The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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WARREN ENTRIES LOODING IN CONNECTICUT SPECIAL TOWN MEETIXG THOMPSONVILLE WINDSOR LOCKS 27 The busi JAMES COOGAN DEAD HAZARDVILLE TO INSPECT JlKOAD BROOK CHURCHILLS HAVE TROUBLE SU IELD ATHOL reside for the present VERMONT BRATTLEBORO VILLAGE APPOINTEES season Po BARRE Willard or Dempsey HOLYOKE MAN WINS CROSS Jockics Summer Lnd oPsKOUsy Peaks ravel Read a ARGENTINA TO CELEBRATE Benny Leonard Lightweight Champion leadership InK JVNE 1 Most com William Rocap Rates ranging from 31000 to 78300 SA MED Eminent Ring Authority The Summer Excursion ares Daily News I Celtic MANUACTURER ENDS LIE United States Railroad Administration ORCHARD SHOP LEAGUE If You Want the News Read the News! 1 th and far had had 30 St The a ry ccle send shov this they the The karakul Is claimed tn be hardiest sheep in South Africa as a mutton sheep is said to be superior to the Afrikander were they they Kates Makes Phelps Loses to Attorney BROTHERHOOD OUNDER aunt cupy mer Kelly and he was taken to home on South Center street of representative Argenti announced plans for a great OR JUSTICE MOODY SATURDAY JUNE 28 1919 Grantland Rice Looks for a Dempsey Will Be Better After the Sixth June 27 The destroyer be launched at the Squan Lconard needs no introduction to followers of the fistic game Rocap referee and fighter who refused to officiate at Toledo has picked every heavyweight champion since the inception of the Marquis of Queensberry rules position In the circuit as both teams are tied at present Manager McCurry of the Chapman team has secured Cartwright for his line up and will use Drexler on the mound Marlow manager of the Hodges team will use Daigle or Sharon on the slab Sergeant John issey Awarded It by Gen Pershing for Distin guished Service Washington June 27 The war de partment to day announced award of the distinguished service cross by Gen Pershing to the following officers and enlisted men of the American expedi tionary forces Lieut Royal Smith of South Gorham Me Sergeants Thomas Murphy of New Haven Ct John Hus sey of Holyoke Mass and rederick Hawke of blast Greenwich I Indian Orchard June 27 The Chapman valve and Hodges fiber of the Indian Orchard shop league will be the attraction at the Berkshire atreet grounds to morrow at 3 This game will be a fight for first Gra ni mar Hazardville tion exercises were held in (Thursday) evening and were largely attended The graduates were Lois Bridge Stephen Bridge Joseph Car done Margaret Gordon Eleanor Gowdy Alma Hawthorne Edward Libby Margaret Maloney Anna Man ning Henry Mercik Michael Mitsky Andrew Onifer Theodora Puchlnsky George Rich Mai Smith Leo Supre nant lorence Thornes John Thomp son Barnard Turner and Katherine Wells ollowing the graduation a re ception was held by the pupils of the 7th and Sth grades in honor of Miss Margaret McCormick who is the teacher of the 7th grade Miss Mc Cormick who has taught for seven years in the Hazardville school has accepted a position in the A Hig gins school next year The troop of Boy scouts under the command of Arthur Bridge will start for Somers mountain to morrow (Sat urday) morning and will return Mon day afternoon To morrow afternoon they will hike to Crystal lake City Ofiicliil ill Look Over Property ns New Reservoir Project North Adams June 27 Some of th discussion that has taken place sines the agitation regarding a better water supply began has led to talk to ths effect that a new reservoir to Impound the Waters of Broad brook at times when the brook is filled is the only solution of the difficulty As a result of this talk the commissioner of pub lic works and other city officials will make a trip to Broad brook some day in the near future for the purpose of looking into the project It is expected that Mayor Whitaker and members of the city council will also be present at the trip of inspection DEMPSEY OUT WORKS WILLARD town has been postponed until anoth er date The Brusels play the ather Mathew team of Westfield here to morrow afternoon Rev Homer Hildreth of Crom well will occupy the pulpit in the irst Congregational church on En field street Sunday morning as a can didate to succeed Rov David Reid in the pastorate Rev Mr Hildreth was a member of the Connecticut Legis lature and is a chaplain In the Con necticut state guard He was pastor of the Cromwell church for 10 years During the next two months the library will close evenings at instead of 9 the present hour Mrs Mary Lewis district deputy of the Royal Neighbors of America has been the guest of Mrs rederick urey the past few days Quincy Moody will turn plant of the Bethlehem shipbuild ing corporation to morrow it was an nounced to day It is to be named in honor of the late William Moody formerly secretary of the navy and afterward an associate justice of the United States supreme court sponsor will he his sister Miss Aloedy of Haverhill Denver Col June 27 John A Leach 76 of Sedalia Mo who in 1 873 founded the brotherhood of locomotive firemen and engincmen at Port Jervis died here last night of pleurisy Mr Leach had come here to attend tlie triennial "con vention of the brother hood resolved to maintain Ills record of having attended every convention Of the organization Beverly June 27 Melville Wood bury a shoe manufacturer with plants in Philadelphia committed sui cide by shooting at his home here to cay He had been despondent recent ly because of illness He was 61 years of age M5H V'OKK LIVERPOOL July 1'i Adriatic Jnly 21 July 18 i School Graduation June 27 The gradua of the grammar school the Institute hall last Canopic July Offices 84 State St Boston Or Authorirerl Azent 'instructive paper on 25 years of Christian endeavor in Windham county Mrs Knight spoke or "The importance of junior In the evening Rev Woodin pas tor of the Center Congregational church of Brattleboro delivered an address and he was followed by Rev rank Sheldon secretary ot tlx Congregational 'educational society ot Boston Aslr 1 book that Interests vnu Suffield Ct June 27 Mrs Charles Thompson arrested yesterday for having in her possession chickens al leged to have been stolen from Gas Pysz was fined $2 and costs of $15 in the police court by Judge Howard Sikes She paid The members of the irst Congre gational church and Sunday school had their annual outing and picnic to day at Lake Congamond more than 150 going in 17 automobiles Games and a basket lunch were enjoyed orty prizes were awarded On ac count of the rain the athletic events were run off in the pavilion Philip Richardson of Rome Pa and Miss Edna Bemis of Gaffney were married last evening at the town office by Justice of the Peace George A Harmon they unattended After the ceremony left for Springfield Mass where will will top line Dorothy Day "the greatest sire of tho second choice in Including trnnaportatlnn hotel meal Pullmans side trips etc Canadian Rockies Alaska Mt Rainier Grand Canyon California Yellowstone American Rockies Joseph Taravella was burned on the hand and arm this morning by a gaso line torch with which he was work ing at plumbing The torch blazed up on to him as he lighted it before he could get out of the way The burns were dressed by Drs A Coogan and Kelly and he was taken to his Ask for the booklets you want They de scribe Colorado and Utah Rockies the two National Parks Rocky Mountain and Mesa Verde alo the six National Monuments Ask the local ticket agent to help plan your trip or apply to nearest Consolidated Ticket Office or address nearest Travel Bureau Railroad Administration 646 Transportation Bldg Chicago 143 Liberty Street New York 602 Healey Bldg Atlanta Georgia yitog ret thi yoa ran have the Triangle Run at do extra cot over the through fare Canadian Pacific Railway for Kesort Tour Vo 7 TO I HART General Agent Pae Dept 332 Washington St Boston Mass Benson He also leaves another sis ter and three brothers Sister Al Laurencia of the order of Mercy now located at the St Agnes home for in fants at Hartford Dr Joseph A Coogan of this town Attorney John 6V Coogan of Hartford and Attorney Timothy Coogan of San rancisco Cal The funeral will be held at the nome Sunday afternoon at followed bv services at church Burial will be in the family lot In St Mary's cemetery A solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated in the church Monday morning at 10 o'clock Paper City League Team With draws Entry and Then Re places It Holyoke June 27 The Churchills handed in their withdrawal as num bers of the City league this evening and after reconsidering their harsh act joined again The trouble came over the game declared forfeited to the Paragons last Sunday the teain believing that they had not been given fair treatment On Sunday the Churchills planned an outing and en tertainment for their returned service men at Hampton ponds During the week they saw President McCullough of the league and asked that the game with the Paragons be postponed but were told that the president could not postpone the game hut if arrange ments were made with the Paragon manager all would be satisfactory Both managers conferred and while the Paragon mogul did not specifically accede to the request yet he under stood that the postponement was sat isfactory When the Churchills did not appear for the tilt the Paragons gathered on the field and the game was declared forfeited The league finally decided to enter a team for the track events on July 4 RENCH LINE 'wwWfE Generale TRANSAiLANDQut £vprt5 Poftal Service HMI NEW RANCE WEEKLY DEPARTURES OICE 10 State St or Local Agents Well Known Citizen Who Was Postmaster Under Cleveland Windsor Locks June 27 James Coogan 76 died at his home on Main street Thursday night as a result of an attack zof indigestion and heart trouble of a duration Mr Coogan was one of the oldest and best known citizens as he had spent practically all his life here Ho was born in Lee Mass ebruary 1 i 1S 13 and with his parents came to this town when he was young and had lived here continuously since education was obtained in the com mon school of the town and early in life he started in what turned out to bo a buss' life for him After school he had worked as a clerk in the gen eral store conducted by his father here later going Into business with his brother the late Edward Coo gan in 1S67 This was continued jointly for a few years when James went into business for himself in the lower floor of the brick block that ho bought in 1869 the upper part of which he had occupied for his resi dence He had also conducted the undertaking business in conjunction with his other business for about 40 years Mr Coogan was appointed postmas ter here in JSS4 by President Cleve land in hfs first administration the cilice being located in the same store where he conducted his other ven tures In KK'I Mr Coogan went into partnership with Pusey in the management' of the Whittlesey paner mill which they operated a few years In 1897 he took an interest in the Anchor paper mills and was gen eral manager of that plant several years until the business was sold out to another company which operated it until the mill was burned out four years ago Mr Coogan retired from active business thereafter except the conduct of a fire Insurance business that ho had held several years in town airairs Air Coogan taken much civic interest and been elected on the board of select men and the board of education at dif ferent times In 1SS0 he was elected as representative from this town to the General Assembly In commercial affairs he was likewise interested and his judgment accepted in many mat ters of importance He was the pres ident of the Windsor Locks water company and also a director in the Windsor Locke trust and safe de posit company He had been a direc tor in the former savings bank and in the company that built the sus pension bridge crossing the river from here to Warehouse Point now under the control of the county Mr Coogan was a charter member of Riverside council of Knights of Columbus and when the council was organized he had an addition made to his building to provide quarters for tlie council which it yet occupies That society will hold a special meeting Saturday night to take action upon hfs death and arrange for attending the fu neral Mr Coogan was never married and If You Want the Best Inside Dope on That July 4 Bout at Toledo Public Schools Close Thompsonville June 27 The pub lic schools closed at noon to day for the annual summer vacation The 40 mnrn taorUe 14 I ivtivncio S3 i 1 1 IMO Ui L'Jxx'I departed for their homes during the Thomas Callahan afternoon and practically all signified at J1 I their purpose to return in September Ye JY1 orcester DurlnK rhe vacatton seas5n the Terday morning The funeral will finance committee of the school board be flora his home to morrow (Satur will have the necessary repairs to the day) morning at Burial will bo in several schools made and it is ex Joseph cemetery Mr Callahan I pecte(J the proposed new high school leaves a widow andl three children building to be ereoted on the Dr Among the young people who have Thomas Alcorn site on Enfield efl bome within the past couple street will be started before the open I of days for their summer vacation tng of the new school year in Septcm are: Miss Gladys Hale of ellesley I bcr college John McAndrews of Holy a I Cihiton nine andthe Drusseis of this had EHza graduate of Oberlin Miss Iris Will iams of Smith Miss Rachel Carberry of business college Miss Precilla Caron of business collegp Those who have been teaching are: Ernest Pratt principal of Sharon high school Miss Loucille Blanchard teacher in the public schools of East ham Miss Dorothy Hinckley teacher in the public schools of Montclair ana miss Marlon Knight teacher in Asbury Park LeRoy Moffett of Monson and Miss Grace Elizabeth MacLagan of Springfield were married by Rev Taylor at the Methodist parsonage at 6 Tuesday evening Mr Mof fett was employed by Warren Cox as an embalmer a year ago Mr and Mrs John Mills of New i'ork city have arrived at their sum Buenos Aires Thursday June 26 A group nians has demonstration July 4 to show the Ar gentine friendship or the United States The committee in charge is planning to have all Amer ican civic organizations here join with ine organizations inc bration The war department is ing here motion picture films to America's war activities WORCESTER COUNTY 1 mer home Joseph Vaughn and family are NEW ENGLAND HLIII Ultwmtu flss Torence Spooner and her Mrs Stone of Revere will oc Mr Vaughn's house for the sum Strong Card Assured at Windsor Meeting Next Week Windsor Ct Juno 27 Entries tor the late classes of the race meet to be held here for four days beginning next Tuesday flooded in in the same heavy manner that characterized the stake events Secretary Graham will probably announce the entries to mor row A With the clcse of the second week of the Bay State circuit racing at Hillsgrove on Thursday the stables at the Sage park track began rapidly to ill! and to night more than 200 head of speed were in the stalls Ry Sun day it is expected every inch of available stabling space will have been taken Directum 1 I56 7J cham pion pacer in the open and Directum 201 heaviest winning wlggler of the big line last year have not yet arrived but they are expected in with Trainer Wynkoop by Sunday The remainder of the free for all brigade which will clash in the $2000 stake on July 1 are at the track Among the recent arrivals Is the New Brook stables trainer Ear! Pitman who has brought the free for all entry Ben AH and Let ly 21 the sensational son of Peter the Great who is the favdrite in the three year old trot which card also by extreme the juvenile is also here as are sev oral New York stables apd their train ers siorer John Kaine was given charge of the sewer denartment and Commissioner A Roberts was ap inted to have charge of the fire de partment and street watering Burr Smith of Greenfield former ly principal of the Brattleboro high scl ool was elected president of the high school alumni association and was authorized to appoint a commit tee to secure a bronze memorial tablet for the eight former students who gave their lives in the recent world war President Smith has appointed the following committee: Chairman Harry Estey secretary and treasurer Harry reeman Mrs Rice rederic Adams and Mrs Clarence Merrill Principal War ren will act on the committee repre senting the school Mrs Arthur Brasor gave a mu sical recital last evening in Odd el lows temple About 200 persons at tended and listened to a well rendered program of solos and duets given by Mrs pupils A meeting will be held in the taber nacle at Sunset lake after noon July at 230 and it is expected that the meetings will con tinue each Sunday afternoon during the summer season Memorial services will be observed to morrow afternoon at 6 by Sedgwick relief corps mem bers of the order going to the Pros pect Hill cemetery where the graves will be decorated and a service held Mrs Elsie Greenleaf Poupart of Wilmington has brought petition for a divorce from her husband and a hear ing of the case Mill take place before Superior Judge Harrie Chase in the municipal court room morning at 10 Last May Mr Poupart brought a petition for divorce from his wife on statutory grounds Mrs Poupart claims that her husband threatened her with violence and re fused to surrender possession of the four minor children or to allow ncr to visit them She asks that tem porary alimony be given her alo that the custody of the children be decreed to her A number from Brattleboro went bv automobile to day to Jamaica to atr tend the county convention of Chris tian endeavorers Miss lorence War riner of West Brattleboro gave an LEYLAND LINE BO ST0 1 ER Only On Class Cabin Unhpnrian July 1J Bnlietnian Auer 2 II inlfredhin July 31 I A inifredian Sept 1 WHITE STAR LINE SeAttLe Do You Know Triangle IVO It isn't a play a sea trip with Seattle at one comer Vancouver at the second and Victoria laiirhinir beyond Juan de uca Strait SEATTLE well you know Seattle VANCOUVER is Canada West from its bustling harbor under the Couchant Lions to the roof garden of its tallest hotel And VICTORIA is as English as clotted cream with more roses than you ever saw at once Play golf whenever you like it or take a spin on the Malahat Drive Magazine Contains ltlnrarlR of tour Iravlna tally to Pacific Coast Great Lakes 1004 Islands Saguenay River White Mt nnl all Eastern ort IT WILL HOLYOKE CLASSIC HELI) Ur Holyoke June 27 After the fifth attempt to settle the leadership of the Diocesan league Old Jup Pluvius again called a halt on the proceedings and necessitated a further postponement of the classic which is creating so much interest in local sp circles The game is now scheduled ir next Tuesday on the Prospect street play grounds and it is Imped that the weather man will be kind enough tn give the contenders a chance to play" off the tie now existing The St Je rome aggregation will continie jts hard practice sessions in preparation for the game to morrow morning when a fielding and hitting program will take place An effort will be made by the St Jerome management to bring ins bt John prep nine to city on Independence day" should win the final argument with Rosary clan Commissioners Meet and Name lice and ire Officers Brattleboro June 27 A meeting of the board of village commissioners was held last evening and the follow ing appointments were made: Chief of police George Wilson policemen Ellis Worden Walter Tyler and George Bover special police for the railroad station Daniel Doyle chief of the fire department and superin tendent of fire alarm rank Street er Commissioner Gibson was given charge of the police department and chosen village attorney Commis Plan to take your vacation in the heart of tlie Rockies Camping out a fishing and other wilderness joys Here are two National Parks ix National Monuments and more than twenty million acres of National orests Hundreds of miles of spectacular motor highways Thousands of summer hotels lodges ranch resorts and camp sites Trout streams and lakes full of game fish Bright wild flowers up to snow line Within the boundaries of Colorado alone arc forty peaks more than 14000 feet high Utah possesses a number of lofty mountain ranges deep canyons and the Great Salt Lake Ry Grantland Rice pecial Disptch to The Republican Toledo Juno 27 On this date week "before the Impending conflict or the amazing holocaust the situa tion seems to be as follows: Willard is getting ready at his leisure Demp eey is already ready and waiting aiid there is very little else that can be don about It aa long as old Doc Time persists in drifting along at hie accustomed pace They say the time flies it so it flies with a broken wing and a bum propeller in a fight camp six or seven days before the stew Is opened and the birds begin to sing Dempsey who has honed his con dition to a much keener edge than Willard has or will is etill working and hustling harder than the cham pion He has a better grindstone at hand for the honing process in the Jamaica Kid and Malone who are able to carry him along at a tidy pace Willard who could stand a lot more work is the one who la taking it easy But so It goes in this dizzy existence The bloke who needs it eldom gets it while the one who has all that he can carry The only interesting feature of the two training camp scones is the make up of the crowd Packed in steady layers after the manner of the suc i ulent sardine they gaze stolidly at the two leading figures displaying as much animation as one might show in observing a telegraph post in ac tion This mean that tlie row 1 tcks finer instincts in a keen apyrrriatlon of art Maybo it does niavbe it doesn't It merely means there is nothing in cither workout to cause the human pulse to hop a beat faster nr to provote one into hoarse luzzas Yet day after day they crowd he two training centers at 25 cents a There are sedate old gentlemen Mth chilly side whiskers young girls th round and wondering eyes pon derous looking matrons in sauslve or ral heliotrope prim looking old maids any number of kids around 10 rr 12 years old bums yeggmen old "Ports thosn who know nothing and rrose who know all of the seamy sidej life a cross section cut out of hu manity and lured daily to the spot trough tho immense amount of pub ity imparted to the carnival Why do they come out day after day nnd week after week to stand rows and see the same obi ting without the semblance of a nnge? This ia merely another of merry little mysteries that make the guessing contests of life any answer Those who have to toms on behalf of the press complain bitterly at the daily hardship Those who be driven away quite a world when you start sizing One thing that helps is that as fars eno can tell there is every indica tion that this Is going to be a regular hattie Dempsey is going to rush the utienoiaer from the jump for that is all he knows He is going to hitV iilard more than one lusty wallop end when he does Willard going tn stand still and wait for him Both have the wallop Both can hit 6 both can be hit This Is what ps to make it look good in advance thrr is blessed with any uncanny rv'rness on defense Dempsey is great fighter In the pugilistic sense ecause he can tear in at top speed 'nd Impart the old haymaker with eclat He is clever enough on at tacks When one of his punches lands with full power something is going to bend if not to break And even Wil lofty jawbone invulnerable Willard Is a great fighter in a pugi listic sense because he is 50 pounds bigger than any other good man in sight because ho is alive and alert far 'a man of his mold and because he knows more than a trifle about his chosen profession He merely a big dub He is the only white hope 1 of a melancholy past who and na vin nit no naan the crashing snap of Dempsey but he can hit hard enough to close out the argument any time he lands upon a vulnerable spot It Is for this reason the hitting power attached to both men that man believe the fight will go 12 rounds If either was exceeding hard to hit and forced to depend upon clev erness there might be a different story It has always been said that Willard emerges in a wild and fu tous rush from his semilethargy ths moment some rival flops him on the tobboon or stings him with a pun ishing blow Dempsey is going to dohis very thing shortly after the pat Is opened In which Case if Wil lard lives up to tradition and repu tation we are going to have two wild eyed maulers in tho ring attempt hig tn tear loose tho set moorings taw bone And one of them is go ng to turn the trick in less than 12 rounds followers ami they have100000 already at hand to back their judgment believe that Jack going to lash Jess Into any wild fury when he lands They believe he going to send his vast bulk mt 'erfng and crashing into the moon light country of silver dreams whereI1 is peace and quiet and rest un til the wet towel hits his face Millard's supporters know that Dempsey can hit the champion They hope he does or they believe Wil lard is too big to bo dropped with a and that in place of sagging ho will tear into Dempsey with the old break stuff early in the game be fore advanced years have time to wear him down against the endless stamina of exultant youth There an early belief that Dempsey would hate to get his man early ct not at all It is our opinion that Lempsey will be better after the sixth round than Willard is unless Wil lard in tho meanwhile has punished his rival beyond repair As thev look to day just a week away from the trystlng if they reach the sev enth round all even Dempsey will hav the better chance But Dempsey going to wait any seven rounds before soaking Wil lard where It and when this happens Willard is not going to wait any six or seven rounds to re strain his fury No there is no great chanc that Referee Record and his assistant judges will be called upon to render a verdict Not with Dempsey storm ing the barricades in ceaseless rushes in a clash between two men who can hit and be hit who cain hit hard and be hit fairly easy Several Important Questions for Even ing of July 7 Warren June 27 A warrant for a special town meeting to be held on IRE DISTRICT MEETING Monday evening July 7 at 8 o'clock has been posted by Constable Joseph I Committee on Lower St George It contains more important Report George business than any special meeting for Election Contest a long time The second third and I ciii fourth articles relate to the construe isisay tion of state highway in the villages Thompsonville June 1 warren anu 'test warren so as ne5 th dlslict mcetinff in to connect the new sections rebuilt I by the highway commission during I casino hall to night was taken up by tho past two years The highway I an exhaustive report from the special commission agrees to pay one half of I committee appointed at the last annu other half at least $16 006 al to see hat be done Article 5 is to raise and appropri t0 secure lower fire insurance rates ate to instal a siren fire whistle The report was made by Philip Sul to replace the present alarm whistles ijVan who explained in detail a report Article 6 is to appropriate $600 for the submitted by a representative from ihc celebration of the homecoming of England insurance exchange The Jtavo been in the I paper showed how in order to secure rticle i is to determine what action lower rates of insurance it would be the town will take relative to convert I necessary for the fire district to go to trig the Cutter property to the pur I a heavy expense to improve the poses for which it is intended The lent departments such as watermains town has held the property for 0 1 centralizing the hoschouses improve jears and now it is to be used for alment of the power station placing playground Article 8 is to see if the wires under ground and similar work town will build a cement bridge over jn order to secure a new classifica Cheney brook on the Coy hill road tion from class to class it would If it is decided to co operate with be necessary to add 130 points of the state in constructing the road credit The district already has about tne work would be begun at once and 112 points credit The committee felt the contract would go to the Pram 1 that by making these improvements Ingham construction company which it would be able to gain at least 25 is already on the ground with men and more points After a lengthy discus equipment bjon it was decided to accept the re Mi niiv a Port as progressive with the under standing that the committee would rc tucket to snonH tY'6 gone t0 san port back at a subsequent meeting Henrv Another feature of this meeting was artillerv Le th fled a contest for membership on the dis SJth diMsion has returned trict committee between George er a Phelps and Attorney Samuel Sislsky discharge at Camp The ballot resulted R6 for the latter land 50 for Phelps The report of the treasurer showed the total receipts for the year were $420751 and total ex Teams in Disagreement ancof $H41 1 leavinf? a Petnra iJ l3RS and Arms academy of Shelburne alls gunivan slmuei a ought to be played off according 1o Lp" 't22 i Sislsky clei and local sentiment The matter seems to E' Cavanauffh auditors be one of agreement as to grounds and Henry Davis newer Both teams would have been willing commission for three year term to have played at Greenfield to mor Broderick Hines was elected row but the grounds were unavail chief of the fire department and able Orange suggested Brookside Cavanaugh was chosen assistant chief park to day where a big crowd can Sloane was elected superintendent be accommodated but Arms would not I alarms agree but said they would play at It was decided to defer the levying Greenfield to day There the matter the tax rate until after the board rests I of assessors complete their real Tho grades under the high school tate valuation The assembly voted dosed to day for the summer vaca 8300 for use of the sewer commis tion The schools were kept open one sinners the meeting opened a has repucj rails mord Coach Dike of Athol high will man age the summer ball team at Hyannis tn is INDORSE BAKER Republican City Committee Says It Is Against Policy Pittsfield June 27 The city committee has refused to indorse Attorney Arthur Baker as a can didate for the republican nomination' for district attorney on the ground that it is not the policy to indorse a candidate in a primary contest The policy of the committed apparently has changed since 1916 when it indorsed Samuel AV McCall for governor as against Grafton Cush ing in a primary The committee also early last summer indorsed Mayor William Moulton as republican for renomination for mayor That was long before tho primary Chairman red Burches of th committee is in Boston to attend a meeting and dinner of the state chair men at A vtcToniA I i Nf Jw 1 W4 wkxSt 'IULmm 1 1 i i i OIK mJ rrr 1 1 1 A £2 yn BMMioI aiI I and op ingfield fl St 1 it a.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.