The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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rrt 'r 8 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: RIDAY MARCH 19 1926 PITTSIELD NORTH ADAMS on LEE INED S625 EACH Two With $6000 WILLIAMS COLLEGE THRIT PHIZES AWARDED Composition JAMES HYNES DEAD on HINSDALE LENOX will WILLIAMSTOWN DALTON GREAT BARRINGTON OBITUARY" NOTICES ADAMS EBT OTIS 1 I word that she was not as the his the street Grove I I 18 James Mrs Julia Hynes at Houghton have been composition Lee Savings The judges of the Lee rail An for sale: for driving wlth charges and Both was today Stan Mrs A rissell will the hostess at the next meeting April 1 Pelkey against Thomas The next case on the list is Manton A Wood of this city Charles airbanks of Bos triaL suc believed will eLEAHON UKIIA1 HOME 207 North Main St Phone River 452 GANSON PURCELL WILL HEAD CAP AND BELLS DR STAORD HAS NARROW ESCAPE CHICOPEE MAN HELD AS LARCENY SUSPECT requiem at All Souls church at riends invited Durlal in St Cemetery SUPERIOR COURT TO SIT ON APRIL 5 of liquor and keeping and expos iiquor illegally also arraigned registration recently elected editor in the urple Cow and is a of the Delta Upsilon fra MRS WARREN DEAD AT NEW YORK School Honored In Contacts Lee March IS rizes awarded In the thrift contest conducted by the bank in the local schools rank Diamond cashier National bank: Edward Sitzer secre tary of the Lee Chamber of Com merce and Mrs Stephen II Carter formerly assistant treasurer of the Lenox Savings bank made their de cisions as follows: irst prize in high school to Walter Ingram Jr of Lee High school first praze in junior high school to Gwyeth Johnson grade 7 of the Lee grammar school first prize In grades five and six to Eric Melbye In grade six of the Lee grammar school Many excellent papers were submitted from all classes showing a very good knowledge of the great sub ject of The prize winning papers have been entered in the state contest conducted by the Saving Bank Association of Massachusetts Autos Collide Automobiles operated by Reed 293 Bridge street Springfield and John Marinica of 98 Holbrook street Troy collided tonight south of the underpass on Ashland street damaging mudguards of both ma chines The cars were caught in the ruts of ice The North Adams Travel club held its annual banquet at the Danish Goodies kitchen tonight Nearly 30 members attended with Mrs George Curran presiding Three local men who passed the civil service examinations fcr the fire de partment have been summoned to ap pear at Springfield Monday to take an examination which was omitted last week Efforts are being made to have the examination given here William Bwrnarh 16 of this city a private in the 13th infantry United States army was arrested by police this morning at the request of rela tives with whom he is said to have been staying Burnash left Camp Devens 11 days ago on a 48 hour pas and since tlien has been absent with out leave Military authorities will come to this city and accompany him back to camp pleaded Chr were lined and ire District Report Adams March The Adams fire district report which Is to be dis tributed within a short time con tains recommendations from the pru dential committee Important among them being the suggestion for new lights similar to those placed along Park street for an experiment The report praised the work of the Alerts and also contained a recommendation relative to a new fire alarm box In the Morningside section and a new in dicator at the Dean street hose house The annual fire district meeting will be held a week from Saturday Wants Against Swindlers Chief of Police Edward II Cassidy has notified members of the police force to be on the lookout for maga zine swindlers who have been operat ing recently about town Every once in a while one of this sort of peddler drifts into Adams and the police will make every effort to round them Up Housewives are warned against giving money to magazine solicitors whom they do not know to be honest Patrolman Conroy Resigns Patrolman George Conroy of Adams police department tendered resignation before members of board of selectmen at their weekly meeting this afternoon at 4 Patrol man Conroy will go to Woonsocket March The April of superior court will and will last a month Men's Club Elects The club of the chapel of the Good Shepard South Lee met last evening and voted to begin meetings Ie Roberts resigned as president of the club and the following officers were elected: President Raymond Pccon treasurer Nettleton: secretary Leon Nettleton program committee Clessen Charter chairman Almon Griffin and Albert Nettleton Rev Lane rector of the parish was present at the meetings which followed the regular Lenten service of the chapel Rev Austin pastor of the Methodist church is confined to his room by an attack of grip The Home Economics club will meet tomorrow afternoon at 230 at the home of Mrs James illebrown West Park street man at the enton Brook farm for the past three years will complete his duties there about the first of the month The funeral of William Gorham was held this afternoon at the home The services were private and were conducted by Rev Tower of St James church the burial was in Mahalwe cemetery The funeral of Mrs Sarah Blgnal will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 at tne nome of her son Walter East street Basketball Banquet The Williamstown Community Bas ketball association banquet held to night in the Osmo dining room on Spring street was attended by many local athletes and friends William Conners served as toastmaster while Charles Graham assistant director of athletics at Williams was the speak er of the evening Theodore Sylvester president of the organization present ed the basketball trophy to the alumni five which won 12 consecu tive games irst Airplane A large gold colored airplane fly ing over Williamstown this afternoon itjracted the attention of many residents as it continued on its way toward Albany It was the first seen here in several months The machine was flying very low and at one time gave the appearance of landing near the Season's farm on the State road The continued cases of four minor children of William Larrabee of Riverside were heard by Judge Smith at a sitting of juvenile court this morning The children are alleged to have leen neglected and one of them is to be cared for by Miss Anna Burr of North Hoosac road another by Percy Larra bee a third by her aunt Mrs Walk er while the other will be cared for by a Williamstown family until April 21 when the case will again be brought up in court Buffalo Man President of Dramatic Society Smythe New Secretary Williamstown March 18 Ganson Purcell of Buffalo was elected president of Cap and Bells inc the Williams Dramatic society today at a meeting of the entire organization Robert Smythe of New Rochelle was elected secretary and Edward Bell Jr of Evanston Ill was elected delegate at large to the board of di rectors Purcell has had prominent parts in recent productions of Cap and Bells He is upperclass manager of fresh men track team this year is a mem ber of the Adelphic union college de bating society and member of the Kappa Alpha fraternity Smythe has played in Cap and Bells productions since he came to college mo was chief of member ternity Phys lea I lying Horseshoe Breaks Glasses While Exercising Horse at airground North Adams March 18 Dr Stafford well known local physician and racetrack enthusiast had a nar row escape from serious injury this morning when the shoe of a horse which he was exercising around the tracks at the fairgrounds flew off striking him on tho eye and breaking his glasses He was attended by Dr Thompson who found that the glass had not penetrated the eyeball Summered at Curtis Hotel 60 Years riend of Two Presidents Lenox March 18 Word was re ceived here today of the death of Mrs Kearney Warren for more than 60 years a summer guest at the Curtis hotel Mrs Warren died at her home 135 East Thirty sixth street Tuesday of a bronchial malady She was a descendant of rancis Lewis one of the two signers of the Dec laration of Independence for New York and a daughter of Dr Green leaf Ludlow who practiced medicine in New York early in the last cen tury She is survived by her sister Mrs Sherman Gould a niece Mrs Aldrich Durant and two nephews rancis Lewis Gould and Schuyler Warren all of 'New York The fu neral In her memory was held this afternoon at Trinity church Broad way at Wall street Burial was be side her husband in the Ludlow vault at Trinity Mrs Warren had a large circle of friends in Lenox Washington Paris London and New York With her husband she lived In Washington for many years and they intimate friends of Presidents Arthur and Cleveland Mrs friendship with the family of Morgan ex tended over five generations Mr Warren who died more than 25 years ago was a governor of the New York Stock exchange and of the Union club Education Department Has New Quarters Williamstown March 18 New quarters will be occupied by the de partment of physical education at Williams college tomorrow when Prof Guerdon Messer and his staff to an office In Lasell gymnasium The work of this department has up to this time been carried on in Jesup hall hut since it is advisable to have the physical education office in closer proximity to the location of the stu physical training the new site on the second floor of the gymnasium hast been prepared for use A boxing tournament for the com bined cluhs of Wiliamstown is to be held tonight in ths Southworth street school gymnasium under the auspices of the work committee of the Williams Christian association Gauthier Believed to Have Stolen Brockton Sales Suitcase North March 18 Alfred Gauthelr 25 of Chicopee was ar rested by local police this afternoon at the request of Boston Maine au thorities whom it is question him relative to the disap pearance of a suitcase stolen from a train at Greenfield a few weeks ago and containing valuables owned by Jones of Brockton a shoe sales man who visits this city It Is un derstood that Gauthier has admitted to tho police using a check of $6 to purchase a ring The check is be lieved to have jpme from the lost suitcase Gauthier denies that he stole the latter Miss May Soule Dead Otis March Miss May Soule died suddenly Wednesday morning at the House of Mercy hospital at fleld after having undergone a seri ous operation on riday It was thought that she was gaining until Tuesday afternoon when the family received well She was born in Otis the daughter of Mr and Mrs Andrew Soule of East Otis anl received her education In the schools of the town and at the high school and state normal school Westfield or a number of years she held a position in the office of the Providence Journal Providence I She then took a position In New York city returning home a few years ago to help in caring for her mother She leaves beside her mother a brother John of East Otis and a sister Mrs Alice Deadtt of Providence I The funeral will be at the home at Eastv Otis Saturday after noon at Electrical Engineers to Send Out Program of Annual Dinner the 30th Pittsfield March The Pittsfieldranch of the American Institute of electrical Engineers is to broadcast ts program which will be given at the innual dinner at the Wendell hotel on Tuesday evening the 30th lanley is in charge of the entertain ment The Pittsfield section of whichlugene Eby is chairman has 900 aembers This will be the first time entertainment has been radioedut of Pittsfield Attend lower Show Edwin Jenkins Richard Belford Arthur Hall Louis Guillon James O'Brien and Charles MacLean are In New York for the flower show Mr Jenkins will address the horticul turists there on in a Miss Anna Jenkins who passed the winter In Cleveland arrived home to day Well Known Young Man Had Been in alling Health for Some Time North Adams March rancis Hynes 26 son of Hynes and the late James one time florist for A died this afternoon at 215 at his home 29 Meadow street following a few weeks of illness He had been In fail ing health for the past year but his condition was not regarded as serious until October when he was stricken with an attack of heart trouble from Which he never fully rallied He had been confined to his bed for the past three weeks and early yesterday morning had a sudden change for the worse Mr Hynes was born in Pittsfield and Came here as a child graduating from Mark Hopkins Grammar school and Drury High school or some time past he had been employed as a meat cutter for William Cramer on Center street The funeral will probably be held Saturday at St rancis church and the body will be taken to Great Barrington for burial in Elmwood cemetery Besides his mother he leaves four sisters Mrs Joseph Dunne of New York city Mrs Harry Douglas of this city Mrs John Arnold of Adams and Miss Katherine Hynes of North Adams and two brothers John and Robert also of this city Mountain Trip Dalton March 18 The preliminary printing matter and application blanks for troop 4 Boy Scouts White moun tain trip have been distributed among the Scouts and the committee in charge of the trip desire to know early those who may be able to go The trip is announced for July 2 lasting 15 days It is desired that about 100 Scouts and leaders will go The plan is to leave Dalton July 2 by automo biles for last camp site at resort Lake Waukewan at Meredith This year the boys will be quartered in 10 large army tets eight boys and a leader In each tent The Thimble club will hold a meet ing tomorrow afternoon at the'home of Miss Harriet Chapman 19 John street The Dalton Camp ire Girls will take part in a Camp ire service Sun day morning at the Congregational church The election Of officers of the new board of governors of the Community Recreation association will be held Monday night at 730 Will Speak to Children Hinsdale March 18 George Spaulding superintendent of schools yesterday went to see Thomas A Kletchka one of the committee on safety for this district and asked him to give a short talk to the pupils of tl Hinsdale schools Mr Kletchka kindly consented to do this about April 1 Last year Mr Spaulding had an official from the Boston Albany railroad speak to the children about crossing or walking on the tracks and it had a remarkably good effect Thirty six members of Collina chap ter Eastern Star of Pittsfield came in 10 automobiles last night to the Roy place on Plunkett avenue where they enjoyed a delicious supper fol lowed by dancing Thomas and Paul Hickey Paul and James Zaiken rancis and James Conroy Willys Bellinger Edward Black rancis Smith Hubert Jenks and Allyn Smith boys of high schorl age met last night at the library reading room and organized a baseball team for the coming season with Al lyn Smith captain and Hubert Jenks manager They expect to form a small league with two teams from Pittsfield and three from Dalton These boys played last year with neighboring teams and made a very good showing The New Century club met this aft ernoon at the home of Mrs Harry Parker of Taylor street Sirs Carl A Pierce gave a very interesting ac count with many illustrations of her recent four weeks' cruise to the West Indies South America and Panama canal A surprise covered dish sup per supplied by all the members was much enjoyed be on thank ir friends neighbors relatives employes Gilbert Harker Manufacturing company it Stevens Arms and Tool company for npnthv shown them In their recent be ivement THE HANIAN AMILY Harold Stanley of New York ppointed by the probate court rustee under the will of Clara ey Behan for the benefit of Thomas and Clara Stanley Behan The bond hows personal property of $105000 'he will of rank Pratt of Northdams was allowed He bequeathed a on Mortimer $1 and a daughter Irs Louisa A King was given a safe nd chest of tools All the rest goes the wife Amelia The inventory the estate of Madeliene Nies of rorth Adams shows personal property $907 A grip epidemic has struck the Berkshire Eagle office Absentees to iy included Associate Editor Joseph iollister Managing Editor Dennis laylon Alexander Smith who covers le court house Mrs John Higgins nd Miss Bessie Shepardson who arc iluable assistants to the editorial rce Clay Perry the novelist helped get out the paper today The engagement is announced of 'arion Sargent daughter of Mr id Mrs Sargenl or 84 Second reet to Joseph Hines of Bridgeport Nicholas Mela 49 of 10 Crescent reet died today at the House of rercy hospital He was born in Italy nd had been employed as a section and on the Boston Albany iod He is survived by a son mny The funeral of red Webb held tomorrow afternoon at 2 at the house 31 Orchard street with Stephen James officiating urial will be in Pittsfield cemetery The funeral of Nelson Hebert wasId this morning at 9 at Notre Dame lurch with a solemn requiem high ass which was celebrated by Revvi Achim with Rev Leo Lavio tte as deacon and Rev Sylvie Thom as subdeacon The bearers were Iistopher Hesse Charles DeBlois ties Paroin Roger Roy De is and Mr airweather Burial was it cemetery Northampton athleen Clune of Schenectady was enced to Sherborn reformatory in rict court today for misconduct case of lorence Carbo on a sim ir charge was continued a week tlph Crandall and Claude Goodell ho were arrested last night by Chc i ire troopers had their cases filed on larges of being fugitives from jus They are wanted in Petersburg and were turned over to New ark state troopers John McDonald member of the hool committee has sent a letter to rairman John Cummings of the hool committee saying that the per pita cost of operating the Pittsfield ntor and senior high schools last PITTSIELD IRST RADIOBROADCAST Several Assigned Cases to Be Triedat the Start of the Sitting Pittsfield Civil sitting ppen the 5th Jury waived cases will be in order the first week and the jurors will report for duty the 12th There are three assigned jury cases which will be first taken up as follows: Jeanette and Peter I Nielson against the Great At lantic Pacific Tea company and Matilda Brown that of against ton This 'will be the third Dist Atty Charles Wright ceeded the late Charles Hibbard as counsel for the defendant Atty Mil ton Warner Is for the plaintiff The suit is over a stock transaction five tort cases against William A Whittlesey of this city growing3Ut of an automobile accident corner of North street and Columbus avenue have been assigned for April 20 The plain tiffs "a re Helen and Earl Rogers Catherine Houston Alice Jones and David Pelkey all of Pittsfield No di vorces are listed for the sitting over which it is expected Judge William A Burns of this city will preside' al though Clerk of Courts Irving Jamwell has received no official word year was $11837 and not $9481 as he had stated He has asked Mr Cum mings to make a correction at the next meeting of the school board Edward Goodman and another of Boston doing business under the name of the Goodman Engraving company today placed a $200 attachment in ac tion of contract on the perty of John I Middleton of this city Bayard James Snell 57 of Lee died this afternoon at the House of Mercy hospital following an operation He had been at the hospital since the 7th These' real estate transfers were recorded this afternoon Arthur Benedict of Pittsfield to Charles Kobritz dwelling on Dartmouth street $7500 Benedict to Sadie Kobritz dwelling on Benedict road Hollister Realty company to James and Catherine Hogan lot on Bay State road $500 Judge Arthur Robinson in pro bate court this morning allowed the motion of Margaret De Marco of North Adams that there be no final decree entered and the same dis charged bf record and dismissed in connection with the divorce decree nisi granted to her from James De Marco of North Adams December 28 last year John Enright of Lanesboro who retired recently from the shoe busi ness in this city has been appointed local representative of the Equitable Life Assurance society CARD THANKS The family of Michael Hanlfan East Boston Men Caught Liquor Lee March 18 Anthony A DePalo of Boston and Joseph Chioppa of East Boston were arraigned in Lee court this morning by the state police charged with the illegal transporta tion ing was out guilty to all three oppa pleaded not guilty found guilty and DePalo was $25 on the automobile charge each was fined $150 on each charge a total of $625 The men were ar rested in South Lee early this morn ing by State Officer Barnicle and had 70 gallons of alcohol in the car The hearing for the disposal of the car and liquors will be held April 2 Repairs Needed Great Barrington March 18 Myron A Allen of the estimating department of the red Ley company has made an inspection of the Bryant school building and pronounces the structure absolutely safe He further states that reshingling the roof will cost about $750 new oors new plumbing $500 repainting about $700 The btlilding would cost about $60000 to build today and the company feels that the structure warrants an expen diture of about $8000 to put it in first class condition Culneen of the New Haven Railroad company was here this week to confer with the selectmen relative to placing bell signals at the various crossings and doing away with the flagmen iN thpse places The select men did not feel that the bell system would be an Improvement over the flagmen at the clossings but were willing tho system be tried at the Silver street crossing which Is now unprotected The board of nublic welfare has re organized with the same members as last year with Edward Brophy chairman and Miss Josephine LeBlano as clerk Mrs Strong who spent the white In New York has opened her home at the corner of South street Miss Mary Cook of Shefflld has been elected to teach In the 7th grade Bryant building Miss Cook Is a grad unte of North Adams Normal school and for six years ha been teaching at Cleveland David A Love who has been foi'e Personal Service rank Winslow Warren Underwood Charles Roadstrand RIVER 112 Day or Night GRAHAM Corp 37 HOWARD ST Undertakers DIED Miss Amelia Root 76 of Green ci at the home of her nephew George Rth of 27 Greenleaf street uneral Sun at 2 at the Congregational church eenwich Mass CLARK In this city 16th Charles irk 57 of 46 Bartlett street uneral at parlors of Dickinson Streeter company 7 307 State street riday at 2 TARR Mrs Mary Harrington fe of Daniel Harrington daughter of late Daniel and Joanna uneral the late residence 36 Washhum Btreet turday at 83b a followed by high iss or a At Longmeadow 17th Mrs Mary (Sullivan) Quinn widow of the late llliam Quinn uneral at the late resl nee 544 Ijongmeadow street Longmeadow turday at 815 a Solemn requiem high tee following at St church at 9 riends invited Burial In St cemetery in this city 17th KuphcmlacQUARRTK 74 at tho home of her lighter Mrs Sampson of 67 Thomp i eireei runerai at inompson iday at 230 Burial In Cak metcry Hillcrest Park Cemetery Park Plan Cemetery with per petual care Prices reasonable htartial payment plan 140 CHESTNUT STBEEThi Riven 06 or ItIVEB 314 1 RL in April where he will manage a retail grocery store now being con ducted by relatives Daniel Holleran well known towns was appointed by the selectmen to succeed Mr Conroy Mr Holleran was formerly employed as an insur ance agent and is expected to accept the appointment Joseph Rosseau was reappointed to the office of sealer of weights and measures meet ing was the third since town election and the appointment of sealer of weights and measures had been post poned until today Samuel Saddler of Boston safe inspector for the Mosier Safe com pany made hfs semiannual inspection of the irst National bank today In spector Saddler visits local Institu tions twice a year Rev Richard Welch of South Hadley alls who delivered the Lenten sermon at St Thomas church Tuesday night will speak at Cheshire at the Church of Assumption tomor row night Stanley Pauclnsk! of 25 Winter street was arrested this morning charged with larceny of cloth from the Renfrew Manufacturing company About 45 yards of goods are said to have been found at home by Officer red Baron He will be arraigned in district court tomorrow morning HOUSATONIC Housatonic March 18 Charles Til linghast who has been at the House of Mercy hospital Pittsfield for treat ment for the past 10 weeks has im proved sufficiently to return to his home here The Girls club gave a kitchen show er for the club last evening at the rooms each member contributing a kitchen' utensil Joseph Sullivan mechanic at the Rising paper mill got a particle of hot steel in his eye recently while do ing some brazing but fortunately no serious injury resulted Three cars of hard coal Ijas arrived here and the dealers are having no trouble in disposing of it The sub stitutes did not seem to meet with unanimous approval and the anthra cite is gladly accorded its place again in the heaters and kitchen ranges Mrs Carl Peiffer was operated on for appendicitis at the airview hos pital Monday She is now convalesc ing and will be able to return home in a few weeks The last of an interesting series of travelogs given by Rev Mr Appley will be given at Central hall tomor row evening and as an added attrac tion the Searles High school orches tra will furnish music MT HOLYOKE COLLEGE GYMNASTIC MEET TO BE HELD TOMORROW Class Competition for Which a Banner Will Be Awarded South Hadley March A com petitive gymnastic meet will be held on Saturday afternoon at the gym nasium at Mount Holyoke college at 230 in which all the classes will compete for a silver cup presented by Joseph A Skinner president of the board of trustees They will compete in floor work including free hand gymnastics marching and run ning and the cup will be held for the year by the winning class Springfield girls who will take part are Barbara Pease '28 35 Westmin ster street Helen Rutter '28 660 Chestnut street Helen Remington '28 127 orest Park avenue: Mary Russell 39 Ainsworth avenue Rober ta Smyth 36 Churchill street Mary Thorton '29 11 Herman street Caroline Wilcox 37 Park wood avenue Ruth' Wilkinson 136 Mill street and Miriam Wolcott of 26 Irvington street All classes will compete for a banner presented by the athletic association The ban ner will be held by the class making the greatest number of points in floor work and apparatus After the grand march the class of 1929 and the class of 1928 dressed in their gymnasium suits with their ties of green and blue respectively class colors will compete in the Ynarch floor exercises and running Then the freshman class will give three clogging dances "Old and The class of 1927 and 1926 In their colors yellow and red will compete in floor work and the freshman class will again give an ex hibition of English dances "Picking up and Blue Eyed two more clogging dances "In the and An especially selected class will inter pret a clogging dance "The Arkansas Apparatus work including the rear vault oblique vault parallel bars fence x'ault face vault will follow the dances There will be a demonstration of natural gymnastics and the sopho more class will have a demonstration lesson in Interpretive dancing Two dances from "The Cycle of the a dance drama will be given by the classes of 1927 and 1926 "The Hunter and the A fencing contest conducted by I Lombardi will decide the winner of a fencing tournament which has been held for the List three weeks Mr Lombardi riding and fencing master of Northampton has been conducting classes throughout the semester in the gymnasium The judges for the meet will be Miss Abbie Belden department of physical education Smith college Miss Majorie Doiive Bouve school of physical education Boston Miss Majorie Camp Boston school of physical education Miss Gertrude Emery department of phys ical education Radcliffe college Cam bridge Miss Majorie Hillas depart ment of physical education Teachers College Columbia university New York City and Mrs Vivian Walker department of physical education Wellesley college Wellesley Bellows falls ARM BUILDINGS IRED BY A BOY of Merle Burnett at South Charlestown Burned Bellows ills Vt March 18 The farm buildings and contents owned and occupied by Merle Burnett In South Charlestown IL four miles from here were all destroyed by fire late this afternoon with a loss of from $5000 to $7000 They included the dwelling and barns attached two horses and 14 registered cattle Mr and Mrs Burnett were away leaving a hired man and a 16 year old boy at home The boy was an under witted boy under care of the town but con sidered harmless He went to the barn set the fire in the haymow then to the house changed his clothes and went to the hired man who was be hind the house telling him what he had done The boy then ran away Nothing could be done to save the buildings or contents Officers were looking for the boy until a late Lour last night he having been seen in tha east part of the town Mr Burnett was formerly a restaurant proprietor In Bellows alls and widely known In this vicinity VIENNA AGAIN IS GAY AS IN PRE WAR DAYS Vienna March 18 As an important political capital Vienna is no more but as a city for music arts and en joyment Vienna is rapidly returning to her prewar position Despite many financial troubles the opera is back to its prewar status With the exception of the Metropoli tan of New York according to gen eral admission the Vienna opera house has no close rival anywhere In the Vienna studios many foreign artists as well as local celebrities are continually busy a fact of which one is reminded almost daily by exhibi tions of new paintings and sculptures It is In the realm of gayety rather in her opera and her studios however that the casual traveler would find Vienna most changed from the dark reconstruction days of 1919 and 1920 On the floors of her many ballrooms and dance palaces they would see a sight which was unknown five years ago As In the imperial prewar days the Viennese forget their troubles each evening in the giddy whirl of the famous Vienna waltz The dance fever has been Increasing in intensity for several years past During 1924 there were 1064 balls In 1925 this number increased to 3418 During the month of January this year 2527 dances were held an aver age of more than 80 each and this does not Include the cabarets tea rooms cafes hotels etc which are open for dancing each afternoon and evening It includes only those spe cially arranged balls for which official permission must be obtained from the city authorities AMHERST Local Notice or Sal? The tobacco and onten farm of the late Henry Hawley Inquire of Sunan I Whitaker (Advertisem*nt tw Grey Kid One Strap One of our many at tractive models fur Spring I Style and Ualue! THE smartest expressions of dictates are combined with high grade workmanship and materials in the new Spring models of Douglas Shoes for Women All Qood "Values $5 $6 expect to pay higher prices for such smart well made shoes yet you make a worth while saving due to the fact that we manufacture on a large scale and sell direct to wcarcr through ilo Douglas owned stores If' Douglas' name and portrait stamped on every shoe at the factory guarantee the quality and the value Douglas $6 $7 Shoea for Stylish comfortable lasts finest workmanship and high grade leathera make Douglas Shoea first choice of men who want beat value at lowest coat DOUGLAS Store tn Springfield 1x04 Worthington St (Poli Theatre Building) 1 OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS idfLiLDREN 1 Stores I am Introducing Week IffBiSers GUARANTEE! 1 gnTHE Store That Serves You Baimg Open a Charge Account Sizes in Stock Alter aliens fREE! CHARGE 1TI Pay as You are Paid by COATS 1450 to 49s0 ladiesuits 1675 to 397S DRESSES 1275 to 3975 MILLINERY 39a to 89 COATS 87Stol97S ASHIONCRAT SUITS to 499 My Values are the despair of com petition because I buy in larger quantities sell in larger volume and am satisfied with a smaller profit Butler for Honest Credit! or 32 years I have paved the way to better and better Credit for the public Many have come and many have gone but my Leadership in the Credit field Stands Impregnable the Most Generous Terms Ever Offered and the Smartest Styles Ever ashioned I not only claim that mv New Original 20 Payment Plan is the most generous Credit ever offered but I guarantee that no better Terms can be offered by anyone anywhere with Honest Value I pioneer others follow When you are offered better Terms see that you get Butler Quality Style Value and Satisfaction TOP COATS22wtb395 STYLIS SUITS 87S to 1850 257 MAIN ST Open Every Evening till Easier! i CHARGE IT1 THE STORE THAT SERVES YOU BEST If you can buy the same merchandise elsewhere for less bring back your purchase and your 4sl bhI mJhhmI gas' jsa zG tea a tew Wa vines n3 i I is ys jr I 3 I IJI money will be refunded fTQ feW pUiLEKO PUILEKm.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.