKPARK Will leas? new building to be built to I responsible tenant for a 5 year term 11946 TRUSCOTT mf I 4 4 A 4 I I 01 Ar I 1 III V3 1 i 14 VK UV 'I 3 nilU HID US' 4 91'1 lllfe II ii xutu i shut (lit iminit uuj iiiir excellent lor light fabricating warehouse or distributorship May consider larger structure up to 60000 sq ft Mead lacob I CE VMM 2 brer and tnr Plain ftoiiv equipped partner aisagrer rncea foi quick saleLI 1 KKN 1AUKAN MOCtoni luny equipped doing business fur rent WO 1 6613 1 1 a to 2 COING nuciKvw ana st tIir ROOMING house 14 rooms excellent furniture: good income 1930 j9 RESTAURANT fixtures A bargain very cheap He 1 2075 SUMMER hotel 35 miles west of Cleve land on Lake Erie Call Mueller at Verm ill 8250 SHEET metal shop complete: 332 superior By Appointment only WRICKING 4 heus frame snd brick 5901 De troit Door windows (dumbing heat ing cupboards lumber bnck etc a man on Job $10 Month $2ii Month Kchrcr Co 13523 Detroit AC 1 1046 OPEN EVERY VE TILL 9 30 SUN TO 7 GULBRAXSEX whifncv man sninet eii I rtltmn reaaonahlv nrirerf Alan pianoa from $75 up Termsi ree paiking Open Mon Tues Thurs Eves AIDE HLHADSER'S 11312 Euclid Ave Your Chance to Buv A SPINET PLANO USED OR DEMON CTT ATION AT THE REGENT HOME AND LOWER SHOW ONLY A EW Kt tqViTeLWt I TODAY MARERH SON 330? 55 tog stock and fixtures Inquire at 3826 V7' 3 4500 OrEN EVLS 11LL St electricity running water beat $30 week: bus Midlake 4 2117 MENTOR on the Lake Room by day week or month: private entrance swim jning Slarkburn7 £800 3 ROOM furnished cottage available for season only AH conveniences private beach Wl 3 1753 MARBLEHEAD: 'COMPLETE COTTAGE BOATING: $65 WEEKLY WO 1 3451 GENEVA VN it tr lam COTTAGE COMPLETE KE UNCLE rooms and Geneva cm he Lake 442 7 9th Corner Bolivar Grouud floor 56x11 7 6 200 so ft prominent location drive in doors commercial nr office Heat urnished HOLLANDER TO 1 3113 TELEVISION IN LOBBY HAWLEY House Hotel 3d St Ciair Daily and WEEKLY RATES itaig hotel 2530 prost ect ave $6 to $11 weekly: t5O daily 65 Business Places for Rent time RA Ittrtikc "kidtn and sUitririJ 1 1 4 A 177 'I or rom and rPnng aio iwes 4 new homes 17 sm ala ana al tm 1 i sw 'b TaI 1 1 'CtiTPENI ERTfPAiRS Qualify workmanship priced right Highest grade materi: used Any or small No down Payment' HA waning ruuy maurvu Robert Get con 1 Call leshkO M0VQo' CONSTRUCTION CO Undwapmr Ntoaf reajtonabla prices on an tp nt (nMPfKTE Undtrapa service roloUllinr romodrilig building repairing NO PtjW(nI trtmmina mitriuaac fee MONEY DOWN: HA financing 3 en in 1 3702 pay Don't wait Call tor fr ft upon aumpiaUjn KOVACH (UNSIRLCflOS rf I ij si iroproofing complete horns pryrtCTLIJNC laaoa rolled cut let Artic room alterg'ton poroh rwf 1 timed seeded anrub service tng aiding ree 3 year to ME IM Py INV lawns rotottiltoc piowtoe grad ing topsoil tree semovro tnmtn mowing West OR 1 LAND' CLEARING ra ditching and 1 i tftr i PLEASE PHONE WANT ADS EARLY Beeausa ths large vol ume of orders advertisers are earnestly requested to place their ads before nocn To receive the most helpful service ads for Sunday should be placed early in tho week Phone MA 1 4500 and sheathing a io ft 2x4 Saft 2i 2x10 uo to 2S ft kng roaronabl Steel brick shtot metal firs esraps pipe windows iro Khe Wrecking Co Dt 4 5hO READY TO MO'E TO YOUR LOT CONTEMPORARY Mll consisting of 3 romr and barh Vwlud! piumbing tor hat cM water shower gas wall heater located ut Utt clcve land Available to move mtaet immr diatele Best Mfer owner A i ftftvn NSW CORRUGATED "SARTOS io ono bones 1 500 toae 4Ux4Sx4 200t 3 000 Boars XP 2OOI 7500 boxes t6x4 2O0X 3 2500 bnxea 6x6x14 200L Hundred of various slses at REPAIRS AND KHeb '7vf ilMM Tlf mm pn bathroom recruttoiu nd attk AntSn 750'1 tMreT 1 0404 E'lloT' nA jU Pnrtr cbk S20 ift Lfl I bn a 4ou au i Small 7(S 'wem do mmt anything Elrotncal repairs 1 a UAliioa'w xiinmiam i rnani rt ram rut at in a at 4 a an 144 uuS rall HP" i AMERICAS TERP1IR PUP1 SPSaAnsf7" lormki tn too 4n 1 I T'C ADVISE Norm OR t3 I PAINTING IN AND OUT flVTTWtS OTafti'OI tn wolilm 5 I AND DOWNW'l TS rncs miwAiw VA rHOUSO'AlNftNd BonH4 ch or lmu low Utt CI1 will sei? cheap Edwards Transput Inr i 146 10th St I New PhilsielPhia onto A a fic oe satr moulds in trod ronstitton tht item good fat man nroe? and retail and whoeaie Shown by appointment 52 700 tnciudr sm tock Pox 93 Oberlin 1AV shop Excellent ettafeished bu'nes gjQd money maser Box 1232 3 iaw Dealer pBSYPnAVTCT" i Wel established beer and fond buri new with a good future Can h' long lease on building or will sell with building Located cn Routs ft in Musi ell al nnce because nt other ox 21424 Plam Dealer KISTALRAKT Sale 3OO can fneresxed known Euclid Ave spot nel fur Bished and equipped closed Sunday larg kitchen tt reason for selling 4 $35 a week MO 2 2651 KIWANIS COTTAGE BY KE 1 3572 ATTRACTIVE Vermilion cottages mod ern MI 1 3680 evenings EN EV A ON LA LAKE RONT LO12041 51 Rent Suburban Property CHAR DON Viflagy 3 bedrOOm house Urge yard trees: per month Dr Allyn WO 1 2066 wee days Chardon 6 4323 Sun and Wed NEW' brick 5 rooms basem*nt beach $l25MONTH Call Lorain 85430 58 Want Suburban Property AAA 1 TENANTS WAITING OR SUB URBAa PROPERTY BROKER REE RENTAL SERVICE SW 5 7 30 0 SOBER couple ueed 3 rooms of Cleveland HE2 0887 60 Summer Board Resorts CT PETERSBURG la: i bedroom modern 1st floor ant All elec tric kitchen: private entrance patio and yatd By week moxith or longer 1 9232 LORIDA waterfront: Redington Beach and St Petersburg 1 and 2 bedroom apts $25 to $40 weekly monthly or $50 to $7 5 yeariyRA 3761 63 Apartment Hotels "M0UNT ROYAL Kitchenette or bachelor apt bath: newly decorated furnished: hotel service 4311 Prospect HE 1 1 4 30LROY HOTEL 5505 STCLAIR COMPLETELY RENEWED 1 2 ROOM EICIENCIES TREE PARKING DAILY EEKLY RATES HE 1 4 5 RS 26 ST 1900 1 2 room efficiency suites newly furnished modern: all 1 1 Htles: adultson 1 SU 1 9510 61 Hotels 17000 SQ NEAR 79 AND WOODLAND 12000 sq ft 1st fleer good elevator 2d floor of 5000 sq ft: parking area loading docks reasonable rent MEAD 1ACOBS CO SU 1 8311 17 000 EET one floor fine central location including 1700 aauare feet of fine new offices 3 truck lod tng dock 2 toi elevator and ample parkirg lot Available shortly Cail broker for the owner CHAT PAIER SON MA 1 2203 Co broker welcome 20000' Story Brick 79th St High Ceiling Heivy Zone 50 Car Park Cha Pearon 1 1 0600 EOR' LEA SI' OOn ft 1 story plug 1 000 ft balcony main thoroughfare 18 rt ceil ing 3 yean old beaurifui toowrrom and office: parkin? tot: 5 minute from center rf townCH 1378 1 BESE LOCATION 1300 SQ IDAL OR TRADE SCHOOL MC EAST SIDE NEAR DOWNTOWN KOBLITZ INC CH 1 278 STORAGE SPACE 23000 SQ TRUCK DOCK ELEVATOR HEAT MOVE IN: AVORABLE TELMS KOBLITZINC CH 37M 1229 SIX 'I'll ST TORE RONT 4 000 T' ELEVA TOR TO PERECT 7 000 BASE MENT PARKING WILL DIVIDE TRUCK DhCKLO VSOftMQRNLNflJ GROUND floor front West Side 4000 iM ft 5000 and 7 500 to ft Win klered bldg gocri leading farilitles 7 000 ft Croton Ave oppoaita A warehouse loading plattorm WM BIALOKY SlL liW? ruTUfTVve 12205 near new rapid station ground floor: light manufactur ing gx4 rear delivery and parking I 350 sq ft plus half basem*nt $150 a month MA 16835 efT trr farttitfrlal' wwb DOWNTOWN 3 Short hours 6 a ns to 7 tn no Sands'? $1 700 a week budneas $15000 cash required PEARL ROAD SmaJ compact bar cafe 5 priced to move at 26 500 ATTEX17O5 T'L15 BS A perfect far Rod and Gun 55 Rem Summer Cottaees i vnl seal opportunity Tt Modem ottke tpae tne heart rf EE Hage downtewa Cinelanft approximately 50 75 rear Huror trotrag by wees month I sq completely redecorated car or season all utilities: sand beach nearlpeted ntx'res ent I ttrai for rf a a i i 40 a hr VV i rumw lawyer insurance ecc May oe xs 4 LafA 6 Storage Packing AM VTAO lllaivm? rft I Milinrni ur 111 vs rw I I 1 Mi IM I I A I 4rAA 1 1 1 sCDe other Daily service pj 4 $1 300 week I T11C11G household eoods and autoa a to nev 1st rime offered HEADTAN'Dc Ilow rWior houehota a uiii iiit spate i'AMlt I tic ceiling We flow parking JOS WURSTNER A CO CH 1 014 7 CallMr Brown COOK BUILDING 4614 PROSPECT VADION on the Lake' 200 sq ft unit general office or en rages available July aU uttHtle: SJJ park nrivt beach rent bv nr iAnn KE 1 5311 CANADA: 3 BEDROOMS: ''60 NEAR! Huntsville water toilets gas oath la 1 less cii heat beach SK 1 7797 tALti Lt i oiiu space rucni Aveiv Wickliffe MAl 4377 HI 2 1596 1 TVn a Ta vine' IWtnr nr 14' 1 437 79: ROOMS BY DAY OR WEEK i snare 1 rinrv' hid? 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Cutter I are our specialty 60c UL 1 0846 Ctl 1 WSjO GUTTERS dciwnsrwHjU roofing new ROOING GUTTERS AND DOWN sprurrs EN 1 7676 LE A roof ired roo7 cu ters down ftjfauti A 17311 gurteri and tor na repairs fre estimates JA 16967 ROOlNG'chimney repairs gutters and downspouts HE Sewing Machines Repairs THS MAT CO repair "iny icl'Jr ll your home Rentals QI 13000 Upholstery Slip Covers rtbvTTlR ournuc' 1 Now costs about Mt thu cost of new fur uituxe terms 5vrar guarantee 7 afte a SLIP covers and draperies custom made A 1 A 1 1 1 PRINT? i ORD TRACTORS Deerosstiator with gnr loader $2200 drmcaauator Ufnr 'loader nd back hoe SftOO dtwrounf hn Deere A and cutmatoi $550 Stiver King and mower $350 lte rd rrrentrr EtnB IH tn4url roatnnwrv HvRNKR: rumm rrw tractor aUS Hum cw id 1 174 1 1' 1 JS2S LI 1 5628 Of any kind 3 tun van tUr nr night MAltdW "eleTdc sewer cleaning ami fttiiy romped rovpnttrinro roawosMe i repair: epner water lines inatallr1 white free estimates UE 1 7330 i without digging: 3 4 hair service DUMP trurk for hire basem*nts yards 1 WA 1 9 )22 LO 10497 arorPtk and general iuultne service MASTER plumber new or repair work: 6 i rmnhie 1 1 0174 by time or fob for service: low rate HAULING HUMHin SttlM Pin nrosn 1 i int i 11 riohtrro gvsn ivu wt rur Ain1 rriwieuHM cupper linn gnt MO 2 J61 tract GL I U4l UT 6495 Hne tests sewers KX 1 0739 roment all kinds ftofa tl nr TwA BRWft VlmfSK 3 SM TL cn RMntbl RA I 3 1 CLEANING Rri mpt rvlee LO 1 TT70 "Vttl 1 4763 'MOVING AU4 Pgrl nftuUUg ING fXYTftt LCJW RATE 1 4119 RRH5CLATMG Ci I fNYfi Mt amslPhvdrauile" rate Mini nn i uiiun 4 tnr iab H4k bauliitf ehsriM topaolf aTI aree or" small fid whJ OL Isctrlc Wiring Plumbing Sawer Cleaning rifrVbo uuirort 1sn Inrhirtoc SO Busintss Opporiiinlties' 135 Xlotcl Northern Ohio i wets MMst oeMnHj rutBianea mororw i vi a 1 1 weien bvstt al yeer Annu i i 'jf'lo i $60 (TOO pY'ce SlftftbftO Owiser Baa 1 IivHW ll uV lU 1etn Deaer i ix lit IMSAT MaRKXT WondCf flDtS equipped a conmcnen sub univft4 i unu I 4 I A 1 rm I VW4 onderprinfs KMK I bttrer ft to tbaa prints and aaei ro cost omy tc al urugstotiw 1 averns cirplete JNXV betidbnr Den TATI yrTO GO NEAR MILES AVE $15006 yruj operatic: iilnew compel sale ean purchase thta wtU kaMno mrhf dub PP1 1 Cta ur KJ MA I with extra large dae ftoor axto plenty i i OPEN AIR MARKET iig! AND SUPERETTE to in opportunhv far a oraV4ly parinrry get iftto a stead year round Un oufci'r prvrni vrt tr tn 1 0 lree futures tn eareUrnt condition urprRfxTft tease ttto about $400o cai JOHNSON 22 Van Pelt Hydrapiane' Must se RE 161 BOAT trailer sturdv construction goodiBRi tire $3b ha i uaor SCOTT Arvat new Crutseaday! tank S20f) Dealer EX 1 3907 1 BOAT fully equipped etc: 7 motor: $300 YE 2 3073 Service SANDUSKY CO Johnson outboard motor $80 15 Evinrude $12 5 A 1 8148 USED outboard 10 Johnson A i shape $125 Dealer HE 2 2844 OUTBOARD motor PU $50 Dealer IV 1 94 9 9 CHRIS CRAT nutboard express mutter: $800 TU 5 4398 24 foot cruiser 93 Chrysler 3 000 ON 1 1259 Ill tvn ef h'art fli'rt ZKEK MUIUK "'U St Ma 3954 WRECKING IOWKST in ton 3x4Ki "in )ihinr fhwlnf 9 A 1 a VM 11 9 1 mantled 3 story frame nuue ror i tianiiw of wrecking VE ormica Special SSais ill 9S Kitchen cbUta 'dOPtN TUKS An mi tVBS KRir tOt'NCK CO SS1A nKTR'HT AVE AT 1 1A Hi ton carrier air n3Tilonr can hi operation io Imsro eardroard cutler marble sib candy tablo 1 4848 10522 Cedar Ave ZtKVK'CAND SKRVfCESTlNC2 la'tftr parts extra MUXTZ OTHERS MU fa33io Anf ttgja SERVICE kltchtn repair and romodetlng 3 yean fejxy 2293 HAftY Carpentry PETE WY 13986 CARPENTRY rate any Placx time BQ 2 7742 GARA'G3nuirL lengthened repaired overhead doors iTttUUM 1 8 rone role "eKimrvt roof ing free Mtlffla'esJL lPb'i Carpentry repairs "gembdeilnt or new nrla Arir art a A 1S4XA UnbvATi'i 1 i egij a fa "0 I PORC rNGLOsrPS I I 1293? JaHR HANGING INTERIOR PAINT 57 e6 ii a ING: REASON A Bi nil I nti ESTIMATE SW ri 190 1 ovT low W4lf Wishing CAH' I mn that built your tha MPR juww au pnunt' MMmnwd am aaa a 991(11 tn I ZVa AICll I TrfT TC1( 1 rT 9 SMX 9 a NEAR PYMATUNING LAKE iPARAKKJps 1 TCma 1 i 7 i tirve w7 Safrh alas 1 1 Connery ta em with 2 and 2 7jU li Ur TL4 1 in 7 ntwwn tArr rtciilh' a i U' Opalines i moth bmger sew 132 Salt Diimonrft Jnweliy cwk mviiaki ynu tfry 'rvTr ts Ar' haiU vlr 1 Mb 1 I 14 ETdOTVCUD 1 060 SQ ON )T TORAGE AND OICE PARKING WILL' SHARE 3Ld5 50 to tt 230 22 MA 18537: BO 2 4278 eves CHOICE SPACE AVAILABLE HERMAN EX 200 3 0 jo iQ ft wartltouse with nff West Side WO 13395 LARGtnduftrtftin't for ront: railroad fire quarter mar 7 years spln available Call VU 33671 did action and disposition C5 Also a fliy half Arao Mt 4 yeara quiet II Wsni Pirlntv Warnhntltl hatte broke on tv $100 All br rne ralaed tr partnership basis Tnierviews 4 Eucltt Health Croter 9400 Euclid Ave "ar cm wvw 2 1 a i 'T 1 nroner 7 OflO to in Oort so Tt mtlt I arrem rnn nus vu a 1 mwua uni'' pros ri rt rwr si rtilroae tldlnj cn tround liwrljUNlOR Moul Markttnr Sj 6108 afJTRKCtSUWtg WIRS han only? KE 1 3000 1O 1 5953 I ianklm Blvd 3 1 Pig Taring 850 Eucltt CH 1 795T 1 old AC 1 5999 hinery Tucky men ana sKnmnrnTnred formalrm ai Ifl 1 10 a tn 3 ditton WO I 9591 raav MEN suits 3840: womens wardrobe (J In Nest 4hte UTJ 77J5 12 shnro 6AAAA A 287.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.